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Comment Re:meh (Score 1) 227

winning a debate is not about convincing your opponent; we all know that pretty much never happens. It's about convincing the rest of the audience that your viewpoint is the more rational of the two.

Comment meh (Score 2) 227

I tend to just say whatever I want and let people delete me if needed. I probably don't need to be friends with all my aunts and 8yo cousins. When some debate arises, I don't mind; I just win. All the work friends probably keep me from posting too many pot legalization videos and such, but that's what Tumblr is for.

Comment breed bigger nerds (Score 1) 684

I didn't have this problem in school, and neither did any other kids while I was around. Why? I'm a huge nerd, but I also overproduce testosterone. Sure I always won first place in the science fair, but I was also an offensive lineman. I was president of the NHS, but I could also grow a beard at 13. Bullies didn't dare out the nerds because doing so would have put them at odds with me. Besides that, the 'popular' kids at my school were pretty receptive to odd-ducks. Quirkiness was encouraged. We realized that we were all kinda dorks; no use in singling out one group or another. Granted, I went to a very small school, so I'm sure my HS experience was the exception rather than the norm. However, it seems our school was a pretty good model. Pop culture is moving somewhat in the right direction with nerd culture becoming more accepted and Zooey Deschanel popping up everywhere. Just add a sprinkling of nerds on roids and the problem should fix itself within a few years.

Comment more like 13,000 years (Score 1) 637

If you listen to all the new agers, we've been declining for the last 13,000 years and we're currently at the absolute low of human intelligence. We're at the divide between the dark/golden age in the precession of the equinox. That helps explain the Egyptians, Mayans, etc. We are the ancient aliens. Give it a couple thousand more years and things will start to pick back up.

Comment not opposed; take it a step further (Score 1) 439

I've always thought the bans on assisted suicide were stupid. If someone really wants to go, let them. Hell, if a perfectly healthy person really wants to kill themselves, let them. The argument has always been that suicidal people must not be of sound mind. I'd say that so long as they can give any sort of semi-logical reason for wanting to die, let them. Preferably give them a way/place to do it that allows us to quickly harvest their organs. Human life is not special or sacred; it's our free will that should be cherished. Personally, I don't think I'd ever go out like this. If I was terminal, I'd much rather spike a golf ball of heroin or slap a grizzly (and film it). At the very least, load me full of dangerous amounts of psychotropics and see if I say anything profound before I go.

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