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Comment Re:WHAT ARE THE NULL HYPOTHESES? (Score 1) 1105

Okay. Someone somewhere measured an increase of 85 ppm (i.e. 85/1,000,000 = 0.000085 parts) of C02 in the atmosphere between 1960 and "today." Is this a significant increase? Is the increase consistent throughout the Earth's atmosphere? How do we know that this increase in C02 lead to increased global temperatures? Would an increase in global temperatures necessarily be bad?

I've had "the planet has a fever" as an earworm, triggered by references to AGW, for many years now.

Comment WHAT ARE THE NULL HYPOTHESES? (Score 1) 1105

I tend to be skeptical about "everything". Since "Anthropogenic Global Warming" (AGW) seems to have made it into the headlines about the same time as "Medical Marijuana" and because of stupid comments such as "the planet has a fever", I am especially skeptical of AGW.

So, AGW advocates, convince me. What are some null hypotheses that are being used by scientists in support of AGW?

Comment Re:Education??? You are being lied to. (Score 2) 405

I'll wager that anyone who's had a son in a U.S. elementary school in the last thirty years is voting for education reform. It seems that both public and much private elementary education has been geared to marginalizing boys since around 1980. I'll wager that half of the readers of this comment who were born after 1975 were at least put on a watchlist, if not treated, for ADHD, autism spectrum, etc. by their elementary school teachers. Are half of all boys really dysfunctional or is it the educational system that is the problem?

Comment Re:Old News (Score 1) 317

..."the boyos" back home, were used to buy Semtex to make bombs that devastated British cities for years, and were used to kill and maim innocent British men, women and children...

Perhaps "British" American Bostonians should be contemplating the effects of the many centuries of devastation of Ireland by "British" military forces including, more recently, terrorist attacks by "Loyalist" (i.e., "British" sympathizer) paramilitary groups upon the native Irish people.

There has been an order-of-magnitude more terror inflicted on the Irish people by the "British" than by the IRA on the "British."

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