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Comment Re:One new thing - transatlantic on 2 engines (Score 1) 410

If you're too close to a chemical weapon you die. If you're far enough away you live and suffer no ill effects. If the ash concentration is low enough, it will be safe to fly through.

In real life a 747 engine restart is not dependent on having enough battery or generator power. The limiting factor is the amount of sky to glide through.

Comment Re:Keep them on the ground (Score 2, Interesting) 410

It will only kill an engine when sufficient amounts have built up to cause enough airflow disruption. Such an amount is easily observable after each flight. The engines can have maintenance done at the appropriate time. Presently large amounts of European airspace have very small concentrations of ash between certain latitudes. Jetliners can fly below this layer as well as above it at 38,000 feet. They can take off and if deemed necessary, fly several hundred miles under the layer to a thinner area, ascend through it, and cruise above it.

Comment Re:Starting to get ridiculous... (Score 1) 410

The abrasion isn't the problem and isn't what caused engines to go out in the previous incidents. Maintenance schedules can be adjusted. I don't suppose you know the MD-80 series, MD-90 series, and Boeing 717 series all have an elevator that does not have a redundant system? The elevator is adjusted using a three foot long screw and electric motor. In the 90s Alaska Airlines cut back their maintenance so much that the screws weren't getting greased often enough. On flight 261 the now-dry screw stripped the housing threads out resulting in a loss of control that killed all 88 people on board. There have been no further accidents caused by that screw because of maintenance is being followed now.


How Telescopes Deal With Earthquakes In Chile 82

Reader edgeofphysics provides a technical sidelight on the earthquake in Chile this morning — some details on how the European Southern Observatory protects the mirrors of the Very Large Telescope when an earthquake strikes. "Given that Chile is one of the most seismically active countries in the world, how do astronomers protect their giant telescopes that have been built or are being built in the Chilean Andes? This blog post discusses how Chile's most advanced facility protects its priceless 8.2-meter primary mirrors in the event of an earthquake."

Comment Re:As much genre as you want (Score 1) 502

I think if you re-read Cope's thoughts, you'll see he's saying something different. He's saying that to some degree or another we're all standing on the shoulders of giants. We're all influenced by past music and sounds. That knowledge can be programmed. What you've heard is influencing your music even if you don't want it to or don't think it is. What you think is random playing on the keyboard isn't as random as you wish it were, unless you've got a random number generator determining the notes for you.

Comment Re:If you want privacy then don't use (Score 1) 446

Social networking sites are not designed for privacy, they are designed to do open social networking. If you don't want to do that, don't use the site, or limit what you put on the site to things you are comfortable sharing in that fashion. is a cross between social networking and livejournal. It's always given users control over who can read postings. Posts can be read by everyone, or limited by relationships, such as family, friends, online buddies, professional contacts, a list of specific users, etc. This is what facebook has now added. Users can put their friends into lists based on the nature of the relationships, and control which users and lists can read what is posted.

The analogy in the real world is I can tell my best friends something and other people won't find out unless he's sloppy or someone gets him drunk or uses social engineering tricks. In facebook that means mentioning it online to others or letting other people use the computer where he's logged into facebook and they snoop.

E-mail is just as vulnerable because people leave themselves logged in or can be sloppy and mention data to others. If something is so personal there can't be a record of it but must be told, phone calls or in person are the ways to go.

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