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Comment Re:solution (Score 2) 108

If whoever wrote the summary had been paying attention at any time in the last few years they would have noticed that it's not bitcoin miners that are buying GPUs

Except the term "bitcoin" has already turned into a generic trademark (see "kleenex") as meaning digital coins. Notice it was not capitalized in the quote in the summary:

"a bitter feud is pitting bitcoin miners against hardcore gamers"

And yes, the various other bitcoins are certainly using high end graphics cards even if Bitcoin is long since on to ASICs. So there is no longer any need to rush to point out Bitcoin miners aren't buying video cards. Track the punctuation and that will make sense.

Comment Re:Except you can't create fake wealth (Score 1) 360

A one time 1400$ payment doesn't pay next months rent.

Yeah no kidding; my tenants got their checks and didn't pay a penny of it in rent. They did use them for a down payment on a new car though. Then they left the lease early and had the nerve to try to demand their deposit money back despite not paying almost 4 months' of rent and blaming it on covid. Funny how the mortgage lender still wanted their payments regularly.

Comment Re:Tax is a business expense (Score 1) 305

LOL. No.

If the company could charge more they would already be charging more. They are not charities running a thin as possible profit margin. They maximimize profits, and charges as much as they possible can. Increased expenses cuts into profits until they might have to drop unprofitable products, but they can't just pass it on.

Taxes affect every company, whether they're large enough to have a subsidiary in Luxembourg or not. By having corporate income tax instead of sales tax the companies that are big enough figure out ways to pay as little tax as possible. So, I guess it comes down to what intention you have in collecting taxes. Do you want to punish and/or fine corporations and their shareholders for being successful or do you want to raise revenue for government services? If you want to punish companies then sorry to tell you this but their accountants are smarter than the politicians making the tax laws. If your goal is to raise revenue for government services then a sales tax is the way to go. No company gives a hoot at all collecting and passing on a sales tax that is itemized on each receipt. Their accountant(s) just do it as one more task on a long list of other stuff they do anyway. The very, very few individuals who cheat sales tax by pretending to be resellers or charities when they aren't is a very small drop compared to the amount of tax that's not collected because corporate income tax has ways around being collected.

Comment Re: Tragedy of the Commons (Score 1) 318

In that Atlantic article you quoted, the term "trickle down" is always in quotes to show it is an ersatz term while supply side never is because it is a proper term. Heck, all the comments above even make sure to use quote marks. Everyone on both side of supply side versus demand side apparently recognizes that its just a politicking demogoguery term. Since the first known use is that it was coined by a comedian during the great depression, its amazing anyone thinks it is a term in actual economic theory.

Comment Re:Tragedy of the Commons (Score 0) 318

"trickle down" was touted as fact during all of Reagan's term

Let me fix that for you: Democrats demagogued supply side economics as "trickle-down" as a way of stirring up class envy during all of Reagan's term.

There are two opposite approaches to government stimulating an economy: demand side and supply side. In recent years there have been various stimulus and relief checks mailed out to the taxpayers and these are examples of demand side. There are also various stimulus and relief checks and/or tax rebates given to businesses which are examples of supply side.

Please only use the term "trickle down" when trying to drum up votes for stimulus checks sent to individuals and votes against stimulus for business, thanks, since it it is only a politicking term and not an economic term.

Comment Re:Wouldn't it be fun... (Score 1) 124

...if every time they went on-line, thousands of people made it a matter of pride to mention Tiananmen Square, the genocide against the Uyghurs, attempts to push Tibetans out of their country by flooding it with squatters and/or China's attempt to create a totalitarian surveillance state that would make Big Brother blush?

Sometimes the best data pool is a poisoned data pool.

That's an exercise in game theory aka the prisoners' dilemma. In other words, it won't happen.

Comment Re:This is reasonable (Score 1) 215

Nevermind, reading the bbc article it says connecting flights are not affected.

But it doesn't mention if the legislators took into account how much traffic was domestic vs connecting. If there aren't enough passengers headed to the smaller cities then the flights will just be completely cancelled, making it de facto affecting connecting flights.

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