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Comment Assisted suicide (Score 2, Insightful) 40

The guy was paralyzed enough to not be able to do any work on a computer in 2011, and yet he doesn't die until 3 years later. I know that Christianity runs strong in the blood of American politics and that this prevents assisted suicide from ever becoming a thing over there, but God damn it. That has got to fucking suck. Dibs on that not happening to me.

Comment How to summary (Score 1) 96

Researchers will demonstrate the process used to spy on smartphones using gyroscopes at Usenix Security event on August 22, 2014. Researchers from Stanford and a defense research group at Rafael will demonstrate a way to spy on smartphones using gyroscopes at Usenix Security event on August 22, 2014.

Why the redundancy? Post must be longer than 100 characters?

Comment Re:So... Sorry, but no (Score 1) 65

Really? I wouldn't exactly say USA has a good track record of protecting peoples free speech. Is your phone encrypted when you pass a checkpoint? You go to jail. Is your laptop encrypted when you pass a checkpoint? You go to jail. Have you googled pipe bombs or vacuum cleaners? You go to jail. Have you blown the whistle on your governments criminal activities? You get to be chased halfway across the planet and go to jail if you're caught. If you do anything your government doesn't like you're labelled a terrorist and, you guessed it, you go to jail.

If anything I'd say that the USA is one of the least free countries in the world, ranking alongside places like Niger and Congo. Not to mention it's the only 21st century country where slavery is still permitted. Slavery you say, why Abe did away with that! No he didn't. Just look at your jails. They're full of slaves working for pennies, and if they refuse they go to isolation.

Comment Re:TCO (Score 1) 158

You can use your Puppet/Chef tool to generate DSC information for Server 2012+. Was it hard 10 years ago? Sure. These days? Not so much. There's just the problem that Linux admins are so inherently afraid of Windows that they'd never dare keep up with what's going on with it, out of fear of being rejected by their *NIX peers, and Windows people have a disturbing tendency to stop learning as soon as they figure out they can open up GUI interfaces.

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