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Comment Re:Where was the flight attendant? (Score 2) 737

A pilot can not be left alone in cockpit with a terrorist because the terrorist will kill the pilot. A flight attendant can not be left alone in cockpit with a pilot because the pilot will fuck the flight attendant. A terrorist can not be left alone in cockpit with a flight attendant because the flight attendant will have the terrorist to return to his seat.

Submission + - Passphrases You Can Memorize That Even The NSA Can't Guess 2

HughPickens.com writes: Micah Lee writes at The Intercept that coming up with a good passphrase by just thinking of one is incredibly hard, and if your adversary really is capable of one trillion guesses per second, you’ll probably do a bad job of it. It turns out humans are a species of patterns, and they are incapable of doing anything in a truly random fashion. But there is a method for generating passphrases that are both impossible for even the most powerful attackers to guess, yet very possible for humans to memorize. First, grab a copy of the Diceware word list, which contains 7,776 English words — 37 pages for those of you printing at home. You’ll notice that next to each word is a five-digit number, with each digit being between 1 and 6. Now grab some six-sided dice (yes, actual real physical dice), and roll them several times, writing down the numbers that you get. You’ll need a total of five dice rolls to come up with each word in your passphrase. Using Diceware, you end up with passphrases that look like “cap liz donna demon self”, “bang vivo thread duct knob train”, and “brig alert rope welsh foss rang orb”. If you want a stronger passphrase you can use more words; if a weaker passphrase is ok for your purpose you can use less words. If you choose two words for your passphrase, there are 60,466,176 different potential passphrases. A five-word passphrase would be cracked in just under six months and a six-word passphrase would take 3,505 years, on average, at a trillion guesses a second.

After you’ve generated your passphrase, the next step is to commit it to memory.You should write your new passphrase down on a piece of paper and carry it with you for as long as you need. Each time you need to type it, try typing it from memory first, but look at the paper if you need to. Assuming you type it a couple times a day, it shouldn’t take more than two or three days before you no longer need the paper, at which point you should destroy it. "Simple, random passphrases, in other words, are just as good at protecting the next whistleblowing spy as they are at securing your laptop," concludes Lee. "It’s a shame that we live in a world where ordinary citizens need that level of protection, but as long as we do, the Diceware system makes it possible to get CIA-level protection without going through black ops training"

Comment Re:wikipedia have not only messed that (Score 1) 264

Not if the "substantial edits" can cite a biased journal or "news" site that support the new claims. Wikipedia has a serious problem with controversial topics because "the rule of Wikipedia is that authority trumps accuracy," and people with big megaphones and too much time on their hands can find or make "authoratative" sources that support their worldview regardless of the facts.

Comment Re:eh (Score 4, Insightful) 290

The problem isn't that the day after the bill gets passed, we'll experience a media blackout. These things happen in steps. Thailand started censoring porn, but once the system and precedent was established they went on to censoring political content. Many, many other countries followed similar paths, starting by censoring some things and then getting worse and worse. (disable javascript to view Wikipedia)

Also, "facilitating the commission" of copyright infringement (which SOPA and PIPA includes in their infringing site definition) is so broad that the many non-tech-savvy judges will be able to be influenced through heavy lobbying by MPAA and the like.

Lastly, H.R. 3261, Title I, 103.d (in SOPA) does allow plaintiffs to issue court orders to service providers from what I understand.

Submission + - IBM creates question-answering algorithm (nytimes.com)

religious freak writes: IBM has created and made the question answering algorithm, Watson, available online. Watson has competed in and won a majority of (mock) matches against humans in Jeopardy. Watson does not connect to the Internet to answer his questions and seeks answers using many different algorithms then employs a ranking algorithm to choose the best answer. Click on 'original source' below to try your luck against Watson.

Comment Re:Bad title (Score 2, Funny) 105

Agreed. My first thought after reading the title was a large network of machines making microsecond stock purchases and sales with other machines, hoping that its algorithms are good enough to turn a profit. Some senior British official proposed a small fee per stock transaction to prevent that from happening, claiming that it would hurt the "buy and hold" stock purchasers, but I hadn't heard anything for a while. Samsonite? I was way off!

Comment You game on Fedora? (Score 1) 160

As a PC owner with a polarized projector setup, I'm mush more interested in ATI's Catalyst 10.3 coming out in March that will have 3D support in the stereoscopic sense. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/catalyst-eyefinity-radeon,2559-2.html (Yes, I know it's offtopic. It still makes me giddy and I don't have anyone else to tell.)

Comment Re:How I beat my own addiction (Score 1) 59

A few years ago, I started masturbating, well I must admit that I was instantly hooked-up. I spent the next 3 years masturbating hardcore, and became very good at it. Eventually, I managed to become quite skilled and could go for hours at a time. I was very successfull in masturbating... That was until I lost everything, when my -ahem- was blown by a woman and I realized it fely way, way better. In a heartbeat, I lost everything I had, everything I spent time for. I realised that it took only a second to destroy three entire years of efforts. I finally "woke up", stopped masturbating and never touched it again. Peoples need to understand that masturbating is just that - it doesnt result in anything - the only real thing is the time and commitment one can spend on masturbating.

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