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Networked Landmines Work Together 768

crazedpilot writes "New landmines will soon communicate via a radio network, and move from place to place in order to be most effective." Termed the "self-healing minefield", the individual mines are capable of detecting an enemy breach and then moving to seal the gap.

Teenage Blogger Finds Gmail Hole 268

cpm80 wrote to mention the news that a 14 year old blogger has identified a security hole in the Gmail webmail service. From the Network World article: "He wrote that he was trying to e-mail JavaScript code from a Yahoo account to a G-mail account. The code will run in a preview pane, he wrote. But if the code is mailed from one Gmail account to another, it is filtered out, he said. Some visitors to the blog reported being able to replicate the findings, but others said later that they were not able to and that the supposed flaw had been fixed."
User Journal

Journal Journal: My Wonderful Journal

That's Cowdog, not Coward.

Grousing about rejected stories is off topic everywhere but here, right?

I have a theory that the /. editors reject my stories because they see "Anonymous Cow..." and, without reading those crucial last three letters, their eye skips past my story onto the next obviously non-anonymous one.

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