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Submission + - UK prisons ministry fined for lack of encryption at prisons

Bruce66423 writes: reports that the UK Information Commissioner has levied a fine of £180,000 on the Ministry of Justice for their failure to encrypt the data held on external hard drives at prisons. The fine is nominal — one part of government fining another is rather pointless, but it does show that there's a little bit of accountability. Of course it's interesting to consider the dangers of this hopefully old way of storing backups; but the question of whether we do a lot better now is quite pointed.

Comment Good question, and I'm guessing (Score 1) 561

but it may well be that at the time of interviews there is no expectation of paying less to women, and that the salary negotiation is a detail after the decision to appoint the individual; that women end up being cheaper is therefore a permanently unexpected bonus, not something which the recruitment process is equipped to take advantage of; no choice is ever being made to employ the cheaper. Therefore men and women will be recruited purely on the basis their skill set.

Comment It's not extra-judicial (Score 4, Informative) 52

There is an judicial organisation with responsibility for oversight of this. The question is whether they are doing their job, and whether the penalties for abuse are sufficient. Given that the answer to both is probably 'no', we clearly do have a problem, but it's too simple to say it is 'extra-judicial'.

Comment 17 years ago is a long time for such a system (Score 2) 124

The question is whether appropriate maintenance was done subsequently; a failure to do so would indeed constitute a symptom of the infrastructure crisis, which is often caused by routine maintenance being cut as a 'painless' cost saving for a financially strapped government. Then it comes back and bites them...

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