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Comment Re:Trust (Score 1) 481

Iirc, taxi drivers and overnight convenience store clerks have more dangerous jobs than cops. In fairness, cabbies are pretty aggressive. But the overnight clerks are generally super chill, despite being in an objectively dangerous job. So while the danger of police work may play some role in their confrontational behavior, clearly there are other factors at work too.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 1) 481

Police don't seem to notice the bizarre circularity of the "arrested for resisting arrest" logic

Cops are mostly dumb, I don't expect them to have any grasp of logic. Problem is, the kangaroo kourts are packed full o' smart-but-evil lawyers and officials who know this kind of logic is irrational, but still think it's an a-okay pretext to destroy the lives of commoners.

Comment Re:Incorrect headline. (Score 2) 67

Which of these represent something the US couldn't have done a half century ago?

A perhaps more interesting question is, which of these represent something the US could still do today? Sadly, I believe the answer to that question would be 5) None of the above.

A calamitous failure of the Colorado river dam system would probably cause the collapse of the United States as a single country. The entire western US is dependent on them for both water and power. Yet I'm fairly certain that we Americans couldn't currently muster the political will to replace (or even do major repairs on) just one of them, much less the entire system.

Comment Re:If they're doing it, it's correct. (Score 1) 162

OpenBSD tends to take some very conservative security choices (see OpenSSH) but then turns around and does stuff like LibreSSL forks of OpenSSL, instead of fixing the problem, they make their own version of the problem.

Maybe (pure speculation) the OpenBSD team considered the human processes around the OpenSSL code to be the real security problem. Heartbleed did seem a tad bit too convenient to be an accidental bug...

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