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Comment Re:Politics (Score 5, Informative) 384

If they had just stated the truth, that Ebola is hard to spread with proper controls, and can be contained...

For the public, notions of safety went out the window after the clusterfsck in Texas.

- A patient went to the ER with symptoms, and was sent home
- People in government-mandated quarantine didn't honor the quarantine, and went to public places. It took armed guards to enforce the quarantine.
- Two nurses, wearing the recommended protective equipment became infected, and are being treated now.
- One of the nurses went on an airline flight after treating the Ebola patient, in violation of a number of CDC policies
- Personnel treating the first ebola patient were in constant contact with hundreds of others, including other hospital patients

Restated facts (or "truth") about how difficult it is to transmit can no longer combat the fear that has brewed up.

A pattern of mistake after mistake has emerged - things that should have never happened did. People who knew better didn't do the right thing, over and over.

It's a PR disaster, pure and simple. Any goodwill or trust the public had was burned up in Texas.

Comment Re:Some things are beyond the pale (Score 3) 993


Pottering comes off as an arrogant jerk, but the guy's trying to make Linux better.

Sure, many disagree with his vision, and he definitely could have been less of an ass in a number of documented situations... But he hasn't done anything to warrant the sort of things he's describing.

Some people carry on like he's demanding primae noctis.

Comment Re:The Internet of Things, aka (Score 2) 50

It's just a toilet seat that reports when somebody's on it. Everybody poops! There's nothing to worry about!

Until you realize that it's able to find usage patterns, and your insurance rates go up because they think you may be getting colon cancer.

Everything's connected, and I don't want every facet of my life being reported to some corporate overlord.

Comment Re:Yet another out-of-control govt agency (Score 1) 299

Dogs have been eugenically engineered by humans for tens of thousands of years, and are therefore an artificial life form. They usually eat food that comes from a factory, and is artificial. Since you have an artificial life form eating artificial food, it's excreting artificial poop. Its urine is water that has been polluted by artificial processes. Hence the impact study.

By some definitions, anything created by a human is artificial, so all of our bodily wastes are artificial.

Comment Not just iPhone (Score 1) 421

I'm convinced the 'SapphireGlass' display 'leaks' were iPhone-6 sized prototypes for the tempered glass screen protectors sold by a variety of manufacturers, for pretty much every model of smartphone.

Zagg, for instance boasts theirs has a hardness of 9H, which is in the same range as Sapphire.

Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 1) 981

Also known as the global strategy of how to handle North Korea.

North Korea is resource poor, bankrupt, and starving - it took decades to build up nuclear capabilities, but they did it.

ISIL has oil, and lots of it. Sure, you could make selling their oil 'illegal' like blood diamonds, but the strategy didn't stop DeBeers from trading blood diamonds, and it won't stop the oil companies.

ISIL may not be able to obtain nukes, but they are well funded enough to do other terrible things to nations who would just as soon ignore them.

Comment Re:Great idea at the concept stage. (Score 1) 254

I'm really not sure about the "not replacing IPv4"...

Most Comcast customers have IPv6 now, and it's been silently working for quite some time.

I've taken the time to instrument my connection, and a lot of my traffic is IPv6. (The lion's share of bandwidth is IPv6, but that's easy to pin on Netflix.)

Comment Re:Crowding Out Effect (Score 1) 111

Oh yeah. Bring up phones. Those land-lines have REALLY gotten more reliable and useful in the last 60 years haven't they? I mean, look at the horrible phone track records for emergency service and reliability in 1954 after all.

> It's exactly the same calculation for anything anybody calls a 'natural monopoly'. Absent an interfering government, the money flows to the best service provider.

I suppose that's why municipal water is so expensive, unreliable and horrible in the US, whereas such an "incredibly difficult" service as data transfer works cheaply and flawlessly under the wonderfully popular and incredibly excellent Comcat, Verizon et al. "services". </puke>

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