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Comment Re:No form of power generation is without costs. (Score 1) 466

"What's an acceptable loss ratio?"

With the advent of the Patriot Act, NDAA, DHS buying billions of hollow point civilian killers ( if civilians were in possesion of these things, they would be labeled cop killers by the policy enforcers), the demise of the American people AND their symbol seems apropos.

Comment Re:Stupid Senator (Score 1) 80

Shouldn't these bought dogs be looking to balance the budget?

The deficit has been falling for years.

So has employment, buying power, intelligence levels compared to other countries. On the rise, unemployment, homelessness, death by war, death by starvation, death by out of control policy enforcers.

Comment Re:EASY (Score 1) 310

Document your correspondences to your boss when you notify vital security issues. Make sure your e-mails are not only backed-up, but you get read receipts or something showing your boss opened the e-mail (and might have read it). Keep those receipts archived. When poop hits the fan, at least, you are protected.

Then you can be labeled a leaker instead of a whistleblower. Your documents will be prime evidence of your paper terrorism, may you get what you deserve.

Comment Re:Stupid Senator (Score 0) 80

If you don't know the difference between "breaks" and "brakes", will you really understand the answers to your questions?

American tax dollars at work. Shouldn't these bought dogs be looking to balance the budget? I'm sure with all the busy schedules for re-election, trying to make sense of what these bastards are doing to the American people becomes secondary.
These CONgressMEN can only think of eliminating term limits for the presidency. A time will come when someone thinks up a way to eliminate all of THEM once and for all. I on the other hand would rather watch the new Doctor Who, where more reality is evident than what's spewing out of the dung heap in D.C.

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