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Comment Re:express train to bankrupt (Score 1) 115

I have a home that has light switches in bad locations. The construction does not make it easy to rewire, so I'm using the home automation equipment to create 'virtual' light switches in the locations where I want them without having to have the 'switch' on the same circuit as the light.

As one example, the previous owner split one bedroom into two, but left the single switch (which now controls both rooms). I can install the HA outlets in the rooms, and thus achieve independent outlet switching without having to run new wire.

Comment Re:One ring to rule them all? (Score 1) 115

Not me. I've just started wiring my house using the Z-wave tech. I've got an old heavy plasma television, and that's about it as far as easily fungible assets are concerned. Anyone talented enough to start hacking the home automation stuff is clever enough to go after things which are less likely to get you caught with a truck full of stolen goods.

Comment Re:Gotta say... (Score 1) 122

Imagine that some odd radiation caused all the seatbelts in cars to deteriorate and become weak. For most of us this wouldn't actually be a problem. A good percentage of us will not be in an accident that requires them.

You can see where this is headed. The reason we aren't dropping dead in the street is because we DO have effective antibiotics for when those antibiotics will help. Prior to the discovery of antibiotics a great number of people were dying due to infections. I don't remember the exact source, but in 1910, I recall that infections were the leading cause of death, beating out heart disease.

Comment Re:They are pretending that they do not know (Score 2) 103

What happens when those "criminal gangs" are just fronts for government espionage and/or attacks to slowly undermine your own country's industry?

That's the problem they are faced with right now, the same way some corporations get away with abuses through 'shell companies', governments are using these 'shell criminal gangs' as a means to unofficially sanction behavior which the government uses to maintain plausible deniability. The challenge is deciding on a point where overlooking 'criminal' activity reaches 'warfare' levels.

Comment Re:JavaScript (Score 1) 230

Which is great if you only visit the same sites. I try to do something similar to what you request, but if you don't have a regular set of websites you visit, you are going to be constantly twiddling permissions.

It's annoying enough when it's just me, but my parents/wife/family respond, "This website is broken, your setup drives me nuts, I just want things to work."

Comment Re:geo-blocking (Score 1) 363

Honestly we should really pass a law prohibiting the insane amount of license subdivision that goes on in the IP world. Yes, that would mean that the content can't be monitized in a manner to maximize the dollar output, but maximizing revenue isn't the point of copyright in the first place. The point of copyright is to maximize CONTENT not profit.

So much content is encumbered by innumerable licensing agreements that a good portion of it might as well be radioactive. You can't even know if a company is in the equivalent of a polygamous marriage and has sold of the right to the same market to three different parties until one of those parties takes the other to court.

Comment Re:Not looking good (Score 1) 156

I'd bet good money that it was Peter Jackson himself. In the LOTR his makeup guys knew he wanted that one 'John Wayne' Orc to be gruesome, and they actually tried to overshoot what Peter Jackson expected. Little did they know that Peter Jackson of "Dead Alive (Braindead)" fame was still alive inside Big Budget PJ. He approved it. Since then, you have seen the costumes for the grotesques go beyond the realms of good taste and into comically aweful. Just look at how the orc costumes changed from Fellowship to The Hobbit (before they went CGI), the Hobbit 'main-bad' orc costumes were so far over the top that they had to ditch them for CGI because they looked horrible with the higher framerate/quality cameras BBPJ was using. Personally I think the only reason people think the costumes were awesome was because the CGI was so bad.

Seriously, take a side by side look at LOTR-Lurtz and the Hobbit-Orc costumes and it's night and day.

Comment Re:Such a Waste (Score 1) 156

WTF? It's fantasy with wizards, elves and dragons, and you're talking about suspension of disbelief? If it's an Asimov or AC Clarke adaptation maybe we can start talking about believability, but a high fantasy like this one? Anything goes, except perhaps when it comes to absolute immortality. Apparently "immortal" characters or monsters tend to have some sort of weakness that allow them to get killed by a determined hero or villain.

Suspension of disbelief is a challenge and probably more important to maintain in a fantasy than general fiction. A story must maintain internal consistency with it's own tone and rules. If you tell me that a dragon can fly and breath fire, well then I'll believe you, say Elves exist and can make pineapple smoothies by snapping their fingers, and as long as you don't have one of your Elves die of starvation because he didn't remember about the smoothie trick, it will work. The magic wasn't a problem in the Hobbit, it was the tone. The movie constantly shifted between extreme slapstick humor, to somber memorials of beauty forever lost, back to grossout gags, sudden videogame action, and into gritty graphic violence. You can't do that and expect to keep the audience. You have to pick something and stick with it, otherwise we don't know what movie we are watching.

Comment Can be stimulated via sternocleidomastoid (Score 5, Interesting) 284

I have been experimenting with this technique since the early 80s. It is possible to stimulate the claustrum via pressure along the sternocleidomastoid. By pinching this area it causes sympathetic nerve activity that can effective render someone unconscious. My colleague has perfected the technique to the point that he uses it at parties. Quite eerie, actually.

Peace. Stay healthy and have a long life..

Comment Use both (Score 1) 143

Python seems to be gaining favor but IMHO the downside is that it's a general purpose language and not built with statistics in mind.

R is quite easy to use both from installation to language standpoint. It's trivial to install and there are many, many packages (of differing quality) on cran. You can easily take advantage of multiple processors, GPUs, even Hadoop (to an extent). The main downside is that it's mostly constrained by the memory of the host system. So even though it's easy to load a 20G dataset into my 32G laptop, it's not quite so easy to work on a 2TB dataset without some customization. At that point other tools may be easier, such as Python.

Now... I have never needed to crunch a 2TB dataset. My scripts fit comfortably into an 8G VM. What R gets me is that, as a non-statistician, I can easily generate charts, run analyses, and use the libraries that smarter people have built :>. The syntax is trivial and I can do 99% of what I need with a library or some minor customization.

Comment Of course we should (Score 1) 290

I live in South Florida. Lionfish is available with just a short drive down to the keys. It has a good taste and even better, no guilt whatsoever. I think it's just natural that we should eat them. BTW, Florida lobster down this way (they call them crawfish up in the Northeast :/ ) were once so plentiful that it was given to prisoners. If it's edible, someone will find a way to eat them.

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