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Comment Re:One thing is for certain... (Score 1) 352

What I meant was 3D scanning and printing technologies for quick modeling and prototyping of various objects.
Not in the fashion of how we model stuff since the prehistory. Thats for old people. ;-)

Yes, I have seen Star Trek. I know of the replicator. Our 3D printing tech is kind of like the primitive form of a replicator.

Comment Beware the Internet? No, change everything else. (Score 1) 314

The problems outlined in the opinion piece is to me only evidence that governments, economy isn't build on massive information disclosure and the changes in society it brings. Instead of repealing the Internet as it is, I think it's more effective for said governments and economies to evolve and reform to cope with the changes in our daily lives because of the Internet (let's start with freedom of information in the form of fixing the defective patent system by altering default business models of old businesses and transparency within government).

Repealing or shutting down the Internet would be progress suicide in anyway.

Comment Re:What this means (Score 1) 259


So if CPT is the true symmetry of the universe, then doesn't that solve the matter/antimatter problem (the problem that we observe more matter then antimatter)?

Say that the Big bang didn't create 'just' our universe, but a second that is a complete CPT reversal from ours. That universe would have the same kind of physics but with the arrow of time reversed relative to ours and would consist primarily of antimatter with minute quantities of matter. And 'left' probably being our universe equivalent of 'right'.

To my understanding this would be the true symmetry of our universe then. There is not 1 (ours) but 2.

Comment Fuggled up Start (Score 1) 857

Aah the good old Start button.
Why did I stop using it? Oh yeah! Because since Windows Vista the way the Start menu, and in specifically the 'All programs' feature works, is completely messed up.

Way to go Microsoft! I always was fond of the Start Menu workings of Windows XP. A real shame I can't replicate the behavior since the Vista era without 3rd party tools. Without these tools, I don't use it either. It becomes a cluttered mess when you have more then 10 programs installed and 'All programs' LIST it underneath each other.

I prefer to have the listing of my programs spread out so I have a general overview of all my installed applications so I am able to find the application I need quickly. Why is that forbidden and taboo in the Microsoft world?

Please Microsoft, explain this to me.


Submission + - Lessons Learned From Cracking 2M LinkedIn Passwords (

An anonymous reader writes: Qualys researcher Francois Pesce used open source password cracker John the Ripper to try to crack SHA-1 hashes of leaked LinkedIn passwords. He ran the John the Ripper default command on a small default password dictionary of less than 4,000 words. The program then switched to incremental mode based on statistical analysis of known password structures, which generated more probable passwords. The results? After 4 hours, approximately 900,000 passwords had been cracked. Francois then ran numerous iterations, incorporating older dictionaries to uncover less common passwords and ended up cracking a total of 2,000,000 passwords.

Submission + - Build the Enterprise! (

MistrX writes: How about building a real life size USS-Enterprise in the next couple of decades? This project aims to do just this. With existing technologies available today and researching new ones.

"This website proposes something truly inspiring. It is this: We have the technological reach to build the first generation of the spaceship known as the USS Enterprise – so let’s do it. The ship can be similar in size and will have the same look as the USS Enterprise that we know from the Star Trek science fiction. It ends up that this ship configuration is quite functional. This first generation Enterprise can have 1g artificial gravity and ample living space. It can be as comfortable to live in as being on earth. A thousand people can be on board at once – either as crew members or as adventurous visitors. While the ship will not travel at warp speed, it can travel at a constant acceleration such that the ship can easily get to key points of interest in our solar system."

Comment Re:Well, then that settles it. (Score 1) 285

I love to agree with you but there is one little detail:

Without demand, there will not be jobs.
No jobs, there is no demand.

It's a vicious cycle.

That said, space exploration might create a ton of jobs in all fields but since this is not a guarantee and in the short term cost a lot of money, governments rather invest in waging war due to the short term money it produces for them (oil etc.).

Politicians are only concerned with their terms as politicians. When they made the money, they leave and another one fills the spot with their own agenda.
I get this feeling that the politician as public servant doesn't really exist anymore.

In the last few decades, were there any politicians of importance in the western world with a longterm vision? Please name them so they can duly be credited.


Submission + - Moon Methone meets Cassini (

MistrX writes: "NASA's Cassini spacecraft made its closest approach to Saturn's tiny moon Methone as part of a trajectory that will take it on a close flyby of another of Saturn's moons, Titan. The Titan flyby will put the spacecraft in an orbit around Saturn that is inclined, or tilted, relative to the plane of the planet's equator. The flyby of Methone took place on May 20 at a distance of about 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometers). It was Cassini's closest flyby of the 2-mile-wide (3-kilometer-wide) moon. The best previous Cassini images were taken on June 8, 2005, at a distance of about 140,000 miles (225,000 kilometers), and they barely resolved this object."

Submission + - Chemical reaction eating CO2, producing energy (

MistrX writes: "While there are plenty of ways to make carbon-based products from CO2, these methods usually require a lot of energy because the CO2 molecules are so stable. If the energy comes from the burning of fossil fuels, then the net result will be more CO2 entering the atmosphere. Now a material scientist at Michigan Technological University has discovered a chemical reaction that not only soaks up CO2, but also produces useful chemicals along with significant amounts of energy."


Submission + - First testflights with flying car succesful. (

MistrX writes: The Dutch company PAL-V completed it's first series of testflights with it's flying car, the PAL-V One, successfully. The PAL-V One flies like a gyrocopter, with a minimal runway length of 165 meters, and drives around like a trike on the road. Furthermore it offers 2 passengers at a maximum speed of 180km/h on both on land and in the air.

The company aims with the PAL-V One on usage within the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Germany and France, because private flying is more commonplace.

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