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Comment Re: Finally some editorial balance on Slashdot (Score 4, Insightful) 171

It's not "free competition" if ISPs have quasi-monopoly status - as they do in most areas of the US. It's also not "free competition" when a cable company can degrade the content of its competitors. I'm generally a free-market guy but seeing what Comcast et al did prior to the NN rule, we can expect more of the same.

Submission + - Deep Learning On Babbage's Analytical Engine (

mikejuk writes: Speculating on what might have happened if Babbage had built his Analytical Engine is fun, but did you ever think that a Victorian computer could implement a neural network and learn to read handwritten digits? Well it can and it's not a joke.
So how can you implement a deep neural network on a machine that doesn't exist?
The answer is that there is an Analytic engine simulator that runs the instruction set of the original machine. However, a neural network is a big computation and the engine has only 20kbytes of memory and a small instruction set. This didn't stop Adam P. Goucher from doing it.
The 412,663 lines of code needed for the program would correspond to a stack of Jacquard loom style cards as tall as the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. After training on 20,000 handwritten digit images the results of testing on 10,000 new images it was achieving a 96.31% accuracy.
So Babbage could have made AI possible in Victorian times?
Not really.
The time it would have taken to process the 412,663 cards is possibly several centuries.

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