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Comment Re:Beware of dynamic languages for large projects. (Score 1) 530

That is true only for cPython, the default interpreter. IronPython and Jython don't have the GIL. As for cPython, you can still use multiple processes with the multiprocess module. Guido claims that this is much better for using multiple cores anyway, though I think that is mostly an excuse.

Comment Re:That depends... (Score 1) 492

Are Google enforcing proprietary formats

They've tried to (NaCl, Pepper, etc) and are still trying to.

I'm sure there are reasons to criticize Google's attempts to introduce new standards, but proprietary they are not. The API is publicly documented and Google provides an open source implementation of them, Chromium.

Comment Re:Regex (Score 1) 116

Don't change them, unless you really have to. In fact I would be thrilled if all the tools would break when used with a new TLD, browsers would not recognize them as URLs and thus redirect to Google, network admins block them because they could be porn domains like .XXX... Nobody would actually use them if they don't work right for a sizeable chunk of the potential userbase.

Not that anyone will upset their users (and bosses) for this.

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