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Comment Re:equality of outcome (Score 0) 320

The dumbest part is the organizations already do this. You'll consistently across find across all esports tournaments that you have tournaments and then you have womens tournaments. How's that for equal rights. And of course no one argues if women want to join the regular tournament, but there has to be a special one just for them because... well I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it has something to do with their breasts, and attracting more men to look at their breasts. But we wouldn't actually say that anywhere, no, instead we say that we enjoy diversifity. We enjoy being so diversifited that women need to do everything men do, just to prove women are just as handicapable as men. But do you know what the worst part is? Women fucking suck unbelievably much at computer games. Really. They do. It is so god-fucking awful to watch women play computer games, even on a "professional" level. You've probably already come across it. Women playing football or women playing soccer. They're just so shamefully bad I can't believe anyone would actually pay to watch it. It's like, dude, seriously, have you never fucking heard of the internet? It's full of naked women. Please stop paying out your ass to watch this ridiculous spectacle. What NFL team in their right mind would hire a woman to play for them when they're just not suited for it? They get massacred. They are physically incapable of competing with men in sports. Nature made them this way, not society. Why the fuck do all the men of the world have to suffer because it's unfair that women don't get an inherent advantage? Why do women need special treatment to compensate for them being underrepresented? You're a woman you say? Well here's a free pass to the finals where you get your face blown off cause you're terrible. What's that, no women won any of our tournaments you say? Well shit, let's give everyone a fucking trophy and do away with competition altogether. We don't watch or play competitively to win anyway, it's all about having fun! Right? Girls just want to have fun? Well boys want to fucking win and they will punch eachother in the face to do it. What happens when women do this? Why it's degrading! It's horrible! It's shameful for women to behave like men. Only when it suits them is it unfair that they aren't all men.

Comment So... (Score 1) 197

Won't this European network just be subject to the same censorship and spying paid for by American and Asian entities, as the current internet is anyway? Are there even any non-American and non-Asian entities capable of implementing and maintaining such a large scale network on their own, including using their own custom built non-American, non-Asian hardware, manufactured in a non-American, non-Asian factory?

This is a seriously complex undertaking they're suggesting.

Comment Re:I support Mr. Mikko Hyppone (Score 3, Funny) 248

A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"

Comment It's not racist (Score 1) 612

It's not racist, it's culturally biased.

The thing is, people who take CS courses are typically in the smarter end of the spectrum, and they have no desire to associate themselves with the gangsta/mafioso/ghetto cultures, because whatever little these cultures bring to a classroom is rarely enough to compensate for the disruption they also bring. These cultures do not tolerate smartness, so they don't go well with a science course.

It does happen that people from these cultures break free from the taboo and land themselves in college, and that's fantastic, but blaming CS for their hardships isn't the right way to go about it.

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