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Comment Re:Communism is the only way forward (Score 1) 870

communism hasn't been tried, we tried socialism, but communism needs a prosperous period of capitalism to occour first (splitting up a rich country betweeen the people, is much better than splitting up a poor country). If a rich society tried communism they would have a much better chance of success; If they used robots to do the jobs people don't want to, i think they have an excellent chance. I heard a chineese empror tried to get the moon and i didn't work, then the US failed multiple times, but that dosn't mean it wasn't possible.

Comment Re:Need for long-term view of society (Score 1) 516

Yeah yeah yeah, and a bunch of tiny little switches and wires will never be able to run a simulation of the world, with realistic physics, which you can run around in and play against AI (warning the AI isn't actully sentient in this case), or against other human players which might be on the other side of world.

Comment Re:Need for long-term view of society (Score 1) 516

A crowdsourcing type aproach could be a possible solution. If anyone that cares enough about a paticular decision is given an oportunity to be a part of the decision making process, then they could out weigh the people just in it for them selves. Do you need to own the whole goverment or just the part that interests/effects you? For example i don't care what type of flowers are planted at our park or if school kids should have more or less holidays, but i do care about our next gen internet service.

Comment Re:Need for long-term view of society (Score 1) 516

Neruomorphic chips are going to be a big change. When we are simulating hundreds of neruons and synapses on transistors and memory it uses a huge amount of resources (transistors, silicon, memory) to do even a simple job like win jeopardy, once we are building millions of hardwired versions of these neurons and synapses (which has already started, essintally just a bunch of wires that can change resistance) it becomes much more accessible and much more powerfull.

Comment Re:Need for long-term view of society (Score 1) 516

Its an old saying that fussion is always 20 years away. That said we have had net gains in power with multiple fussion experiments now, and even a guy that claims to have produced lenr (low energy nuclear reactions) almost akin to alchemy because it turns nickle into copper. I can list all the successfull AI research and devolpment, but ultimately the only way to see who is right is to wait 10 years. To be fair the kind of AI they were talking about 50 years ago does exist today in stuff like siri, ibm watson, and driverless cars. What is going to happen over the next 10 years or so is going from simulation (ibm watson) to hardwired (neruomorphic processors) which will be much faster, cheaper and alot more energy effcient.

Comment Re:Need for long-term view of society (Score 1) 516

They didn't have a period of prosperous capitalism first, that lenin predicted they would need. There are two problems to face with commuism. First if your country and people are all poor, splitting up what little you have and sharring it equally just means a lot of people have next to nothing. Secondly if all people are equal, and paid equal, how do you convince some people their job is to clean toilets while other people are testing video games. A period of properous capitilism while the country builds industry and gets rich solves the first problem, the second problem is solved with robot toilet cleaners.

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