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Comment Sounds familiar... (Score 1) 81

Sounds kind of like C&C mixed with Battlefield:2142. This could be interesting, although, when directing people instead of bots, you have to take up a leadership role, which, quite frankly, is difficult for a lot of people. Guild/Clan leaders should be looking at this game to showcase their abilities. I foresee large scale clan battles in the future.

Comment Yet another reason to hate people. (Score 1, Interesting) 205

If the real Mr. Blaney has a problem with this, he should consult the person himself. That's not say he has a case anyways, as your name, as long as it isn't being used illicitly, is free for anyone to use. For example, the was a real James Bond, and Ian Flemming simply used his name for a character in his books and movies. The real Bond sent him a letter telling him it wasn't right, and Flemming replied with "Feel free to use my name for anything you wish." Flemming was not in the wrong, because for all intensive purposes, he wasn't portraying the real person. Regardless of this, Blaney cannot complain because, regardless of the fact he's in politics, no one listens to these fools posing as other fools. I still remember the Jessica Alba page on Xanga...

Comment Multiple users interface. (Score 0) 73

I think that UGC has a lot of potential, although, it might be better suited to having the tools all in place so that people who are friends via the internet can interact in the building portion. For instance, the creator has final say over everything, but if they so choose, they can publish drafts and betas to a user content workshop. One the matetrial enters the workshop, anyone can create objects, triggers, puzzles, even whole areas and concepts. When the creator goes back to it a few days later, they may have a lot of "feedback" content to work with if they so choose. The plus side, as this has to be saved to server side to prevent plagurism and theft of content created by others, is that if you use someone's idea, they get a message saying it is being used, and they receive credit for it because the server forces credit where it's due. It could be a whole new way to create interesting, fun, replayable games. Casual games aside, this would allow people to create MMO's and then host their own servers, possibly opening up new avenues of inspiration for others.

Comment How can anyone be this dumb? (Score 0) 421

Wow, this guy is a total sissy. If he really thinks he can win this lawsuit, then he is sorely mistaken. Here's why. Facebook claims no ownership of anything said on Facebook, much like slashdot. In fact, Facebook's only guidelines really are simply no pornography/racism. Seeing as this doesn't include slander/libel (whichever fits, cannot remember which is which anymore), Facebookers are free to say anything they want. Facebook's only real obligation is to report anything that could be of concern to the Department of Homeland Security. Now, being that Facebook is such a big thing right now amongst people with both no social life and people with huge social lives, I'm going to go ahead and say Facebook is going to win this one. Good for you Facebook, but you're still a website for attention starved assholes. Anyways, when Jack Thompson made his claim against GTA and it's publisher, he HAD to know he was going to piss people off. Congratulations Jack, you're famous, but you're an idiot.

Comment Re:containment theory... (Score 0) 1032

Because the United States is in such great danger of being invaded? The only people who are powerful enough, and this is only because of sheer numbers, is China. Granted, the Israeli Air Force is far superior to our own, the Israelis don't necessary hold a candle to the strategic power of our military. Look at it this way, the US is by far and large the most overpowered military in terms of toys. We've also got bases all over the world, including some of them off the public radar. So, those "toys" you speak of, are inclined to stay hidden unless China decides they're brave enough to kayak over and put up a good fight.

Comment MMO's save money. (Score 0) 358

Look at it this way. You pay $14.95 a MONTH to play WoW. Now, granted you have to buy the games as well, which will cost anywhere from $20-$40, you're essentially paying $15 a month to be entertained. Now, being a one time payment every month, MMO's have a nasty tendency of destroying a social life. This is fantastic if you love to save money, because you wont be dropping $18 for those two movie tickets and another $10-$20 on snacks for the movie. That's just one night. Now, the average pack of ramen noodles (gamer's food) is roughly 50 cents. That's at a maximum. Now, given that any average sized human being, meaning around 5'6" - 5'11" and around 100-180 lbs, you'll eat roughly two packets of ramen noodles every 3-4 hours. Now, tack on that 12-pack of Dr. Pepper, which is around $5, and you're spending about $9-10 a day. So, $15 plus $10 a day for 30 days on average, is $315 dollars a month. This is the figure we will go for a WoW gamer. Now, on the same token, if you work, you're spending about $5 in gas to get to work and back, probably $5.49 for that value meal at McDonald's, and then $15 for the pizza every night because you're just too damn tired to cook for yourself. So, on average, that'd be $25.50 a day, plus that $30 you spent on one night at the movies with someone. So, that brings us to... $795 for the person who complains that they spend too much money on MMO's. That's even BEFORE you factor in an active social life which involves, but is not all inclusive, gambling, drinking, partying, bowling, more movies, dates, etc. I think I'll stick to staying at home with my son and playing WoW thanks. Saves me some epic cash.

Hardware Hacking

Journal Journal: Cerebral Atrophy?

Lately I've been having trouble remembering things. I run a mail room for my unit, which is currently deployed to Afghanistan. Memory loss is a serious issue when a fuck up can be a federal offense. I find myself forgetting where I was going when I go to accomplish something, and end up sitting around for 10 minutes while I try to figure it out again. I keep forgetting who has mail and who doesn't, which is just adding to my stress level. Do I need to see a doctor, or am I just overworke

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