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Comment Re:Maybe I'm missing something (Score 1) 461

Something I've been missing in this discussion is a notion of scale.

This is a statistic from 10 years ago from the US:
- the average citizen uses 10 times more energy when going from and to work each day (the use of their car) than all their energy use of the rest of the day combined.

If I'm not mistake, this includes natural gas.

Now this number has shifted in the past 10 years.

But let's say a batterypack for the average home is about quarter the size of what goes into a car.

Also what would happen at homes when electrical cars are driving down the price of batteries ?

What if you life in a country where power from the grid has a different price for night than day ?

Well, that system isn't going to last is it ?

Will it smooth out demand on the grid during the day ?

Lots of changes coming in the future, they could be bad, they could be good. They will be bad for some people, good for others.

I do know one thing Elon Musk will probably make some more money if he can deliver on some of his goals.

Comment Re:Maybe I'm missing something (Score 1) 461

Rooftop solar and battery storage cannot even begin to compete with efficient central generation and distribution.

I would think utilities think 10, 20 maybe 30 years ahead. Because they have to invest in building things. Large things.

In Germany they had a public opinion that renewable energy would be a good thing, so politics created a fund which put money behind it, lots of money.

The result:

Investments by electrical companies have become really hard to do, because they are making less and less money on their investments:
"Wholesale electricity prices in Germany have dropped 60 percent since 2008 as renewable energy, which is heavily subsidized and has priority access to the grid, gets dispatched first due to its much lower short-term marginal production costs than traditional plants, displacing natural gas, coal and nuclear power."

Their next goal ? Funding energy storage technologies:

So what did the largest utility company do ?:

Comment Re:Good luck with that EU (Score 1) 334

Here is the brass tacks... The EU sees a big rich american company doing business in the EU and they're not paying EU taxes. So they're going to fuck around with it until they figure out how to get money from it.

Actually, seems to me Google was paying taxes in EU:

I don't know where their taxes will be going next.

Or dot you think Ireland is not a EU-country ?:

Comment Re:This is what the Free Market is for (Score 2) 323

So only the rich will get to eat chocolate and drink coffee ?

Sure. That will solve the problem, right ?

Personally, I was kind of hoping at least solving the child slavery problem of cocoa production:

This could be a solution, but sounds like it will take a lot of time, even if we don't run out of chocolate:
"In 2012, Ferrero and Mars promised that they will end cocoa slavery by 2020"

Comment Re:Bullshit ... (Score 1) 269

There is a free distributed protocol backed by multiple large and smaller players: email.

To see what it could lead to you have to look at what we have now with: gmail, yahoo mail and hotmail. And a bunch of smaller players. And a lot of companies and individuals have their own domain. They run their own servers or pay a hosting provider.

But if a company like Google starts it, all you will have is the large players. There will be no smaller players.

It will be like much more like Google Talk and XMPP/VoIP situation.

WebRTC is an other protocol which we'll have to see what will happen to it. I think it might be more like browser wars, where by the large players will add more features in the free, some even open source, clients. And the small players might benefit.

Comment Re:Computer vision... (Score 5, Interesting) 145

Self driving cars isn't done based on looking at still images only. They have LIDAR which helps identify where objects are and what the size could be. Also they have very detailed maps of the roads, these are all taken into account when identifying objects.

Have a good look at the limitations section on Wikipedia:
"...that the lidar technology cannot spot potholes or humans, such as a police officer, signaling the car to stop."

"The vehicles are unable to recognize temporary traffic signals. ... They are also unable to navigate through parking lots. Vehicles are unable to differentiate between pedestrian and policeman or between crumpled up paper and a rock."

Does that seem like a system that solved computer vision ?

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