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Comment Re:One problem solved, now the other... (Score 1) 698

Your lame attempt to assassinate the character of the previous poster fails on account of the fact that he's right. In addition, every mass killer since 1980 has been prescribed some form of psychotropic mood-altering pharmaceutical.

Which you would know, if you spent your time educating yourself rather than insulting other people for idiotic reasons.

Comment Re:Reality is unrealistic. (Score 1) 698

So then, the question becomes: are the companies selling these systems doing their due diligence and making sure that they can only be triggered by those specific characteristics... or are they half-assing it, off-shoring the programming and pocketing the rest of that juicy government contract? A la the assholes who first built the Obamacare site?

Comment Re:Dumb idea ... Lots of assumptions .... (Score 1) 698

You think that's bad, you should have heard my neighbor's 8-year-old when she was telling me about how they're "teaching" her third grade class about copyright - basically that anything someone else had done can't be done again because it's illegal, no exceptions.

Poor thing was devastated, because she thought she couldn't do a report on her favorite book because a classmate already did one. I'd be raising hell if she were my kid.

Comment Re:Dumb idea ... Lots of assumptions .... (Score 1) 698

You can go to any gun show and pick up a crate full of Mosin Nagant pistols for as cheap as 20 bucks each, No background check.

If "availability of guns" was really an issue, why is it nobody commits crimes with Mosin Nagant pistols? By your theory every crime would be committed with one, since they're so abundantly available.

Comment Re:Dumb idea ... Lots of assumptions .... (Score 3, Insightful) 698

I certainly hope you're not implying that US police are in a position to justly determine who qualifies, considering recent history.

Seriously, I figured after the government's reaction to the Occupy and Ferguson protests, the left-wingers would have realized that maybe Big Brother isn't the trustworthy soul they always believed in.

Also, per the Constitution, self defense is a legitimate reason to own guns... hell, "I like guns" is a legitimate reason. Don't like it, move to Amend. Its your only legal avenue.

Comment Re:here we go (Score 1) 834

And you feel free keep being a childish racist who blames "the white man" for all your own failings (though I do congratulate you on successfully proving OP's point that there's a double standard regarding who it's "OK" to mock because of their race and/or gender) and can't handle reading a contradictory response without mentally retarding yourself to around the third grade level.

Fuckin' bigot.

Comment Translation (Score 1) 301

Chief Townsend believes it is a huge privacy concern, as officers often see people on their worst days. "People with mental illness, people in domestic violence situations; do we really want to have to put that video out on YouTube for people? I think that's pushing it a little bit,"

Wow, I'm a bit shocked to see he showed enough restraint to not spout some bullshit about "terrorists" too.

Comment Re:anonymously (Score 1) 301

Plus, cops have had cameras in their patrol cars for decades, yet people mass-requesting videos from bodycams is some sort of new thing? Um, wouldn't the same laws apply to those videos as do the ones from dashcams? Shouldn't the police chief know that?

The more I think about this, the more it starts to smell like bullshit.

Comment Re:Legalities (Score 1) 301

No. Absolutely not. There should not be more than a reasonable fee for a copy.

$1 per page is pretty standard for copying paper documents, a minute of footage costs considerably more.

You haven't demonstrated that $10/Minute is an unreasonable fee for the purpose of limiting the amount of content that will be exported.

It would only limit access to people of limited means, and when it comes to public record you're not allowed to dick people over just because they're too poor.

Well, in theory, anyway.

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