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Comment Re:"stashes its cash" (Score 1) 365

There's a difference between actually generating revenue in a place (say, selling copies of Office) and using your "shuffling" and "loopholes" to make revenue end up somewhere else on paper. Whatever your preconceptions, it's clear that the US tax policy is different than nearly every other country. When $ can't be brought into the US without penalty, less will be spent/invested here.

There is another bunch of idiots who think in terms of " 'not confiscating more lawfully earned/obtained money from people' is synonymous with 'putting more money into [their] hands' "

Comment Jeez. (Score 4, Insightful) 1262

I think this over-the-top PC trend is mostly shallow self-crongratulatory (or self-flagellating) mental masturbation - and the groups engaging in it are in their own feedback loop, in frenzied agreement with each other. It's like blaming domestic volence on old silent movies where the good guy saves the woman ties to the railroad tracks.


Threats and intimidation are wholly unacceptable responses to pretty much *any* idea or (non-violent) opinion or position. Such a response to something that might seem shallow and silly is not only unacceptable, but has the unintended consequence of giving credibility to the silliness.

Comment Re:Free market (Score 1) 257

Perfect: Adam Smith supports a flat tax ("The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state"). Do you?

Comment Re:War of government against people? (Score 1) 875

No, I'm suggesting one should adhere to the same standard he asks of someone with whom he disagrees. And your claim was made precisely in support of the argument that gun ownership has been declining.

Which, BTW, is incorrect. Not only is ownership not declining, but new purchases are increasing. So gun ownership is not only increasing but accelerating.


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