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Comment Re:Giving it power (Score 1) 818

That's riiiight, there aren't any Neo-Nazis in Germany. How silly of me. Oh wait, the exact opposite is true.

I would be willing to argue that the swastika evokes a stronger emotional response in Germany than the confederate flag does here in the states.

Did you know that in Germany, where the swastika is banned, neo-nazi's fly the Confederate battle flag?

Thus proving that banning symbols does nothing about the ideology they symbolize.

Comment Re:Giving it power (Score 1) 818

I don't understand why there has suddenly been such a huge push to eradicate the rebel flag. It isn't like there has been a sudden groundswell in people who are opposed to racism or race-related violence...

Count the number of articles you find on mass media sites about the Confederate flag.

Now, count the number of articles on the same site about something important, say, the Trans-Pacific Partnership becoming law

Compare the numbers.

Now you should understand.

Comment Re:Bandwagon (Score 1) 818

The outrage over the flag wasn't that the flag itself exists. It was that a State of the United States of America had it flying over or in front of their capitol building, and worse still than that, was doing it as a "Fuck you" to the rest of the country for "imposing" civil rights on it.

That's what outrages reasonable people.

Not a lot of people are reasonable, it seems.

By all appearances, the majority are indeed outraged that said flag exists.

Personally, I agree that having it on the state flag is the only real thing to be upset about. And then people call me racist.

Comment Re:straw man (Score 1) 818

Pretty sure legitmacy to their cause is not something most/any racist requires.

really? so why did the killer wear flags of apartheid countries on his clothes?

OP's not talking about this one douche, he's referring to racists in general.

Having spent a LOT of time around these sorts of folks due to geographic proximity, I can assure you that the majority of them need no justification for their hate.

At least, nothing more profound than, "bee-cuz ah hate niggers!"

Comment Re:Double standard pandering (Score 1) 818

If I want a small Confederate Flag for a historical display

By "historical display" do you mean a Klan rally?

They most certainly mean "Civil War Re-enactments," as they are extremely popular nation wide.

But acknowledging that simple, obvious fact wouldn't have afforded you the opportunity to personally attack other people, so I totally understand.

Comment Re:Double standard pandering (Score 1) 818

You can buy from any of the thousands of stores which aren't ebay or Walmart.

My family is ordering as much Confederate flag merch as they can for their shop, precisely because of Wal-Mart's decision.

Also the hundred rednecks who have come in the past week, looking for Confederate flag stuff. Capitalism, baby!

Comment Re:Boo hoo... (Score 1) 818

... so why oh why do we still let an enemy oppressor flag still fly in this country?

Because the First Amendment.

What are we celebrating by doing so?

The First Amendment.

How is it that we all, by 3rd grade, knew what the First Amendment said, but somehow there are millions of people out there who think their personal butthurt about a topic somehow allows for the denial of those rights to others?

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