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Comment Re:spoiler (Score 1) 548

Where the fuck are these brogrammers?? I've worked in software for over a decade, in Silly Valley, NYC, and Boston.. with over a dozen companies of different sizes and industries.... and never yet met even a single person I would describe as a "brogrammer".

If anyone knows some real, live brogrammers in SF or LA, by all means PLEASE introduce me to them. I want to see one of these creatures first-hand!

Until then, I'm gonna go on assuming the brogrammer stereotype is a 100% fictional creation of the corpmedia.

Comment Re:Grace Hoppper would be PISSED (Score 1) 548

The old boys network is real

The "old boys' network" is real. However it has jack shit to do with gender, and everything to do with social class.

The software industry is one of the few left in the US where skill trumps credentials in hiring decisions. Consequently programmers are - in my first-hand observation - rather more likely to come from lower-middle and working-class families than workers in other "white collar" professions. Good luck convincing commoners who grew up under the boot heel of centrist plutocracy that we are the beneficiaries of an old boy's club.

Comment Re:Why OpenSSL is so popular? (Score 1) 301

I've long wished we could find crypto libs that were well-engineered, both internally and in their APIs.

Have you looked at the Go standard library's crypto packages? I have not done any thorough examination of them and could NOT vouch for their quality - but they were written by security conscious folks (including Ken Thompson) at GOOG, and the code is fairly easy to read.

Comment Re:Summary. (Score 1) 301

since there aren't many OpenBSD servers, probably nobody would notice that these attacks were happening

There aren't many OpenBSD hosts relative to other OSes, but there are quite a few of them out on the net. And the people who run them tend to be the kind of folks who would notice if OpenSSL crashed.

Comment Re:Well actually he's pretty solidly anti-gun too. (Score 1) 234

You are aware the Guardian has been editorializing in favor of legalizing and promoting incest, right?

So they're Royalists?

Should elementary school teachers be free to sleep with their students? Some do!

The fathers of Western civilization in ancient Greece would say "hell yes". Personally, I couldn't care less.

Should the state honor legal marriages between people and abstract ideas?

The state shouldn't be involved in marriage or any other religious ceremony/status. As for civil unions - well, can you tell me what it would be mean in the context of, let's say probate court, for a person to be married to an abstract idea?

Comment Re:Later Dropbox! (Score 1) 243

people like the MPAA and RIAA, and I seriously doubt they have a digital surveillence arm.

Actually, I've seen several job ads to write digital surveillance software for the bigmedia cartels. There are also a good number of small companies (startup & otherwise) who make it their business to surveil the users of cultural data.

Comment eh, SF is 'okay' (Score 1) 250

I've lived in SF off and on for ten years. The land is stunningly beautiful beyond compare; the food is good; and there's lots of public art. As a tenant of a rent-controlled apartment I have at least as many rights as the mortgaged owner of a condo in any other city. Unlike NYC, where rent control is an inherited privilege, here it applies to all buildings built before 1978 (~90% of the city's stock). It never snows and is often sunny. The air in many neighborhoods is clean & fresh due to the strong winds from the ocean. Californians on average are good drivers. The bike commuter lobby gets some respect from city hall.

Other than that, it sucks dogballs. The culture is smugly self-congratulatory like I've never seen anywhere else. Lots and lots of ultra smarmy trust fund man-children. The average woman is square, surly, and mannish; the average man effete and passive-aggressive. Something is badly wrong with the local education system - a fortune is spend educating the native yokels, yet they are often ignorant, aggressive, and/or openly bigoted - more so than the cheaply-educated poor folks I grew up with in the Rustbelt.

The weather is never actually "warm", the best we get is "kinda chilly". The architecture outside of downtown is hideous; and the buildings in all neighborhoods are ill-maintained. The live music scene in SF (not Oakland) is kinda lame. People from other cities - including NYC - are always shocked at how many street people we have (many/most are housed at City expense, and so not technically homeless) and how aggressive they are. The mayor is widely rumored to be a mob employee (not even the boss). The local bigmedia is crap even by bigmedia standards. Taxes are higher than Massachusetts.

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