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Comment Re:"Magic" is the province of Keynesianism (Score 1) 792

it might be that i didn't get the point of your comments (assuming you are also the grandparent AC) in relation to the commentary about idle reserves created by corporate tax cuts.

to recap the conversation i think we're having so far: Aighearach says "corporate tax cuts are not keynesian as they create wealth for large businesses that isn't being used."
AC says "that money isn't just sitting around doing nothing."
i say "these companies do have all this cash, and are doing nothing with it but hoarding, certainly not stimulating economy. citations provided, mothafucka."
AC says "(assumed: the money is actually in the banks) the banks don't actually have this money on hand, most is tied up in financial instruments and loans." i can't tell if your point is a semantic one (the money is not in GE's big cash room, it is being used by banks!) or an economic one (the money in use by the banks is therefore stimulating the economy).

am i on the same page as you, now? if your point was the latter...

if so, i would reply that this money is doing very little positive for the economy as a whole; financial instruments favored by banks produce nothing of actual value, though they do create bubbles which have the short-term appearance of value, until the eventual pop. loans are being given to non-major industry players even more rarely than before, and the large profitable businesses (as noted by their 1s and 0s) have little need for the leverage. this leaves national bonds, which is not unlike stuffing the cash in the mattress.

none of these would produce anywhere near the good, services, and wages that there would have been if the large companies had spent the money, by a long shot.

if your point was just the semantic "the money isn't just sitting in Microsoft's money warehouse," goddamnit for making me type all that.

Comment Re:Tuition (Score 1) 193

these policies are at the university or state level. most university policies of this sort are not enforced (cost:benefit prohibitive, as exemplified here), have loop-holes (cannot collect royalties on books they require for their own classes, so professors collude and require each other's book). i haven't heard of (and couldn't find) a state prosecuting a professor who broke a relevant law.


Google Health's Lifeline Runs Out 196

turing0 writes "As a former bioinformatics researcher and CTO I have some sad news to start 2012 with. Though I am sure not a surprise to the Slashdot crowd, it appears we — or our demographic — made up more than 75% of the Google Health userbase. Today marks the end of Google Health. (Also see this post for the official Google announcement and lame excuse for the reasoning behind this myopic decision.) The decision of Google to end this excellent service is a fantastic example of what can represent the downside of cloud services for individuals and enterprises. The cloud is great when and while your desired application is present — assuming it's secure and robust — but you are at the mercy of the provider for longevity." (Read more, below.)

Aging Consoles Find New Life As Video Streamers 255

MojoKid writes "Microsoft's Xbox 360 console is six years old. The Nintendo Wii is five years old, and so is the Sony PlayStation 3. All three are due for an overhaul (can you imagine gaming on a PC that's half a decade old, or more?), and while they're still popular gaming platforms, consoles are really starting to shine as streaming media centers. According to market research firm Nielsen, streaming video on game consoles is up over last year. Xbox 360 owners now use their consoles to stream video 14 percent of the time, which is almost as much as PS3 users (15 percent). But it's the Wii that sees the most time as a streaming device, with Wii owners using their consoles to stream video a third of the time."

Comment Re:Chinese Political Prisoners too? (Score 1) 302

chinese political prisoners are already rich chinese citizens (if they weren't rich, they'd be dead instead of in prison). tax-deduction money wouldn't effect any change here.

this is about funding organizations to assist governments in disrupting human trading.


Submission + - HP to open source WebOS (wired.com)

jcombel writes: The article quotes new CEO Meg Whitman, "“WebOS is the only platform designed from the ground up to be mobile, cloud-connected and scalable,” said Meg Whitman, the newly crowned president of HP. “By contributing this innovation, HP unleashes the creativity of the open source community to advance a new generation of applications and devices.”

The Wired writer, on the other hand, calls this the death of WebOS — as if it couldn't possibly go anywhere in the hands of the FOSS community.


Submission + - Motorola gets Apple 3G iPhones and iPads banned in (electronista.com)

boley1 writes: Motorola wins its suit against Apple in Germany, which may result in a banning of all 3G devices unless Apple negotiates a license. This is the strongest victory against Apple by any of its phone and tablet competitor to date.

Submission + - Two New Fed GPS Trackers Found on SUV (wired.com) 1

jcombel writes: As the Supreme Court gets ready to hear oral arguments in a case Tuesday that could determine if authorities can track U.S. citizens with GPS vehicle trackers without a warrant, a young man in California has come forward to Wired to reveal that he found not one but two different devices on his vehicle recently.

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