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Comment Re:Too many things wrong in the summary to count (Score 1) 394

The GPL states that if source code is GPLed then the distributor must offer to provide the source code to anyone who receives a binary.

While this is close, it is not quite right. If the "offer for source" option of the GPLv2 section 2(b) is used, the offer must be valid for any third party; not just those who received binaries. Otherwise, the right for recipients of such an offer to pass it on under section 2(c) would not be meaningful.

However, if you accompany binaries with source according to section 2(a), then you have no further obligations to distribute source to third parties.

Comment Re:Documentation? (Score 1) 299

And I can actually read the damn thing without having to learn someone's idea of a keyboard-based hypertext system. I can tell you I'd much rather have a halfway-decent man page than a wonderful info page.

I agree that the GNU info program has a rather annoying interface (presumably it makes perfect sense to GNU Emacs users). But the Texinfo source from which info documents are generated will target multiple outputs, including PDF and HTML. For packages using the GNU build system these are built with "make pdf" and "make html" respectively. Moreover, GNU packages typically make the manual available for download in a number of formats on the package website.

Just use the all-on-one-page HTML version in w3m and you have something that is essentially identical to a giant man page, except with internal cross-references and hyperlinks.

Comment Re:Doesn't matter (Score 3, Interesting) 98

Even if the code was considered infringing, it would only need to be
revealed to those customers that asked for it before three years (since the
ruling in this case?) have passed.

IANAL, but I don't understand where this comes from. TFA says that code
in question is licensed under the GPL, version 2. According to section 3
of the license, distributing binaries requires you to do either:

    (a) "Accompany [the binary] with the ... source code ...."
    (b) "Accompany [the binary] with a written offer, valid for at least three
            years, to give *any third party*, for a charge no more than your cost
            of physically performing source distribution ... the corresponding
            source code ..." [emphasis mine]

(there is an option (c), but it is unlikely to apply in this case).

Note that if you choose option (b), then you must distribute source to anyone
who asks. Moreover, Red Hat alleges that Twin Peaks Software has done neither
of these things. If Red Hat is correct, then Twin Peaks Software has no
right to distribute any binaries at all, until they have their license
reinstated by Red Hat.

Comment A5 is the smallest Cortex? (Score 4, Informative) 108

From the summary, which also appears in TFA:

The A5 is the smallest Cortex processor available

Really? I figured that the Cortex-M0 would be smaller. The M0 doesn't even have a cache. Indeed, ARM's Cortex-M0 product page agrees, saying:

The ARM Cortex(tm)-M0 processor is the smallest ARM processor available.

so it's not clear why the article is calling the A5 the smallest?

Comment Re:Noisy ads (Score 1) 373

I usually use noscript, but if I've allowed a site, sometimes a noisy ad will start. I wonder if there's an extension to have sound-making tabs light up with a coloured speaker icon!

While not exactly what you wanted, NoScript can help you here, too.

Go to the NoScript preferences and select the Embeddings tab. Check all the relevant "Forbid" options that you want (the defaults are likely sufficient). Now Check the box: "Apply these restrictions to whitelisted sites too". With this, even if you've allowed scripts on a site, it still requires you to explicitly enable (by clicking in the placeholder) any flash/video/whatever nonsense that you want to see.

Comment Re:AES-NI (Score 2) 101

3) CTR
    CTR(block(i)) = encrypt(block(i)) xor i

Sorry, but what you describe is not CTR mode. Using your notation, CTR would look (roughly) like this:

    CTR(block(i)) = encrypt(counter) xor block(i)

where "counter" is usually constructed by concatenating a nonce value with i
(the block number). It is critical that the resulting counter never be re-used
with the same key for a different block).

Comment Re:cool (Score 1) 231

the current limit in preventing a "realistic" display (i.e. you can't tell the difference between the display and looking out a window) is actually in the contrast resolution (difference between light and dark) which still has a very long way to go before it hits human eye capacity.

Actually, parallax (the lack thereof) is a bigger issue here. Unless your display can simultaneously show different images to different people based on their position, it will never be mistaken for a window.


Submission + - Students failing because of poor grammar (

innocent_white_lamb writes: 30% of freshman university students fail a "simple English test" at Waterloo University (up from 25% a few years ago. Academic papers are riddled with "cuz" (in place of "because") and even include little emoticon faces. One professor says that students "think commas are sort of like parmesan cheese that you sprinkle on your words". At Simon Fraser University, 10% of students are not qualified to take the mandatory writing courses.

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