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Submission + - White House Ready to Rumble With Cyberbullies (foxnews.com)

merlock18 writes: President Barack Obama will take a firm stance against cyberbullying at Thursday’s White House Bullying Prevention summit. The conference will bring together students, teachers, parents and experts to discuss ways to stop bullying, with a new focus on the Internet.

"You may stop me, but you cant stop us all." — Hacker Manifesto

Comment Re:It is the cost of "participation" (Score 1) 323

Why can't they just generate a bill or refund based on the numbers they have and then let us file an appeal if we disagree?
Scumbags need to be able to not pay their taxes for years and dispute the total amount due, paying pennies on the dollar. Then they can complain about tax breaks for the rich while receiving an Income Tax Credit the next year. Redistribution of wealth to the oh-so-poor and helpless lower class is important.

Submission + - Talking to computers? 4

merlock18 writes: "Is it un-natural to talk to a computer? After discussing the outcome of the Jeapordy game with some colleagues, they seem to think it is mildly 'scary' to talk to a computer and have it competently talk back. Is this what everyone thinks? I was thinking to myself how much I would like to be able to even tell my computer to open programs by telling it vocally. A simple idea that I am fairly surprised is not common. Am I a minority in this one? Do people just not like the idea of talking (without cursing) to a computer, let alone have it act or reply? Would anyone else be interested in building their own mini-Watson, or is this just 'scary?' Price is an obstacle. We can't all afford multpiple servers to get an answer in milliseconds but I can afford a pretty robust set of hardware and I dont mind waiting 45 seconds for an answer. Discuss"

Comment Re:8PM? (Score 1) 515

"Taxes arent paying for this, the school is," cries someone somewhere.
On a lighter note, Im pretty sure this is an invasion of privacy. Even though an individual is not a full citizen responsible for their actions until they are 18, I doubt there could be any repurcussions from a publicly funded institution for not checking in at 8 p.m. Im no lawyer though.

Comment Re:What? Why!! (Score 1) 208

They didnt say "public sentiments towards the Chinese." Its China, not hte Chinese. The government, not the people. You wouldnt be offended if your werent shortsighted.
There is a reason the people of China have to work their asses off just to get some decent internet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Shield_Project
Why has stating facts, that mention a race, become racist lately? It getting ridiculous. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong

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