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Comment Re:Ghost in the machine? (Score 1) 426

They are using a completely different model of memory than what we use, its not a gap they have shown, its an entirely different and broken system (at that scale). It's like trying to simulate the universe with an earth central theory, then claiming its impossible when it doesn't work out. "elaborate version of the 19th century mechanical turk until we get more physical insights", like only remembering small details, that you can use to figure out the rest of the details, within a tolerated error margin (completely different to computer data compression, but requires problem solving).

Comment Re:Ghost in the machine? (Score 1) 426

The mathematicians may have not accounted for logical reconstruction, or even be running the algorithm right. The brain doesn't need to remember all the details about a memory just a few important ones, and those can be continually strengthened through more use; then the brain uses logical reconstruction to construct the rest (fitting it in with any remembered details). For example trying to remember your first date, you don't start listing all the details you actively work them out from a select few (what age you were, which city you would of been in, which girl you with, what she looked like, after that it falls into place with all the other information on the subject). If you want to see this at work just look at witness testimonies, they vary wildly because of all the logical reconstruction going on, and that cant be identified as different from the remembered facts. Similar to how vision works, you don't take in the whole scene all at once, your brain makes you a working model from lots of different pieces of information, from many different times. What the researchers should of said is consciousness isn't possible by using existing methods of data retention, and compression, without natural problem solving abilities.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 90

Maybe it dosn't differ from the other propaganda, but that dosn't mean it should be done. No one likes any goverment misleading them for their own motivations, even if you do it the most, or for the longest, or if other countries do it do, it will still piss off the public.

Comment Re:Communism is the only way forward (Score 1) 870

communism hasn't been tried, we tried socialism, but communism needs a prosperous period of capitalism to occour first (splitting up a rich country betweeen the people, is much better than splitting up a poor country). If a rich society tried communism they would have a much better chance of success; If they used robots to do the jobs people don't want to, i think they have an excellent chance. I heard a chineese empror tried to get the moon and i didn't work, then the US failed multiple times, but that dosn't mean it wasn't possible.

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