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Comment Pure marketing, no payoff as usual (Score 1) 224

Kids learn from their mistakes. I learned from mine as much as my parents tried to protect me, mine learned from theirs. I made some real doozies but miraculously survived, by all indications mine weren't as reckless. Not positive it was because I was far less restrictive but it seems plausible.

Comment Re:I know it is a bit late in life... (Score 2) 186

You never needed to memorize. Push toward a position you're comfortable with, especially if you happen to know your opponent prefers a different type of position. An open player can f2f4 in a complicated position which can be very jarring and put the opponent into time trouble simply because he wants to figure out what you think you see. Or g2g3 and locked pawns can frustrate the hell out of an open player. At my absolute best I was 1800, and I memorized very very little. You're no Fischer and I'm no Capablanca so theory at the B-A levels doesn't mean anywhere near as much as positional awareness.

Comment Completely misses the point (Score 2) 247

The #1 reason to refactor is to make code testable. The standard recipe is dependency injection with an IOC container, resulting in no live constructor calls, no dependency issues when a constructor changes, and decoupled dependencies. It's not a magic bullet but it's a big step in the right direction. Interestingly, testable code can have no tests and still be higher quality as a result.

Comment Did anyone bother to check this out? (Score 2) 248

From :

Superfish was previously included on some consumer notebook products shipped in a short window between September and December to help customers potentially discover interesting products while shopping. However, user feedback was not positive, and we responded quickly and decisively:

        Superfish has completely disabled server side interactions (since January) on all Lenovo products so that the product is no longer active. This disables Superfish for all products in market.
        Lenovo stopped preloading the software in January.
        We will not preload this software in the future.

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