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Comment Adobe should be open / life sucks for X (Score 0) 372

Flash runs for sh*t on linux and OSX because Adobe's code is NOT accelerated for anything other than Windows DirectX APIs. Flash uses OpenGL libs and doesn't provide full screen acceleration with desktop compositing software. ie: If I run flash video under linux, and have compiz or beryl enabled, flash vids are terrible in full-screen, but after disabling compiz/beryl, full-screen works much better, though, it still isn't perfect. (deadbeefcafe) hooked me up with the following info: Problem is Firefox, has been fixed in latest builds (not yet officially released). It's fixed in 3.5.3 apparently, there's a patch you can apply to the source on the bugzilla somewhere. There's a workaround in the meantime, if you want to wait for the fix to make it to the stable releases, you need to set the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 There's a few ways to do this, I put "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libGL.so.1" into my .bashrc as a quick hack; prior to that (because I couldn't be bothered restarting X) I modified the .desktop file so that it ran "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/libGL.so.1 firefox %s" instead of "firefox %s". The reason you're getting slowness is because you've disabled hardware acceleration as part of your troubleshooting. I followed this bit of info, and BAM! my flash videos work well in full screen. I don't have a solution for OSX, but this may help Linux'ers. lol

Comment Re:No, Steve is right and you prove it! (Score 0) 865

I have to agree with the above statement. Apple sells a "life-style" computer with flashy interfaces and shiny Apple logos. I will say that using a Mac is nice, the layout and design are solid, and the stability is why most users purchase the Mac. I believe in performance and flexibility, and Apple does not design their machines for upgrading/enhancing, save for the high-end products that do offer PCIx16 graphics slots, etc. Apple sells their products for those out there with the click-happy mouse. I work in IT support, and I'm amazed when I watch users install software. They will click yes and next until the install is complete. Generally, they will install a new IE search bar, a chat/irc program, a demo-software package, and a number of Spam/malware apps, in the hopes of getting whatever original software they needed installed. Most users will benifit from the Mac, by not having the option to install software/demos, as it doesn't exist, lol. Everything on the Mac has to be paid for, iMovie, iLife, iUse the computer, whatever it may be... oh, and the updates. Whenever a new Feline is available, it's time to pay, even if the update is mostly under-the-hood ie. Snow Leopard. Macs are made for people who don't like using the computer, but rather, just need a Working solution for whatever it is they may use (photoshop, blender, Protools, etc.) Comparable PC's are usually a third the cost of a Mac, but keeping the machine running on par, especially with a Windows OS, causes a huge issue for the NOT SO SAVVY user. Apples' entire advertisement strategy is based on making fun of the PC's interface (Windows Vista) and the support that the PC user receives. I will argue that someone who is "computer illiterate" will benifit from a Mac, and save money over the long run, while those of us who are "Power" users will continue to solve our own problems the way we always have: Plug and Pray.

Comment The New SCAPEGOAT (Score 0) 623

IT (irritated technician): I agree with most of the prior Posts; IT is who is blamed when something doesn't work. No one has ever came to me and said, "Man, the Active Directory Accounts and roaming profiles work great, keep it up," rather, "Why the F*CK can't I access my homedrive and backups?" or "I typed the worng password 12 times, why is my account locked?" If IT works, then no one cares... if IT doesn't work, it's your fault for changing things. People just love the "Click (100 times) and see approach" and I'll be paid to wipe their @sses until they automate my job, or send it to India.

Exoskeletons For Rent In Japan 226

destinyland writes "Cyberdyne has started renting their exoskeleton body suits in Japan. The mind-controlled wearable machine increases strength and endurance, and rents for $2,300 a month. (Sensors on the skin detect traces of nerve signals from the brain, synchronizing the power suit's movements with the user's own limbs.) New video shows the suits in use on the streets of Tokyo, and the concept may be catching on. DARPA now has a program called Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation 'to develop devices and machines that will increase the speed, strength and endurance of soldiers in combat environments.'"
Lord of the Rings

Submission + - Tolkien Trust Okays Hobbit Movie

saudadelinux writes: Last year, the Tolkien Trust which administers JRR's estate, bellowed stentoriously, "Youuuu shall not make The Hobbit!" and sued New Line Cinema for "a reported $220m (£133m) in compensation, based on breach of contract and fraud." New Line, chastened, has settled for an undisclosed sum of money. The Trust has given its blessing to New Line for Guillermo del Toro to film "The Hobbit" and for New Line to make other films based on Tolkien's work. Much rejoycing!

Comment Re:Sign me up... (Score 0) 681

I tend to agree with you: I was modded to hell for "trolling" on a discussion about OS X Snow Kitty. I made a comment that Apple, who says that the "Update" was mostly under the hood, was charging 30 bucks for their new software. I don't know, maybe I was bashing a little, but I was making a valid point, or so I thought. But, now I'm a troll and get a Score: 0 on everything. So, F*CK it, I really don't care what "SCORE" I have. I'm not sucking Apples man-juices so that some forum-cruisers will think I'm "Interesting." TROLL me, baby.

Comment Re: Drivers (Score 0) 5

You know, I've tried that as well. I was using the intel 980 drivers, then I went to intel's site and downloaded their Linux driver, I installed, reconfigured X server, and selected the correct display through Ubuntu. It is a HP laptop, intel chipset 955. I tried to select a number of different drivers, and no success. I also verified that it is not a proprietary driver, but an open source driver. It is still not working correctly. I installed the newest version of Flash, I've tried flash alternatives, I've tried older versions of flash 9 and updated my repositories. I'm just not having any luck. Any other suggestions?

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