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Comment Re:Well, you got to feel pity for them (Score 1) 93

"They use the Republican Guard which are primarily non-Iranian Arabs ...." I wonder where you got this from? There might be some Iranians who were living in say Iraq and then Saddam expelled them in the republican guard, but I would be surprised if even one non-Iranian, Arab or otherwise be in there. Let's put it this way, there is a higher chance of a Saudi non-American citizen to be the next US President than that!

Comment Re:How good/bad is their acpi implementation? (Score 1) 190

Anandtech has a review of this and they seems to be pretty impressed with it. They proclaimed it their favorite laptop.

Here is the opening sentence of their conclusion:
"Right now, the ASUS UL80Vt is the high water mark for a do-everything laptop: office, gaming, and mobility are all handled with aplomb."

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