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Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 2) 420

Even hands-free setups have been proven unsafe, as it's not holding the phone that's dangerous, it's the fact that the driver is paying attention to something other than driving.

The fact that you claim texting and driving is safe at any speed indicates that I was correct in my originally assertion - you're trying to excuse dangerous behaviour because you, personally, choose to engage in it.

Not cool. You nor anyone else is so important to society that you get a pass on dangerous behavior.

Comment Drones (Score 1) 420

People who fly drones irresponsibly create a serious hazard to others, so improper drone operation should be a felony too, right? Or people who use their 3D printer to make weapons, ooh, that can be dangerous too, so lets make them felons as well.

Hell, if making a crime a felony is a deterrant, why not go for broke and make all crimes felonies?

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

First of all, America has a pretty low violent crime rate. We have a high homicide rate, but I think I can safely say that is because we are uniquely flooded with cheap handguns. But I digress...

The majority of those homicides are committed by gang member against other gang members - something like 78% of people killed with handguns have felony records.

So, probably less of a "too many handguns" problem, and more of a "too many gangbangers" problem - one that appears to be slowly solving itself.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

Missouri is the same way, and from what I've seen it's pretty effective - once you've been forced to pay around $2,000/mo for 6 months just getting your car to start, all but the most hardcore alcoholics tend to get the hint.

The serious drunks (like one of my uncles)? Yea, they don't give a fuck, they'll just drive illegally registered vehicles with no license.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

Why do you think that me not wanting to change idiots into criminals mean that I don't care about the victims of idiots?

Does turning idiots into criminals somehow benefit the victims?

I'm guessing it's because the person you're responding to is a selfish idiot themselves, which is why they can't fathom consequences that extend beyond the tip of their microscopic penis.

Comment Re:I was suspicious from the moment they denied it (Score 1) 282

I was suspicious of the U.S. allegations that the North Korean government was behind it when the North Koreans denied it was them.

Yes, because the North Koreans are forthright and honest chaps, their statements are always unbiased and true...

Sure, but in fairness, American TLA's aren't well known for their honesty, either. Remember James 'my job is to lie to the American people' Clapper?

Comment Re:My best was 45 minutes (Score 2) 246

Next time they call I plan on acting amazed that my new computer can tell it's infected even before I inbox it. I then intend to see if I can get them to walk me (an idiot, of course) through putting it together so I can let them "help" fix it.

Here's hoping it kills an hour or more of their time :)

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