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Comment Re:No Wonder GPL Software Is Such Garbage (Score 1) 205

"Ripping off" ??? If the BSD creators felt this way and would not approve such use, they would have used a different license... Apple does what it's allowed to do with the software. They don't want to reinvent the wheel, unlike some Redmond-based company, and are prepared to go for the best sollutions for their customers. They use/support webkit, they distribute Apache and countless other opensource applications with their OS. Want it or not - that's what they are allowed to do.

Most people here have to shut up about licenses - since 99% have never even written any code. It's the developer that decides what someone else would be able to do with his code, and that's nobody else's decision.

Comment Re:Excellent. (Score 1) 369

Hmm - in what time-frame are you stuck? You already know how to make fire?

I mean - wake up. Your view of the world is so damn limited it irritates me, and I see this a lot on /. Your life is simply not the center of the universe. Yes - you don't use Youtube, have something against javascript, cookies and flash (can't disagree on the last-one actually)... without knowing what the hell you're actually talking about. HTML5 and Javascript are married, the videotag without javascript is pretty useless. Cookies are usefull things that can be used to track you, but a decent browser makes sure this is limited. Privacy issues? Simply don't browse the web then. You're not in 1995 anymore.

For the vast majority of the users, only one thing matters: it works. It doesn't even have to work well or be the best. Just look at IE6's marketshare to prove that point. 99,9% of all firefox users don't give a damn about those things and go with the defaults. If firefox doesn't work, and the Internet Explorer also installed on their system does, they'll drop FF in an eye-blink...


Modern Warfare 2 Not Recalled In Russia After All 94

thief21 writes "After claims that console versions Modern Warfare 2 had been recalled in Russia due to complaints from politicians and the gaming public over the infamous airport slaughter scene, it turns out the stories were completely untrue. Activision never released a console version of the game in Russia." Instead, they simply edited the notorious scene out of the PC version. They did this of their own volition, since Russia doesn't have a formal ratings committee.
First Person Shooters (Games)

Submission + - Warsow 0.5 Released. (

packman writes: "Warsow, one of the lesser known freely available first person shooters, based on the QFusion engine, which on it's own is based on the GPL'd good Quake 2 engine, has reached a major milestone by releasing it's brand-new 0.5 version. It brings many improvements, polishments and features, one of the most important being the ability to write custom gametypes in Angelscript. It's available for Linux, Mac and Windows.

From their press release:

What is Warsow?
Set in a futuristic cartoon-like world where rocketlauncher-wielding pigs and lasergun-carrying
cyberpunks roam the streets, Warsow is a completely free fast-paced first-person shooter
(FPS) for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Speed and movement, that's what Warsow is all about. Like a true cyberathlete you jump,
dash, dodge and walljump your way through the game. Grab those power-ups before your
enemy does, plant the bomb before anyone sees you, and steal the enemy's flag before anyone
knows what's going on!

A handful of popular gametypes come shipped with Warsow, like Capture the Flag, Team
Deathmatch, Clan Arena, Instagib and Duel. Warsow invites you to add to this list, by creating
your own custom gametypes with the brand new gametype scripting system!

What is new in 0.5?
After a long time of hard work, a few testbuilds and release candidates tested by the
community, Warsow 0.5 is here! Since the last release (0.42) major improvements, additions,
changes and tweaks have been made in the visuals, gameplay and engine features of Warsow.
Some of the changes:
  • Weapon settings, armor settings and movement system have been tweaked and revised
  • Weapons can stun players, making them unable to walljump for a short period of time after
    being hit
  • Warsow 0.5 introduces AngelScript gametype scripting, inviting everyone to create their own
    custom gametypes
  • Warsow 0.5 has new maps, textures, playermodels, engine features, visual effects... even a
    brand new weapon!
  • Warsow 0.5 comes with new gametypes: Team Domination, Headhunt, Bomb & Defuse

The Tricks of Warsow
Beside classic tricks from the Quake scene (strafe jumping, double jumping and bunny
hopping) Warsow features its own set of Special Moves:

  • Walljump: Use walls for powerfull rebounds (Special key next to a wall)
  • Dash: Allows quick accelerations on the ground (Special key on the floor)
  • Dodge: Allows quick and powerful sidesteps (Special key + strafe left/right)
  • Ramp Slide: Allows unlimited Dash on ramps (Special key on a ramp)
  • Double Dash Jump Combination of Dash and Doublejump (Special key on small ledge, followed by a jump)"

Comment Re:The list, for those who don't care about pictur (Score 1) 324

VirtualBox still has a long way to go... Totally unreliable in production or even development environments. It corrupts images on regular bases, crashes without any indication why, and on windows, the drivers are a total mess, bluescreening the entire os on regular bases (yes - also the latest versions). Not to mention the horror a version upgrade is, chances are that you have to uninstall everything again, reboot a few times, manually remove some files and re-install the latest version. WIth some luck, it then works. I gave up on it, and just installed VMWare server - which can be downloaded free of charge to use in the development environment. Is rocksolid and runs without a glitch...

And while it's true that Photoshop has no competition in most area's, Gimp does have a few area's where it can seriously compete with it, after all - most users only use 20% of Photoshop... Too bad Gimp decided to be a Photoshop competitor on "bad user-interface"-level too...

Comment Re:If you make a movie (Score 1) 298

Sam Raimi doesn't exactly have a better record than Michael Bay tbh... I think they're both B- class directors... Both spiderman movies might have been a huge success - but the movies basically sucked big time. I never understood why so many people think they're good... Same goes for transformers...

The only good 'comic book' movies I've seen were Sin City and X-Men 1&2. Ironman also surprised me. The others? Mediocre at most. I've seen them all in the theaters, but a lot of them don't deserve to spend any money on.

Anyway - both Sam Raimi's movies and WoW don't interest me - so I don't really care he would make a WoW movie :)

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