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Comment Re:bollocks (Score 2) 678

Well if I understand it correctly, this will actually lead to less revenue for the U.S. Government. They are not instituting a federal Internet sales tax--they are forcing merchants to collect sales tax that is due to the individual state in which the purchaser resides. Aside from the problems this will cause for smaller businesses on the Internet, this will increase the Federal deduction that individuals can claim due to payment of state taxes. Higher federal deductions == less money for the feds (though almost certainly more for the individual states.)

Comment Re:Can't cheat an honest man (Score 2) 312

With video poker, the house edge is built in to the device. The edge is that the payout schedule beats the odds of getting the hand.

In this case, the machine was defective, which generally voids all plays (this is usually written on the machines.)

The defect was that a player could trick the machine into thinking more money had been wagered than actually had been. This means that the payout schedule could be higher than the odds of getting the hand.

The guy shouldn't be charged with a crime, but the casino almost certainly has the right to demand the money back (unless they failed to post the warning about voiding plays.)

Comment Re:Great, but what does it *DO*? (Score 1) 327

I don't know why it would, given that Apple devices in general are terrible at time.

But what I want from an iWatch is the ability to access Siri, control music, and receive haptic alerts (since I often don't feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.) Two of those three are available on the Metawatch or Pebble, though the music control is really not great AFAICT.

Comment Re:No thanks (Score 1) 384

I'll say this, though--at least they ask before taking you to the mobile front page.

I only go to Slashdot from RSS, so while I actually like the new mobile discussions more, they're useless to me until the deep linking/routing is complete. Until then, I'll continue to press the button which dismisses the popup.

Comment Re:Karma Whoring. (Score 2) 248

The system is fairly customizable. The only thing you can't change is the type of moderation that people use--but you can certainly adjust the values of that moderation. For example, I penalize 'funny' posts, because usually they aren't.

Comment Re:Why the list was not from FBI: NOT massive (Score 1) 180

With a few hundred million iOS devices in the wild, an FBI list should have hundreds of millions of entries. AND it would be a hell of a lot more complete.

I have no reason to disbelieve the Blue Toad story, but your suggestion doesn't consider all of the quite reasonable possibilities.

First of all, it assumes collusion between Apple and the FBI, which isn't a requirement for the FBI to have 12million UUIDs. Even with collusion, the FBI could have requested only certain UUIDs.

More likely, the FBI has an app (Child ID.) The UUID database could have come from that. Or they could have other apps not branded with "FBI", or they could have colluded with an app developer.

The size of the database really isn't a relevant.

More to the point, though. is that the information in the leaked list isn't very useful. If they spent a lot of effort acquiring it, I feel like my tax dollars were wasted.

Regardless, the simplest, most likely explanation is that the list was stolen from Blue Toad.

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