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Comment Re:Small setup (Score 5, Interesting) 287

Small setup here: 12U rack with 2 servers and one switch (Yes, I have ethernet sockets in every room except toilets, though I regret a bit I did not install one there)

What do you do with ethernet to each room? I have a single 802.11n dual band Wifi router that serves the whole house, I can stream at least up to the speed of my internet connection (50mbit) from anywhere in the house and in the small front or back yards. My TVs are both Wifi enabled, and I can stream "SuperHD" Netflix streams from both simultaneously. I have a second 802.11bg Wifi router that's dedicated to a few several IP security cameras.I have a central fileserver plugged into the ethernet port on the Wifi router that stores DVD's, and all of my computers run backups to the fileserver.

So, I'm curious what you do with your home network that you need ethernet to each room?

Comment They want to ensure the SMS network is overloaded? (Score 5, Insightful) 40

So in a disaster, when SMS i the only communication left, they want to encourage people to send even *more* SMS messages to ensure that SMS's fail too?

It's not likely to work very well, in the one disaster I was in where I could use SMS but nothing else (even my landline had no dialtone), SMS between customers of the same carrier worked well. SMS messages destined for other carriers took hours to arrive, sometimes longer, some didn't make it through at all. SMS's coming through an SMS to Email gateway stopped coming through at all, until after the disaster when they all came through at once.

Comment Re:hmmmm (Score 3, Insightful) 275

That's one more headache for small businesses. Oh great, I forgot to check supplies because I was on Yelp. Now we're out of Dijon mustard. Next thing you know, there's a 1-star review from somebody who loves Dijon mustard. If there isn't any existing law, conspiracy to place unwarranted negative reviews should also be illegal. Competitors and their employees should be barred, or at the very least required to disclose their positions. That would be similar to the financial talking heads on TV who have to say if they own the stocks they discuss.

If the business ran out of Dijon mustard, they deserve the one star review from the Dijon lover -- that way other Dijon lovers can steer clear. Why shouldn't a restaurant get bad reviews for not stocking an expected condiment? If the restaurant doesn't have time to stock basic supplies, what else is falling through the cracks?

Comment Re:Bikes lanes are nice (Score 4, Insightful) 213

But getting rid of those bikers, which honestly do not belong on the road, could only of helped.

They didn't get the cyclists off the roads (what do you think they did? Build elevated cycling pathways above the road?), they accommodated cyclists on the shared streets.

The cyclists are still there, the cars are still there, but everyone has a little more room, is safer, and traffic moves more smoothly, sounds like a win all around.

Comment Re:By that logic (Score 2) 74

Your mom is a visible light detector every time anyone looks at her.

Put differently, the moon is not being turned into a detector of anything, but "astronomers are building a telescope" is not a very catchy headline.

But it's not like they are just bouncing the high energy particles off the moon and then detecting them, they are letting the particles hit the moon, then are picking up the secondary effects.

If you want a "your mom" analogy, I think a better analogy would be if they hoisted your mom by crane and dangled her in front of a microwave antenna to make her a "microwave detector" - scientists on the ground will measure her temperature with an IR camera, he she heats up, then there's microwave radiation.

Comment Re:Anthropometrics (Score 2) 819

Lol they'll post the spacing in metric and people in the US will be totally lost. 145mm of room, wow thats a lot!!!

I know you're just trying to make a stupid american joke but as long as all airlines use the same units, the actual units don't matter when making comparisons. Whether it's mm, milli-yards or SBW(standard butt width), consumers can easily pick the larger number if that's important to them.

Comment Re:Cheapest Ticket (Score 1) 819

The only way this would work is to place height restrictions on the different classes of seat. I'm an academic and when travelling for work I have to purchase the cheapest ticket. Without a height restriction I would then be forced to purchase a ticket for a seat I physically could not sit down it (I already have to pull out the magazines on US carriers to allow blood flow to my feet).

This can then open the debate about whether it is reasonable for an airline to charge someone extra just for being tall - something they had no control over and which is gender-biased. After all they don't charge more to provide special meals for those with dietary preferences or religious beliefs and, with the exception of medical conditions, that is a voluntary choice. Nor, I hope, do they charge disabled passengers extra for transporting wheelchairs etc.

It's not just height, it's really just the length of the legs as opposed to the torso, or more specifically, the length of the thighbone. Weight is also a factor. Would the airlines have measuring centers where consumers would need to be measured before they can buy a ticket?

If airlines started putting size restrictions on seats, would that mean that smaller people would be forced into buying seats with a less room to save the larger seats for bigger people? Or would the restriction only prevent larger people from buying a smaller seat? When the large seats are sold out, would you be ok with not taking that flight? Sounds like you already manage to fly in ill-fitting seats today, are you willing to give up the ability to fly on some flights in order to get a seat that fits you better?

Comment Re:Anthropometrics (Score 5, Insightful) 819

Airlines are running into physical space issues. In their quest for ever more seats

It's not the airlines quest for more seats, it's the passengers' quest for even cheaper fares.

If airline A has 34 inches of pitch with a $550 ticket and airline B has 30 inches for $500, the passengers will flock to the $500 ticket.

Passengers need to start making it clear with their wallet that they are no longer going to fly lower-priced sardine airlines.

If airlines were required to advertise seat pitch and width, then consumers could make that choice, but when even consumers that care about it have trouble finding out exactly which aircraft serves a route for their date of travel and what the seat configuration is, it's hard to blame consumers for not taking it into account.

Comment Re:Agree 100% (Score 4, Informative) 253

I was more surprised with the free overnight delivery and warranty covering accidents.

It wasn't replaced under warranty, it was replaced under a carrier provided insurance plan -- a plan that usually costs around $100/year, yet still has a high deductible. I once bought the insurance, but when I lost my phone about a year into the contract, i found that I could get a used one on eBay for less than the deductible. If you lose or break a new model phone within the few months of release, it may be worth it, but after that, you're generally better off just buying a new phone if you lose yours.

Comment Re:Simple. Easy. (Score 1) 113

Ugh. So incredibly inefficient. I will consume and process orders of magnitude more information in my lifetime than you will by not clinging to outdated methods of information exchange. Its great that you enjoy it, but keep in mind all of those things that you like will make your books cost significantly more and you will get less information overall due to the physical overhead.

Orders of magnitude more information? How is that possible? Few people have their reading rate limited by the time it takes to buy a book even if they buy it at a store, especially since prodigious readers tend to purchase more than one book per visit. But you somehow read at least 100 times more material than someone that buys books at a store?

I have a feeling that those that prefer to shop in a book store don't measure their reading effectiveness in "words consumed per unit time", but in enjoyment of the book, including the selection process.

Comment Re:What's the problem... (Score 1) 92

Apple's statement that its move is to "improve speed and reliability" is clearly bullshit, in light of the recent Chinese government demand that such data be stored in-country. So much is clear and obvious.

However, Apple should be given huge kudos if their claim that they store it encrypted, and that the encryption keys are offshore, is correct. If so, it's a brilliant move. Eat that, China!

how would that even work? When a user in china wants to access his data, that data is transmitted offshore to be decrypted and then the decrypted data is shipped back into China and served to the user? What would be the point of such a system?

Comment Re:Great (Score 3, Insightful) 175

I'm curious how this could decrease revenue though, because automated scanning is is where the adds come from, and your key would only be as long as effective as a pass-phrase (I assume cloud stored password protected key, with local javascript to unlock the key, and something stored on the local computer to cache the key so the pass-phrase doesn't need to be used constant).

The problem with a cloud stored key that's unlocked by JavaScript with a passphrase is that when the government wants your passphrase they'll either tell Yahoo to silently replace your JavaScript module with one that does keylogging of your passphrase, or they'll take over Yahoo's SSL certificate and inject keylogging JavaScript of their own.

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