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Comment Re:Courage (Score 1) 144

But now I've got a 15 year old border collie who hates those things

Dogs can get this way around fireworks, thunderstorms, etc, by people thinking they're comforting the dog when it looks worried. Instead, the dog takes this as confirmation there's something to be worried about and it becomes an increasing cycle. The secret is to pay no attention to the dog's worrying behavior instead of petting and telling it everything is OK.
This may not be your case; I'm just using you as a seque to bring it up.

Comment Fire danger (Score 2) 144

I like fireworks as much as anyone and I don't mind if someones takes his chances with blowing his own hand off because he's had a few too many Bud Lights. What I mind is when it hasn't rained in months and all the fire danger alerts are Ultra Violet level but people are still shooting off sparkly rockets. Have a little sense, people!

Comment Re:Manufacturing buisness supported by government. (Score 0) 356

government subsidies should be used to build an industry so it can be competitive on it's own, not support it indefinitely

Not possible.
However, government could refrain from regulating in such as way as to prevent new industries from being created and new competitors from entering existing industries.

Comment some pundits (Score 1) 62

some tech pundits have worried that robots and software will gradually replace human workers in key industries such as manufacturing and IT administration

"Some"? WTF??? Absolutely *ALL* the gizelle pundits are worried robots will replace actual cheetahs now.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
