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Comment Its bitcoin (Score 1) 121

Here's a guess: its just the bitcoin code with new blocks assigned to a limited set of inside corporations. ie: Its the same as bitcoin but only the owners can make new coins. Reasoning: bitcoin works. Paypal is interested in bitcoin. But bitcoin removes the means of production away from central authority. With coin production centralized, these corporations could ensure eternal significance and revenue through generation of bitcoins and transaction fees. And this group would estabilish the rules of the blockchain, such as rate of coin production, validation of transactions and transaction fees. They would also have the ability to reject processing certain transactions at their discretion... so they could provide a sense of security against black market trades and trades from black listed coutries and companies. In this way they could "claim" to counter some of the concerns with bitcoin: tax evasion, illegal pornography, drugs and money laundering.

Comment Re:why bother? (Score 1) 42

Nothing on an Android or iPhone device is ever secure; it's too easy for the NSA or other organizations to install Trojan horses. And installing a crypto app from the market is like painting a red bulls eye on your phone.

Any door can be broken down with enough force and putting a lock on it is like painting a red bulls eye for burglars. Better to not install a lock on the front of your home or put an alarm in your car.

Comment the opposite of simple is not complex (Score 1) 381

Simple code is harder to write, because it is hard to define. I dont know of any filter to put code into and get back a value on "the simplicity scale". That said, some code is easier to follow (read) and does not contain unnecessary variables and routines. In general, I would say that the shortest amount of code to accomplish the intended goal is the simplest... but there is a limit to this. One code may be easier to debug and reproduce errors and output important values during execution.

When most programmers and debuggers look at 'complex' code... they are usually talking about the format and choice of loops and iterations. Or that the code has been upgraded and modified so many times, that the style no longer flows in a natural and readable way.

In summary: simple code takes longer to produce because it all needs to follow a single style and it needs to be created with a mindset for future developers who will be upgrading and debugging the code. And the total logical flow of the program needs to be considered in order to reduce and remove useless iterations. It is easier and faster to modify existing code without these considerations. The resulting code of fast upgrades without consideration for future changes is what programmers sometimes call: spagetti code. It is spagetti code that I would suggest is what most programmers think of when they call some code "complex".

Comment Re:Perfect analogy for NASA (Score 1) 184

the one geologist to land on the Moon managed to learn more (and faster) in his one short trip than all of the Mars rovers combined.

Manned space missions are a terrible waste of money. I think people who support them dream of one day being able to fly out into space like in Star Trek. We can explore far more and at much less cost using rovers, satellites and probes. Expecting to fly men to Mars is a horrible waste of resources and will stall progress and funding spent on missions impossible for men. We would know far less about the planets and commets if we felt a need to put a person on every spaceship.

My 1000 year dream of space exploration is to one day have a probe fly to another star. It may be an outrageous idea, but certainly isnt something we should hope to achieve with a crew on board. My immediate dream is to never put another man in outer space and instead spend resources more wisely.

Comment NSA code compiled into linux (Score 1) 332

Does it bother anyone else that NSA wrote code that is in the kernel of most linux distributions? I dont know what it does, but it has something to do with basic security. I think it is called Selinux. I am not saying it is a backdoor, just that the NSA wrote it and last time I checked the default kernel settings for compiling a Ubuntu kernel, all the NSA modules had checkboxes next to them.

Can someone assure me that this code is "safe"? Or do all linux kernels have code in them that allows the NSA to do as it likes with my security?

Comment Re:Launch exploratory robots ASAP! (Score 1) 203

You don't age slower.

Yes you do. From the perspective of men who did not travel it would take 382122 years (using the above posters estimate). But from the perspective on the ship it would take less time. The people on earth would see the people on the ship move and age much slower then if they had stayed on earth. On the ship, everything would seem normal and they wouldnt feel like they are aging slower, but looking back to earth it would appear that everyone else is aging much faster. So it would not take 5307 Lorne Greene lifetimes (from above post). It would take less lifetimes on the ship.

You cannot have relativity work both ways to deny time dilation. Either you look from the perspective of earth and observe the aging process is slowed in the ship. Or you look from the perspective of the ship and see that people on earth age much more quickly. The natural perspective is from earth as that is where most of us would be and so... the people on the ship WILL age more slowly.

It seems whenever this comes up. Some people want to deny the time dilation effect as a perspective issue. But it is not just a consequence of the time for light to travel between distances. It is real in that when the ship returns far less generations will have expired on the travellers then those remaining on earth. So in effect, the travellers will have travelled into the future using accelleration.

Comment Firefox (Score 1) 391

I think it is telling that the tor browser bundle uses firefox.

Also, firefox is the only browser I know of where the application takes responsibility for securely encrypting saved passwords.

Firefox is the only browser that securely lets you transfer all of your passwords, bookmarks, etc from one device to another without revealing it to a corporation or moving it in an insecure fashion.

My answer is that the best browser is: the tor bundle (using firefox)

I am also looking into iceweasle... which seems very secure so far.

Comment Re:Internet Explorer (Score 1) 391

IE10 and 11 are superb browses. They containing many very good tactics to secure the browser and computer, for example, true sandboxing and JIT hardening. Most other browsers don't come even close.

Did you bother to read the EULA for IE or even worse the one for Windows OS? Microsoft is not a secure haven from mass surveillance. And you are only mentioning protection from rogue attacks... not protection from government spying which would be less likely to use application weaknesses and instead go directly to the corporation providing the software for access.

In general... if you are forced to run a MS windows operating system, then you are not protected from surveillance.

Comment Re:Give the accused equal time in the Kangaroo Cou (Score 1) 666

I claim to know as little as you do about the situation.

However, I can guess that she didnt file a report with the police because the rape did not occur. If that happened, then there would be more reason for her to stay in Poland for a long time and remain as a witness. Also, she probably recognizes that she does not have enough evidence to guarantee a conviction for assual.

But its interesting to note that she is the only one publicly stating how injuries occurred to both of them and a story of what occurred in the room and apparently the only one who contacted the police. You would think if some girl at a conference clocked you in the head with a mug without good reason and hard enough to make you bleed, that the first think you would do is contact the police.

She has stated publicly enough for this man to charge her with liable. So the ball is in his court. I certainly wouldnt stand for someone accussing me of attempted rape. But to do this, he would need to prove that what she claims happened did not happen. Both parties would have to state the events of the night under oath. Something one of the parties does not want to do... because one of them is lying and could be found out.

So in the court of public opinion, it certainly doesnt look good for him. She has stated enough for him to bring her to court, and yet he only says "she wants attention". And it appears he will do nothing to defend his good name.

I know nothing about either of them. But my opinion is: she is telling the truth and he is behaving as if she is too.

Comment how do you prove location and remain anonymous? (Score 1) 451

"will not be treated as a United States person, unless such person can be positively identified as such, or the nature or circumstances of the person's communications give rise to a reasonable belief that such person is a United States person,"

The question is, how can you make it clear that you are a US citizen without giving away your identity?

Are they saying that the evidence will be inadmissible in courts if it turns out to decrypt illegal activities from a US citizen? Otherwise, this statement is meaningless.

Comment Re:Good for the economy. (Score 1) 451

The entire reason you might use Tor is because you want to hide what you're doing from the authorities... They have suspicion that something dodgy is going on, and they're investigating it, that's what we pay them to do.

Choosing to be private is not "dodgy" behaviour. Your private words and images can be used against you by those who wish you harm or to steal your property. Taking precaution to keep your communication private from people other then your intended target is not suspicious behaviour at all... and it should be the standard for all communication online.

Likewise, choosing to be anonymous is not dodgy. I wouldnt feel comfortable having to swipe my id into a computer every time I walk into a store or restaurant to buy something. I wouldnt feel comfortable carrying a cell phone that tracks my movement around a city. I wouldnt feel comfortable having credit cards that broadcast some of my personal information using RFID tags. So why should my exact location and viewing behaviour be tracked when I walk around sites online?

Currently we live in a world where things we intend to keep private are broadcast to many other parties. There is no reason for this, except to allow authority to perform mass surveillance and make it easier for those who wish to do harm to us by using our own private information against us. Using encryption and remaining private is not at all dodgy... it is natural and should be the practice of any good citizens wishing to reduce crime and unreasonable searches.

Comment Re:seems like a waste of money (Score 1) 541

Well, it's obvious

Is it?

the State must throw itself

Must it?

Any other armchair justice opinions?

I guess to some it would seem the more time and money spent on this... the more guilty Assange becomes. Others may wonder why any government would waste £3.8 million trying to send someone to another country to talk about accusations for which he is not charged. If this was at all normal, the UK would be bankrupt.

Comment Re:I got nothing (Score 1) 480

In the U.S.

In cases of works made for hire, the employer or commissioning party is considered to be the author

If you want credit for your work then do it yourself and dont have a company pay you money for it. Hiring companies should know this and not expect your name to be on the work that you made while employed. If a hiring company questions you on it, then tell them to phone the company directly and confirm the claims in your resume. That is what references are for.

The solution is not to have your name on every piece of code you ever did. The solution is to inform the interviewer that another company owns the code you wrote for them and you do not have any control over the copyright statement.

If you think the company has a responsibility to attach your name to your work... youre nuts

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