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Comment Re:Telomeres, tiny 'hairs' that split DNA for dupi (Score 1) 422

it should be harmless given your description. Doesn't mean it actually is. It could change the way some foods are digested. It could promote different digestive bacteria. It could chemically react with enzymes in your stomach. I suspect that it is none of the above. People who drink soda get fat. Fat people have more cells replicating/repairing than skinny people. You would expect that to lead to smaller telomeres.

Comment lead makes you crazy (Score 1) 407

Crime went down in that period because they remove lead from gasoline in the 90's. Lead in the air was driving people slightly crazy leading to more crime. This was especially pronounced in cities where the air was much dirtier than the countryside. Crime went down everywhere where lead was removed. Had nothing to do with how the police fought crime.

Comment When does a language die. (Score 1) 547

A language dies when there are no longer programmers who are able to code in it. The langauge literally dies as people retire and die off. Well documented languages that are simple to learn will never die. COBAL is dying as a useful language as new programmers stop learning it and people retire. Economics still provide enough incentive for people to learn the language so it is dying slowly. They things listed at the top are still on peoples resumes. So they are not dying

Comment Re:Color Me Surprised (Score 1) 335

Also, international law in the form of signed treaties are law in the US, per the Constitution.

Treaties require a 2/3 vote by the Senate in the US Constitution. This vote creates a local law. The Senate can repeal that law. So like I said. International law only exists if the participating countries enforce it with local laws. The closest thing to international law in the United States are rights. Under American legal philosophy these rights are not created by the Constitution. Rather they are given to man by God or are self evident human rights. Thus privacy, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, our God given rights. They apply to non citizens because God gave those rights to all people.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 127

1) Your bottom two points don't really pan out. A simplified mission means less things to check and double check. 2) The contract was taking crew to the space station. Capsules are proven method of doing that. If NASA is going to spend money on a space plane mission it should have the plane do something else.

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