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Comment I hate hardware (Score 1, Interesting) 150

I hate hardware and for all intents and purposes it can go shove itself up its own ass. As a result I very much love the cloud, no matter how much of a buzzword it is. Let someone else worry about the tedious busywork it is to get one piece of hardware to talk to another. Oh what's that? A disk died? I don't give a damn because I don't have to drive 30 minutes each direction just to change it. Ha!

Comment Re:Costs (Score 1) 315

But why use a redundant unit of measurement that is, or is not, literally derived from the meter, depending on in which archaeic country you're in?

"Psah! The mile was first!" -You, in the future.

Yes, but your very own government decided in the 1950s to make an international standard, to which I might add only your government and country adheres, which defines a yard as exactly 0.9144 meters, and one yard gives three feet, and 5600-something feet give a mile (who the hell even bothers to remember such irrelevant details? Make it base-10 already). So your mediocre, confusing and derivative unit of measurement stinks. Go fuck yourself.

Comment Assisted suicide (Score 2, Insightful) 40

The guy was paralyzed enough to not be able to do any work on a computer in 2011, and yet he doesn't die until 3 years later. I know that Christianity runs strong in the blood of American politics and that this prevents assisted suicide from ever becoming a thing over there, but God damn it. That has got to fucking suck. Dibs on that not happening to me.

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