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Comment Re:Ob (Score 1) 125

...p2p caching...

Not a good idea if there are caps on your service. The one and only solution is to elect politicians who will turn the ISPs into common carriers and make the internet a public utility (and defund the NSA, bring the troops home, and legalize weed, etc) Everything else is lipstick on a pig and polishing turds.

Good point about capacity limits, but my thought is that the local modem being property of the service would have
local memory or flash and tools to manage bandwidth billing. i.e. the p2p bandwidth your modem
generates is not covered by your service cap. Download service caps likewise can be
adjusted because the expensive long haul links are not involved. AND the p2p channels
are fully managed (and sold as service, see also Akami) by the ISP.

Have you ever noticed that on a phone or IPV6 link that your location can move half
a continent away... Why because the network is not well meshed and well connected.
This lack of mesh and connections is one of the big problems.

Comment Re:no, it's not true (Score 1) 125

According to the bill a threat is anything which is anything which is part of an unauthorized effort to deny access. Netflix streaming which inadvertently leads to a denial of access would not be part of an effort to deny access.

Here is the bill.


Thanks for the link....
I think Feinstein is missing a detail.
A better approach might be to reserve bandwidth for demand use by state
and local government. Sure this is a glass half full/ half empty thing but
it is important to identify what services we wish to protect from denial of

I have not checked the math and details but "sbrook" on a forum noted:
"Remember that through that same cable you have to push a lot of TV channels and
Radio channels, Digital phone and internet.

"The top frequency is about 900 MHz, so that gives you just shy of 1500 channels
times 42 Mbps would be the theoretical max down a single coax ... absolutely
stunning! But you've got to share upstream channels.

"Now depending on the company, you might have about 100 to 500 customers passed
by a single coax. (More TV etc channels, few customers) But in theory you could
have 600,000 customers on one coax ... wouldn't work too well though!"

My point is the cable providers give themselves almost 1500 channels to deliver their content
and only eight or so for other content providers like Netflix.

A law needs to look at the 1500 channels as a single pool and if bandwidth is
to be throttled the eight that the likes of Netflix use can only be throttled
if the 1500-(8+4) used by my provider for their content are throttled in a like

Yes behind the cable is optical and other hardware but no one discusses
the fundamental lack of cross sectional bandwidth possibilities that modern
network provides. All conversations are centered on the one to many service
model where the internet design was many to many with multicast tossed
in later for the one to many case.

This single minded power centric ego centric flawed thinking by regulators
and legislators needs to be changed (by education) and IMO is
at the heart of most of the stupidity we see.

Comment Re:Ob (Score 4, Interesting) 125

CISPA was authored by corporations, for the purpose of reigning in "pirates" and the like. Every "rights holder" in the world will become partners with the government, and search out any of us who don't comply with every draconian rule they can think up.

CISPA is most definitely unconstitutional.

Freedom of speech implies freedom to listen. Since there are more listeners than speakers
the value of "listener" needs to be strongly considered in all of this.

Manipulation of bandwidth to listeners as a whole must be even handed.
If a content delivery company __Your_Cable_Company__ does not throttle
their content in the same way they throttle the likes of Netflix, HBO-Go, NBC,
etc. they are crossing a line I do not want crossed.

If they throttle content because of a phone call from a branch of the government
we have a larger problem!

There are technologies that can help. Much content from Netflix and others
has a large audience and is ideal for p2p caching and bandwidth boost in
the same way that bittorrent amplifies the bandwidth of a single seeding
site. My DOCSIS 3 modem is an eight down four up device and could host
a p2p caching service that amplifies the cross sectional bandwidth of my
cable service. Xfinity is already selling "spare bandwidth" as WiFi connectivity.

My digital TV recorder and decoder uses different channels
and different tricks to deliver on demand and live content. It is already one
of the most serious power consumers in the house and could be replaced by
a more power efficient unit that also has p2p caching abilities that utilize the
multi channel bandwidth of cable coax a couple fold locally and orders of
magnitude better in a community.

Sadly they are looking for a political power grabbing solution and not
at a more net neutral technical solution.

Comment Re:Private entities? (Score 1) 534

It'll be interesting because they are going to be sued now for something they did and the lawyer is going to trot in the letter claiming they are a private corporation not subject to the government regulations. I have no doubt it's a very short countdown till that letter is used against them in a court case.

I can see a class action to release all arrested and convicted criminals becauses these alleged criminals
violated the rights of the accused. Count to ten and the ACLU will be there.

They also do not comply with constitutional protections as a well regulated militia
as they are not regulated. OK that is a different stretch but as the original article
noted they cannot have it both ways.

There is also the premise by which they get paid. They may have been paid outside
of the law with state and federal public funds and officials of the government and the officials of the
company may find themselves sharing a cell block (I suspect a lot of them).

All actions by the officers that claim to be outside the public domain are now
subject to civil action because that is how they swore and attested the legality
of their actions were framed.

This is trouble and I suspect there is behind the curtain legislative contributions
and lobby actions that further complicate this.

The IRS needs to serve them with a document retention order ASAP to preserve
any email that shows how badly they have acted.

Comment Re:No winners economically (Score 1, Insightful) 268

Winner..... China

The actions of the EPA are unilateral and do not address the
global issue set. Worse they make it harder for US companies to
react even at the glacial slow rated that global climate change
implies. Because they are regulatory and not legislative the entire
foundation of the EPA must be demolished, both good and bad, to
address problems. The EPA has no constituency to be accountable
to. The EPA could well be infiltrated by foreign agents.... we
are learning abut the subtle NSA plans that corrupted some of
the encryption standards... foreign agents which include corporate
agents cannot be dismissed out of hand.

The corporate agents like some international terrorist organizations
are dispersed, work against a global plan and have no national
allegiance. Some are concerned about the reach of Chinese companies
into Africa and to many it appears that the wealth of African resources
is highly coveted by many. The agents from China seem to be much
better organized toward the economic goals of China than the Peace Core
and 100 other US funded plans.

Perhaps this is a good thing.... especially in the light of Walmart's reach.
So who is watching Walmart....?

Comment Re:Chicago Blackhawks too? (Score 1) 646

Actually, this ruling doesn't really matter. You do not need to register a trademark to have a legally defensible trademark! All that was stripped was the registration, not the trademark.

Registering a trademark means you don't have to prove in court that you're the owner, That's often a big deal, but it's meaningless in this case.

The previous registration is a strong starting place to defend it going forward.

A winning season -- where does that play?

Comment Re:Not doing it right (Score 1) 65

Why would anyone give SSN to AT&T? Do they also process your taxes? If not, they have no place asking or retaining this information.

Why?.... the DHS and friends have increased the information disclosure for cell phones as well as banking records....

Companies are more and more compelled to dig into you life and keep and make available to "enforcement"
on demands more and more information.

We do have rather well structured standards for the management of credit card info (PCI Compliance Security Standards) but
do not have equivalent standards for the information that others must gather. The good(ish) laws on disclosure are making it
evident that personal data retention and access standards are needed.

Time to write my state and federal legislature.

Comment They sell a service based... (Score 1) 474

They sell a service based on my power bill and my real property....
They do not compensate me...
They do not ask me....
      They would owe me $$$$$

The technology is OK with me modulo the remote access into a smart device
inside my home. i.e. guest networks and other isolation tricks including
bandwidth management is a solved problem.

However I elect to not play and have my own firewall hardware that I control....

Comment Re: Finally! (Score 2) 519

And the one that taught you that the punctuation mark goes outside the quotation marks.

There are global differences:
"Instructors in the U.S. should probably take this into account when reading papers submitted by students who have gone to school in other parts of the globe." stolen from:

Comment Re:You make it... (Score 1) 519

So you would have no problem with a school district firing every teacher that refused to teach creationism since tenure could be abused.

But that would never be the cause for termination.
Tardy, dress code, poor student test scores, relentless audits in class
to include remote surveillance both audio and video today.

Too many trouble makers assigned in to the class... becomes inability
to manage the class. Slow duplication services... no supplies...
followed by diverting of supplies without authorization from other
class rooms. Meetings always at the wrong time... Slow authorization
of continuing education to miss deadlines for required continuing
education points...

The inverse of the slack given to winning coaches...

Comment Re:You make it... (Score 1) 519

1) The abuses go both ways. That's why the need for tenure is in question in the first place. ......

One historic reason for tenure had to do with "radical/educated opinions". Mostly
this was the world of higher education where the teacher was the teacher and
perhaps an authority. Some cases of tenure they do batten down the hatches and
lock out new ideas -- i.e. tenure was and is the power base in higher education.

Today the teacher must teach to a syllabus and has little or no flexibility on content
or approach. Today we are seeing an astounding administrative and legislative pressures
to conform. There are external symptoms but it is rare or impossible for a parent
to invade the information and policy bubble that is K-12 education in Amerika...

One symptom is evident in the execution of zero tolerance policies. We see arrests
at public forums where a parent takes more than his permitted two minutes. We see
expulsion and arrest when a child draws a picture of a weapon or just points.
Hidden in all this is the reality that deviating from the prescribed plan is grounds for
termination despite what tenure implies. Contracts between the union and school
systems are extensive... one account on CNN noted a contract that was +1000 pages.

Note that in some parts of 'merica zero tolerance is code for intolerance in
how it is enforced by narrow arrogant minds. Try and converse with educators
and you get ignored or shut out.... it is perhaps the worst example of an
information bubble.... It is fueled by the likes of STEM and national standardized
tests. From time to time we hear of legislators defining Pi to be some silly

The size and budget of the national education budget is astounding and
has almost no external audit control. Pay attention....

Comment Re: Hacked? (Score 1) 378

No-one could possibly guess mine. It's Password1.

So simple, no-one could possibly pull that rabbit out of a hat.

There must be one word that tells me you told
me and I no longer have to guess. Since I no longer
have to guess I cannot guess.

I guess I should finish reading this: http://www.fallacyfiles.org/lo...

Comment Re:IPMI vulnz (Score 1) 62

Good thing IPMI gets some attention. IPMI doesn't seem to be very reliable at all...........

Yes worthy of attention....
The interesting bit is they are built with OLD micro-controllers and designed with OLD economics.

It is clear that modern hobby and educational devices like the Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black
shatter the old cost models. Same with the little Chromecast bug with a smaller yet footprint.

It is time to demand updates... and it is also important to know that a little card for very low
budget can do a fine job as a firewall protection resource.... on one side of an inexpensive switch.
Sadly rack hardware is much more expensive than it should be but computer hardware and software
economics are so changed that "Yes worthy of attention".

Comment Backbone.... (Score 3, Interesting) 343

We need backbone resources or other tricks...
Mostly we need legal legislative backbone.

The last mile is owned by local monopolies.
That is the sad reality. These local monopolies are
also content service providers and do what they to
do feather their own nest.

The congestion is the backbone owners and providers.
Multiple issues dominate the congestion problems.
Access, distance, hops and hubs.

The likes of Netflix need to embrace one or more
flavors of p2p networking. A local neighborhood
can cache and redeliver most video frames from a
modest cache with modern crypto tools to contain
theft of service.

I think the likes of Netflix would do well do develop
an enhanced DOCSIS 3.x modem that also contains
a p2p client/service that can recast content to other
like service devices a hop or two away. It can also
begin caching the top two products on a wish list.

Proxy and p2p services are underused or vastly abused.

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