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Comment Re:These wouldn't be the microwave comms... (Score 1) 221

So, I think what they are saying is:
split traffic at the ISP-router and sent latency sensitive traffic over the microwave link.

They say the investment is:
"At a $100,000 installation cost per tower, this network would cost $253 million, with a $96 million per year operating cost. Amortized over 5 years, the yearly cost would be $147 million."

If you build it, providers will buy it ?

I wonder how useful that will be as the world has already started deploying all the new technologies: CoDel (which fixes bufferbloat), fiber-to-the-home and HTTP/2 and QUIC (which supports network coding to fix packet loss. Especially useful for wireless devices).

Comment Re:"Cashless" is meaningless (Score 1) 294

You should look at it an other way:

Greece and Germany 2 very different countries shouldn't have been part of the same monetary and economic policy system, in this case the Euro.

When Greece wanted to join they had to much debt to be allowed to join by the EU-rules.

So far so good. Nothing bad happened.

Now there is this company in the US called Goldman Sachs which was willing to take on this debt for a number of years in return for a hefty payment.

Greece accepted that offer, which if they really understood the terms and consequences of the agreement they probably would have never done so.

If I remember correct they for example had the interest rate pegged on an index inverse to the GDP of Greece or other similar variable connected to the economy of Greece.

Now after that deal Greece didn't have that large of a debt any more and was able to join the EU.

The terms of the Goldman Sachs agreement said they would need to pay it back after 10 years or whatever but after at that point Greece would not only get their debt back but also a new debt with Goldman Sachs. Obviously Greece couldn't pay that. They probably paid the at least part of the Goldman Sachs debt by getting loans from others. Because the interest of the Goldman Sachs loans was very high especially after the financial crisis.

So Goldman Sachs made a lot of money and had very little risk as the EU would have a big stake in Greece not failing and if the economy of Greece was doing awesome Goldman Sacks would also get paid.

Have a look at the video, you'll probably want to enable the subtitles:

Now Germany and a lot of other EU countries want to put as much of the burden of this problem with Greece, as much as Greece can bear.

Basically about trying to find the right balance:
The people in Greece say: we are suffering enough, our economy is shit and things will get really bad and recovery will take decades.
Germany and other EU countries are saying: you can bear some more of the burden.

However Germany and others are not interested in seeing Greece leave, that would be bad for the Euro.

So the Greece government had some leverage there to force the other EU countries to help them.

As I mentioned at the start, Germany and Greece shouldn't have been in the same monetary system, if they were not Greece would have been able to go bankrupt and just take their losses. They would have recovered much faster from that then being stuck as they are.

Comment Re:Bad Idea (Score 1) 276

- you are partly talking about niche users: it's the same situation as: most people working at an office aren't developers that need big workstations. Yes, these people are important, but they don't represent the general public. Certain organizations have certain workloads that only run well on mainframes. You might not believe it, but I believe the mainframes market was even growing a in 2013, haven't really followed it lately though. That doesn't mean that mainframes will be the next trend.

- you mentioned: 3D. You might not have noticed but more than 75% of website visitors now have working WebGL stack, which means a working: browser, underlying hardware, OS and graphics drivers. I'll tell you something else: browser makers are now working on WebVR, thus this time they are working on this before consumer hardware has been released.

- offline support: there was a very large 'installed base' of existing web applications which didn't have good offline support. It took web developers some time to find good models to do though. This has improved and is still improving, for example browser vendors are adding a new API as well.

- what a lot of people don't seem to understand is that you don't need to store the data with the (web)application either:

So I won't say it isn't possible to build the webapplications for the catagories you mentioned. And some also exist.

BUT: I do think it would be better if I can just download a Linux container (with this server-/web-application I need) and run it on the server of my choice.

Comment Re:Post-scarcity society kicking in. (Score 1) 180

When you say post-scarcity in other words you are saying abundance:

In this video it's explained how the price of solar power is on a similar Moore's law-track like a lot of electronics.

And if you have cheap solar power, you have cheap power, when you have cheap power can convert salt/unclean water to clean water cheaply. When you have cheap water and power you can grow food pretty darn cheaply.

What they didn't know when they made the video is that energy storage is also on a Moore's law track:

The prediction in 2014 was: grid-parity in Germany in summer of 2016

Now that really is abundance:
- cheap electronics
- cheap computing
- cheap decentralized power
- cheap power storage
- cheap water
- cheap food
- we already have cheap software with free- and open source software
- silicon photonics was delayed by one year says Intel, but supposedly we should have cheap networking and other connections too.

And they think they can make at least certain parts of health care cheap too.

Now it isn't all great there are big society challenges ahead when automation takes away all the simple tasks and keep moving up the ladder.

Comment Re:The review, it does something... as does sandbo (Score 1) 74

I would rather see most apps just use intents:

Need an image because you are the QR-code app ? Ask the image 'app'. The user can pick to choose the camera app and make a picture if he/she wants or grab an image from the image gallery app.

Need a contact ? Ask the contact 'app'.

Now most apps don't need any permissions any more. And the user knows what data the app gets because the user chooses the data and the app the data came from.

Comment Re:Wait a minute... (Score 1) 324

It might seem as if there is nothing changing under the hood, but people are actually working on improving things and actually making sure CA's can't issue certificates for your website you didn't want to be issued:

http://www.certificate-transpa... (available in the release version of Firefox and Chrome) (available in the release version of Firefox, Chrome already had something similar)

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