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Comment Re:Ian Jackson (Score 1) 522

Ian Jackson is a man of principle, and the way the final vote was done within the TC [Technical Committee] was certainly objectionable: he was in the middle of discussing what should be on the ballot when Bdale Garbee called for an immediate vote on the same subject but with a totally different ballot. Then when the vote came to a tie, Bdale used the "casting" vote, meaning he had two votes where all the other TC members had only one. Furthermore Bdale's friend and close business partner Keith Packard had just recently joined the TC.

Furthermore this GR [General Resolution] isn't about reversing the TC decision nor in changing the default init system for the Jessie release -- it's about giving the other init systems a fair chance by making them possible to use by making the bugs in packages causing them to break RC [Release Critical]. That's all.

And he did bring this GR up in March, but at that time the Debian community was more hopeful that support would continue for the other init systems, but instead support for everything else has waned -- Ubuntu immediately decided to switch to systemd and drop upstart, and there have been issues with support for other packages concerning the standard sysv-rc init -- all of which Ian had expected to happen.

The main objection from Debian developers concerns the timing of this GR only because the Jessie release is nearing, but ... Ian did bring this up in March...

I'd encourage anyone reading the above tripe to read the debian-project lists and form their own opinion based on facts. Failure to do so is problematic.

Comment Re:my experience (Score 1) 522

Problems I had with systemd on jessie before giving up.. 1/ When using virtualbox and mount my shared vboxsf using fstab... system died. No login prompt... nada just stuck. 2/ In another case (i still dont know the root cause) I got the emergency console with the messsage to fix the problem after login... But unfortunately I couldn't type anyhting at the prompt 3/ Jetty did'nt start. Nothing in systemd journal, nothing in /var/log/jetty). Forced the thing to use the normal init script and found the problem within 10seconds. So my conclusion is that it's not stable at this point in time and not for main deployment. I hope that debian is offering multiple init systems. Linux is about choice.. So let people choose... We can choose already the desktop, why not the init system?

Error messages? cat /etc/fstab?

You do know that Jessie is not Stable - right?

It's possible that your lack of literacy might by an obstacle... (simple is an synonym for what?)

Comment Context folks (Score 1) 522

Debian wanted an init system for the linux kernel - and the KFree-BSD kernel, and the Hurd kernels. Reassess you suggestions in that light and don't forget it's the developers who have implement this - ask the impossible and lose developers. It is that simple.

I expect I'll get down-voted to obscurity for bringing facts to this ignorance fest/celebration of One-bookian, Unix-deluded, festival of ignorance.

Did I mention that Debian never dropped alternative init systems? Too late - cue the conservative hate.

Comment That's just bullshit, not estrogen from the "Pill" (Score 5, Insightful) 147

"Estrogens ain't estrogens (Sol)"

And why is this not "the best source" - peer reviewed... did I miss some bad science?

I thought an experiment based on a false belief that estrogen from the Pill is the same estrogen that is found in waterways was bad science - like the flawed UK research it was "based on".

The researcher refers to "estrogen-like" in the science press, but the term "birth control pills" is quoted in the non-science press. Need for publicity, bad reporting, or both?

cough*Dairy farmers*cough(??)

Comment Re:Open Standards, Not stupid plugins. (Score 2) 166

HTML 5 is ideal but one of my problems with using pure HTML and JavaScript for certain tasks is that implementation can vary wildly and performance even more so. Browser A might implement only a part of the standard, Browser B might implement the entire standard and Browser C has no support and worse is when all of them fully support the standard but Browser A is super slow compared to Browser B and Browser C is basically unusable.

I guess that's the price you pay for deciding to ride the bleeding edge. When HTML5 reaches the Recommendation status perhaps the browser developers will concentrate on supporting it (the standard) rather than speculating on which of their proposed implementations will give "the bigger market share"/"scratch their biggest itch". Until then there will continue to be a lot dog-waving by the tails.
Oh wait... HTML 4 was a different dog, same leg action - but good developers worked with the differences.

Bleeding edge has a great view, but not everyone enjoys it e.g. nothing more annoying than listening to butthurt little boys that insist on riding bikes without seats.

Comment Re:He didn't make a mistake? (Score 1) 281

With hindsight Zuckerberg made no mistake. But for every Zuckerberg who drops out and makes Billions anyway, there many more with equally good ideas that tried a similar path, and through worse luck ended up going bust. Anecdotes are not data.

For every Zuckeberg that dropped out of college there are many others that dropped out of college because it was too hard.


And the majority that completed college and further education do better financially than the majority that drop out of college. Guess which majority is larger?

There's a reason why the majority of new immigrants from poor countries work hard to put their kids through higher education - it's so their kids can do better. And that's not based on anecdotal evidence. Education means choices - one of which is to make more money.

For every uneducated success story there are many, many, more educated sucess stories. They're just not considered new worthy ('cos we "knew that").

For every Zuckeberg that dropped out of college there are many others that dropped out of college that have never had a good idea in their lives.

For every Zuckeberg that dropped out of college there are many others that dropped out of college that have never had a good idea that they pursued.

For every Zuckeberg that dropped out of college there are many others that dropped out of college and don't come from wealthy families.

There are millions of people who dropped out of college that aren't complete a-holes.

um, cos I don't want to be a waffle waitress? ~ some dead clever guy

Comment Re:Stunning. (Score 1) 227

Okay, if you want to nitpick over semantics, technically you are correct.

Semantics is when I tell you to go look up the meaning of semantics (the meaning of which you don't comprehend). Maybe you "meant" nitpicking and just got too emotionally attached to your own insistence that wget "needing to know if the directory exists" - which'd explain why you're now out on a limb with Shirley McLain trying to shift those goal posts to "shitty basis for a web crawler" - "not designed for that" (when wrong digress?). Neither of which I disagree with, their just not relevant to anything other than your ego.

While you're there looking up the difference between parenthisis and semantics, check the meaning of sophist argument, context, and recalcitrant.

As for what wget was designed for - you conflate wishful "thinking" on your part with the designs of Hrvoje and Giuseppe. A little arrogant don't you think?

Comment Re:Stunning. (Score 1) 227

(wget) "needing to know if the directory exists".

I did RTFM, and no, I'm not wrong

You expand beyond the quotes. So yes, you are wrong.

If a comment was directed at you I've quoted it, otherwise it's directed at the thread. But then - when it rains you shake your fist at the sky and cry "why rain on me?". Too much emotional content.

I do this stuff for a living, man.

I make stuffups like that for a living, man.

TFTFY (your comprehension skills are exceeded only by your vanity).

Comment Re:Beta sucks! (Score 1) 164

Down with Beta! Leave Classic, or we'll go to Hacker News!

You've made your case, though it's not the one you thought you were making. Now fuck off back to reddit or post some more comments on Youtuber.

And take your PCmalware plugs with you (I think you know where you can stick them).

P.S. don't take that the wrong way.

Comment Re: I'm male but... (Score 1) 545

Feel free to point to a single employment ad for open source code that "pays well."

g e s t a l t _ n _ p e p p e r d spells recalcitrant..

Look what I found on the "internet" (have you heard of it?)


Now you can do your juvenile denial dance about "pays well". There used to be a test administered by doctors - they'd heat a spoon over a flame and offer it to a child, if they refused they were normal, if they grabbed it once they were an idiot, if they grabbed it twice they were a moron - do you remember it?. You've been grabbing that hot spoon your whole life. Don't take this the wrong way - but kill yourself. You're lowering the standards - on /. no less.

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