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Comment Re:Perhaps time to investigate other materials... (Score 1) 170

They don't put spares in cars any more because they use up trunk space and that's a competitive point. They still put spares on pickup trucks because they can be stored beneath.

Actually most cars still have a well for a full-sized spare, the manufacturers just cheap out for aforementioned reasons.

My boss was just telling us about a Malibu he used to own - had a flat, and when he went to change it, in the well where the spare should have been Chevy installed a 12v air compressor and a bottle of that green goo shit that never works... but no spare.

Comment Re:Fair is fair (Score 3, Insightful) 407

By that do you mean that it would be perfectly fair for Ivanka to argue "what, at this point, does it matter?" Or maybe that it would be fair of the FBI to recommend against charges (despite admitting that a crime was committed) like they did with Hillary?

That would be fair.

Comment Re:We don't know (Score 1) 172

I don't understand why some people, like you, get all offended and butthurt when someone points out that what we call "AI" today isn't actually an example of what we understand AI to be, to the point where you feel compelled to attack and insult your entire species.

Look - "AI" isn't actual intelligence - it can't reason. It can only give a particular output based on the inputs and human-directed training given to it. Humans, on the other hand, have an ability to rationalize and reason starting at an early age - human babies naturally know that if you pass object A behind object B, it's very likely that object A will re-appear on the other side of object B, and will follow that assumption visually; Nobody has to tell a baby "keep an eye out for object A to re-appear."

A modern "AI," on the other hand, will see object A pass behind object B, and assume that "OMG OBJECT A NO LONGER EXISTS!" Unless, of course, some human has specifically told the "AI" that no, object A will eventually re-appear. It's not intelligence, because intelligence can infer and reason, and does not have to be directly told what the outcome should be.

There's absolutely no reason this information should offend you.

Comment Re:True art? (Score 1) 172

"True art". What does that even mean?

That was my first thought. Along the lines of --- first, define "True Art."

To misappropriate a quote from Potter Stewart, I know it when I see it.

Comment Black Pixels (Score 1) 61

Whether or not black pixels save energy is the technological equivalent of the "are eggs healthy" debate:

CRT screen? Black saves energy over white by not firing the beam at the dark pixels.

LCD screen? White saves energy over black by not diffusing the backlight.

OLED/AMOLED screen? Black saves energy by not lighting the pixel.

So will the next revolution in display technology swing the pendulum back?

Comment Re:They say... (Score 3, Interesting) 217

Thanks for the link. I read the article and many of the comments.
What do you think about this one?

The same thing I think about anyone who claims that a major moment in human history boils down to 1 factor - it's bullshit, man.

Yes, slavery was a factor, but not the only factor. Consider the tariffs I linked to, then ask yourself: under those trade rules, how would the Southern states have managed to survive without the use of slave labor? The fact is, they wouldn't have, so in a way the Northern states forced the South to rely on slavery, then punished those states for it.

The fact is, our American Civil War was complicated, both the reasons for it's beginning and continuation (fun fact - Lincoln floated the idea of leaving slavery legal in some states, to preserve the union). What's interesting as an American is that the angle historians take on the conflict tends to be defined by where you get the education: Northern states tend to teach the "Civil War was about slavery" concept, Southern states lean towards the "state's rights" ideology, and Border states (like where I'm from) tend to take a more middle-of-the-road, "both of you are assholes" mentality.

Comment Re:Is it a good idea? (Score -1) 257

The fact that you insist on referring to non-Western Europeans as "savages" strongly indicates that you're a dickhead.

That's what they were referred to as, at the time.

Sure, back when Euro-centric white supremecists ran the world. But that's not the world we live in anymore, and at this point in history we are well aware that the "savage races" weren't actually all that savage, and in fact many of them were highly advanced for their time.

So why is AC still using the term "savages" to refer to non-Western European cultures, and why the fuck are you defending the practice?

Comment Re:No surprises there (Score 1) 217

The only reason for the previous AI winter was the fact that the AI at that time could not be monetized. We are way beyond that now. AI is making profit, and therefore there is continued effort to market it and make even more money.

FTFY. "marketability" and "improvement" are not necessarily synonymous.

Comment Re:What about "hate speech"? (Score 1) 153

I have been paying a bit of attention. Help me out. GoDaddy was providing which service for them, and why can't they just hop on CrisisHost or something?

Because CrisisHost is another private company that has no more legal compulsion to honor the First Amendment rights of it's customers than GoDaddy? Private platforms are private platforms.

Why can't they sign up with the Government-provided domain hosting service, that would guarantee the right to free expression? Because nobody has that option.

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