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Comment Re:And no one went to jail then, either... (Score 2) 116

Actually... If Facebook or Twitter were to fail, apart from employees and shareholders, very little parts of the economy would suffer. Marketing would have to reinvent itself and find new ways of reaching people, end of. WhatsApp could be replaced by almost anything else (is Viber still running?)

Google, Apple and Microsoft would be a bit different. We'd all lose our emails, support for our phones / computers / wearables etc. But that can be restructured/sold under Chapter 11 proceedings.

Amazon is "just" a bit marketplace. People would find a way to start selling stuff elsewhere!

TL;DR: Nobody in the tech industry is too big to fail. Let them.

Comment Re:GPDR could bite hard (Score 1) 50

From the reports I've been reading this morning, the data was stolen at transaction time, so most likely some kind of MITM attack or code injection on the payment page.

Also, it seems that cards saved on the website might be alright, which points to the fact that saved cards are "tokenized" in some way, and not sent across the network in that case. Which would actually good practice in this particular case...

Comment Re:Simple solution for Google & Facebook (Score 1) 168

Other solution is for these agencies to pool funds together to create their own platform and then forbid the other ones from linking to their articles. In reality it only moves one almost monopolistic situation to another, but it gives them the freedom to fund it. If people like the new platform more than the old, happy days for them. Otherwise, they need to review their business model (and we lose the 4th branch of power)

Comment Re:fucking krauts (Score 1) 451

The interesting point in there is

a government wary of alienating voters in German coal country. During the summer election campaign, Merkel largely avoided the subject.

What it really shows is that Americans are just Germans who speak bad English.

Coal country, in a civilised country. It's just backwards.

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