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Comment Re:Feel free to do so! Just recognize that your (Score 1) 477

Then don't bitch when someone else is able to buy a bigger house in a nicer neighborhood with better schools.

I don't. Most of those McMansions are crappily built anyway. And once your dead, who cares?

Or afford better healthcare. (And expecting "free" healthcare is in some ways a form of bitching about others being more successful...)

Again, I don't and neither will the French since they aren't forced to choose between dying and bankruptcy.

Comment Re:Feel free to do so! Just recognize that your (Score 1) 477

Feel free to do so! Just recognize that your co-workers who are willing to go beyond the strict 9-5 will get all the brownie points and the bigger raise and the better office.

Great for them. I'm sure those things will be great and wonderful after they're dead. Some of us actually think life is much more than money and big offices.


Heartbleed OpenSSL Vulnerability: A Technical Remediation 239

An anonymous reader writes "Since the announcement malicious actors have been leaking software library data and using one of the several provided PoC codes to attack the massive amount of services available on the internet. One of the more complicated issues is that the OpenSSL patches were not in-line with the upstream of large Linux flavors. We have had a opportunity to review the behavior of the exploit and have come up with the following IDS signatures to be deployed for detection."

Video A Conversation with Ubuntu's Jono Bacon (Video) 53

You've probably heard Jono Bacon speak at a Linux or Open Source conference. Or maybe you've heard one of his podcasts or read something he's written in his job as Ubuntu's community manager or even, perhaps, read The Art of Community, which is Jono's well-regarded book about building online communities. Jono also wrote and performed the heavy metal version of Richard M. Stallman's infamous composition, The Free Software Song. An excerpt from the Jono version kicks off our interview, and the complete piece (about two minutes long) closes the video. Please note that this video is a casual talk with Jono Bacon, the person, rather than a talk with the "official" Ubuntu Jono Bacon. So please, pull up a chair, lean back, and join us. (Alternate Video Link)

Google Chrome 34 Is Out: Responsive Images, Supervised Users 115

An anonymous reader writes "Google today released Chrome version 34 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The new version includes support for responsive images, an unprefixed version of the Web Audio API, and importing supervised users. You can update to the latest release now using the browser's built-in silent updater, or download it directly from"

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