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Comment Re:The reason why USAian broadband is so "slow" is (Score 1) 513

The reason why USAian broadband is so "slow" is because vendors (all vendors, everywhere) only supply a product that is "good enough", and no more, for people to pay the price they're paying. In the USA broadband is very cheap for what is being supplied.

In other countries around the world people can only dream of having that amount of bandwidth for that price. Suppliers outside of North America simply don't offer packages that cheaply.

While I agree with you that they (providers) usually only give us a little bit of bandwidth when they could easily provide more, I can not agree with your second paragraph. It might be true in a small percentage of countries, but the great majority have been putting in Fiber To The Home and giving their customers fantastic bandwidths (100Mb/100Mb or 1Gb/1GB) for less than what most cable internet providers charge their customers in America.

This was not true in 2007 and is not true today. Americans do NOT have it better with respects to Internet bandwidth. As of 2010, broadband penetration dropped to 25th place worldwide. We are not even on the chart any more, we have dropped that far, however we still pay more for less, no its not better in the US.

We, USA, dropped to 17th from 15th in 2008, but at least the US is on the chart

Wish it were not true, but it is.

In the year 2000, most Japanese had 100Mb/100Mb, symmetrical FTTH, for less than $52 per month. Most American Cable providers charge well over $50 per month for a promise of 20Mb/2Mb that is throttled (except during the speedtest) to less than 300Kbps/40Kpbs. So in reality Americans pay a heck of allot more for a heck of allot less.

1GB/1GB; And this from 2008, thanks to the Fiber To The Home investment started in the year 2000 with the de-regulation of NTT in Japan, "The Hikari One Home Gigabit service will cost 5,460 (US$51.40) per month and provide an upstream and downstream connection at 1G bps"

Since most cable providers push customers to the $100 to $150 per month range, well it only is worse for Americans, not better. If you think its better, well their marketing works doesn't it.

If you can not get FTTH, only purchase DSL, do NOT purchase cable internet as they have always and will continue to always rip off consumers with higher prices for less service...its their business model, no matter what promises they have made over the years to provide Fiber. They will not unless forced to.

One day we may have it cheaper, but that day is not today...nor has it been for the last two decades. Here is a map that shows you were you can move to in order to get Fiber To The Home (FTTH). Well worth it if the bank took your home as those communities are creating better paying jobs faster than other communities in the US.

Comment Re:Five Weeks (Score 1) 520

Excellent observation!

I want FTTH so bad, to have symmetrical bandwidth, the same upstream as downstream (10Mb/10Mb, 100Mb/100Mb, 1Gb/1Gb) and never bothered by the Cable Company poor scarcity myth laden throttling business models, now there is a thought worthy of every freedom loving American. Especially those that want to encourage small business economic activities and jobs.

For those lucky enough to be looking, here are almost 25 communities that have symmetrical FTTH!

The solution is to not to use the Cable company's last mile other words, don't purchase a house that does not have either DSL or FTTH.

Why DSL, glad you asked, the lower bandwidth of DSL (2Mb/756Kb) is way superior to a throttled (300Kb/40Kb) cable internet connection. That 300Kb/40Kb was what my dd-WRT firmware enabled router showed that the cable provider was allowing me to have. I was paying for 20Mb/2Mb, even paid $10 extra for additional burst bandwidth, you guessed it, they still throttled at 300Kb/40Kb or lower. I fully understand from first hand experience why most of us hate cable internet providers.

Comment Go ffmpeg! (Score 1) 101

I love H.264. I do not love that its proprietary, nor do I believe it should be. x.264? I hope someone can create a free codec equivalent to or superior to H.264 so I give props to Google for giving it a go with VP8 and VP9.

The founders of Oblong Industries, Inc. were responsible for the visuals in the 2002 movie the Minority Report. Their company started shortly after that movie and has been in the black for more than 10 years.

These images show the technology as conveyed in the movie. The video in the next paragraph showcases it at oblong and is very much worth a watch, enjoy.

No I do not work for Oblong Industries, not that fortunate.

Oblong Industries, Inc. g-speak uses their internally developed software SDK, optical cameras (a bit more expensive right now, but cheaper every year and multiple optical inputs produce less interference than multiple infrared inputs when generating 3-D images and manipulating those images in real time. Thanks to optical, the quality is much better. Imagine 20+ optical cameras, mulitple screens and you can since the data requirements and why they had to develop it internally. They use data pools in memory in order to move massive amounts of data over the network from say your database to your tablet, to your laptop, to a desktop (some at the same time) without stutters, pausing or visible buffering...I am sure you get the idea.

Too bad their current video does not show the gloves as the input device instead of the wand, suppose they are a work in progress.

I wonder if a codec like VP9 could use the concept of data pools to not only compress more efficiently, but to play back using less bandwidth, memory and CPU more efficiently.

Regardless the end goal of an open source, proprietary free, video/audio codec is exactly what ffmpeg is all about. Smart and powerful, if it does not get there today, who knows about tomorrow! You guys rock.

Comment Re:Serving in the Military (Score 1) 166

Great post. All too true.

If those that say they support the troops, put their money (or ours, taxpayer, money) where their mouths are, than they would pre-fund the medical and psychiatric needs of our veterans BEFORE they put a boot on the ground overseas.

If they are unwilling to fund the clean-up, than what the heck are they sending are service men and women overseas in the first place.

Hey these HAWKS, required the US Postal Service to pre-fund retirement for 75 years in the future. (I don't agree with that, but they did it, didn't they! So what is their excuses...if they support our troops? Right? They just are trying to force it USPS to fail to get at that ever growing pile of cash. And they are miserly with the money when it comes to taking care of our returning veterans.

We Americans seem to forget the many lessons of history, two that come to mind are Maj Gen Smedley Butler and President Eisenhower. I know you know his famous quotes about the military industrial complex and he was certainly in a position to understand and know the facts.

You can't convince me that they are so inept that they can not create a budget, yet only the Dems have done that in recent history (ie. President Clinton). However not even the Democrats have balanced the budget since then.

We need a third party that is not bought and paid for. And an educated population to stop voting for the insane (those doing the same thing and expecting a different result) and work toward a positive change for the better!

Quick to waste $24 Billion for nothing and not willing to fully fund the needs of our veterans...are you kidding me?

We must remember that the Tea Party got co-opted within a month or two tops as that was when the paid shills in buses started rolling into events. Pathetic. So a third party can not be influenced or controlled by the 9% that own 90% of the wealth of this Country.

I know I am not alone in wondering who the Tea Party thought they were, to unilaterally push the Republicans into not providing a balanced budget, to pay bills already created, ultimately costing American taxpayers well over $24 Billion in additional deficit. Even if deficits do not matter, the heck with them for running it up higher for no valid reason, any politican that does this, should be removed from office, hopefuly their constiuants will wise up before it happens again. They run it up by going to war too, pathetic, and then they blame the other party, are you kidding, enough. You are not fooling the majority of us anymore with your lies.

Pay your bills, lord knows we have too, or we lose everything.

The veterans in my family fought and died so their descendants could be free. It is unacceptable to their ultimate sacrifice that any members of our family settle for so much less that the Republicans, Tea Party, Libertarians and Democrats give us. Pathetic.

Lets see all politicians budget and govern successfully for a change! It would be refreshing.

Unfortunately those that send our men and women to war, do not really care about them, else they would fund the medical expenses for them before they came home. Yet war after war, they do not do this. Since they are being used, wrongly per Maj Gen Smedley Butler, perhaps those businesses that are the beneficiaries should put up as most of them don't pay taxes anyway. Not that I would be for this, but better to hold them responsible, and not get off scott free as they have for hundreds of years already.

Comment Because they want it to be slow fake Scarcity Myth (Score 1) 1

Broadband is slow because they want it to be slow. The providers feel so threatened that they have passed laws in at least 14 states preventing competition. So much for the free market.

Lets discuss how it can be on, warning to others...long post.

The smart communities control their right of ways. They do not give any one or two companies privileged access. Nor do not sell their infrastructure to any private company, ever, for any reason. Funny how the reason most often given to sell, water, electrical, telephone and bandwidth to a private company is costs to consumers. Sure costs might be held down for some initial honeymoon period, often 4 years or less, however ultimately, in 100% of cases I have looked at, after that initial honeymoon period, prices to consumers always go up, usually much higher than they would have, had the community's infrastructure not been sold to the private entity in the first place.

A good use of some eminent-domain-like-activity, for communities to wrestle their infrastructure back from those companies for the benefit of the community.

Sadly I can not think of a single instance where selling a communities infrastructure to a private entity did not result in costing that community significantly more after the honeymoon period. In such areas, you also usually find businesses polluting the local environment as well. So in addition to ultimately higher costs of services, the local community ends up not being able to drink their own water. Why communities allow these businesses to re-distribute wealth out of the community is beyond reasoning. Even worse, laws are passed to prevent competition and locking the community into a customer no service environment that eventually becomes an econmical and environmental disaster for anyone living in the community.

Private enterprise, private companies only do one thing well, maximizing their own profit at all costs. No matter how much they give back to the community, they always take more away from it. Even more ironic when the same companies do not pay any taxes thanks to sweet heart deals with naïve local politicians. One telco that I worked for, got incentives to move to one community and than after the honeymoon period, got incentives from another community less than 50 miles away and moved all those jobs out of that community. Will the politicians never learn.

When you go through that Community Broadband map, you discover only a few (less than 30 US Communities) of those listed actually provide symmetrical Fiber To The Home, (FTTH)! Most throttle the upstream bandwidth, this is wrong and must be avoided if your community is to see an increase in economic development thanks to fiber. Having true FTTH, is what is honestly important as FTTH negates the scarcity myth for the citizens of that community. Increasing bandwidth, increases jobs, increases prosperity, increases economic activity and more. All the positives with none of the negatives.

The Scarcity Myth is a lie used to increase prices of commodities like fuel (oil), food and of course internet bandwidth.

The ONLY solution that will stop the broadband scarcity myth antics is symmetrical Fiber To The Home (FTTH). If a provider says they have FTTH, and their services are not symmetrical (10MB/10MB vs 10Mb/2Mb) especially the upstream bandwidth, that provider is planning to perpetuate the scarcity myth in their service to you. Avoid them if possible, if you lose your home, your job, don't make the same mistakes a second time, move to a community where they already have symmetrical FTTH. You will find more opportunity there thanks to the FTTH.

The FTTH, fiber, link should run from your property all the way to the switching station. Let the providers compete for business at that point. Ideally the community should control this resource, just as they should control the water, electrical, even the banking system if possible.

Granted I have only heard of one community, in Colorado, that has their own local currency that they exchange for US dollars upon demand. Businesses offer a discount if you use the local currency, thus more money stays locally in the economy.

The point is only FTTH will set you free. Not FTTB, FTTC, FTTN or FTTP, they all stop short of the FTTH your community needs to spur economic development.

With FTTH, there is no valid reason to throttle or limit the bandwidth as 100% of cable providers do today. Also don't pay an extra $10 for faster speeds or more bandwidth as I did and my bandwidth throttling did not change. I could see it in real time with dd-WRT. I will never make that mistake again, should I find myself in an area with no Fiber, no DSL, only Cable internet.

(If you do not know that your cable provider does not provide you all the bandwidth they have promised and that you have paid for, you are not alone, get a dd-WRT enabled device and see your bandwidth in real time, I have and its shocking. I paid for 20Mb/2Mb and only got a throttled 300Kb/30Kb, except during the speed test where I got the full promised bandwidth. It was scary how often I was throttled to less than 101Kb/30Kb. The millisecond the speed test finished my bandwidth was once again throttled. It was obvious that they only opened the pipe, giving you the bandwidth you paid for, during the duration of the speed test. If you do not know this, its because the limited firmware in your firewall/router does not allow you to see it.)

The point is that the FTTH link should be yours and your homes ONLY. It should not be shared as your cable trunk is. Anything less than FTTH is outdated, old technology. If they come out with a new technology, will you own the link to your home or not? Will your upstream bandwidth be less than the downstream bandwidth? They should be the same or they are NOT symmetrical.

Don't let them lie to you that FTTH is expensive either, another lie. The cost is not excessive for a couple of reasons, first when they run fiber to a community, they do not run them one at a time, they run a bundle of fiber large enough to reach all the homes (now and/or in the future) to your area. Thus they dig once.

Any cabling system that requires a consumer to share any portion of the link with another consumer, for any reason, allows the re-introduction of scarcity myth to limit your service and drive up prices. This impairment is arbitrary and hurts economic development for your community.

We pay way to much for limited and throttled internet bandwidth today. I remember when cable providers pushed you to $50 per month, than $80 per month, than $100 per month, even as high as $150 per month. What a joke. I got fed up when they started pushing for $80 per month for internet access. And you should be fed up too! Hint 1: DSL, although its bandwidth is lower than cable, is in reality faster than cable internet because of the throttling and restrictions the cable company applies to all their cable customers. Hint 2: There is not anything on cable that you can not find on the Internet! Once you cut your cord, you will be happier! Once you have FTTH, you will not need to worry about these types of poor business practices.

I use to follow a blogger that was in upper IT Mgmt, in his blog at he indicated that it cost less than .50 cents to provided 1 GB of bandwidth. He further indicated that the industry figure of $560 per month for 1 Terabyte was in reality closer to $32 per month for 1 Terabyte of bandwidth. Wish I could post the links for you, but his blog was removed. So don't let the telcos lie to you and try to imply that its cost prohibitive for the to provide Fiber To The Home. That too is a lie.

Second, a fiber link costs between $1,500 to $3,000 per run and adds $5,000 to the price of the home. In a symmetrical FTTH community, your fiber link is sold with the property as part of the real estate transaction. This prevents any future business from re-introducing the scarcity myth to you, your family, whomever owns that property. Its actually very pro-American, pro-economic activity, pro-freedom. Any cabling system, less than FTTH, will not protect you, your family, your children, should they be lucky enough to inherit the family home.

Of course the Telcos (both wireline and wireless), cable companys, cellular companies, etc... have a vested interest in not allowing FTTH. They have already passed legislation in 14 states. And they lie to local and state politicians in order to prevent FTTH, competition and in order to continue these scarcity myth related shenanigans. They are very adept at confusing everyone in order to charge you more for less.

In 100% of the cases I am personally aware of, less than 30 todate, every community that asks their local provider to provide FTTH is told NO. When the local community begins the funding process to put in FTTH, that same local provider that refused to provide the service to the community, took the local government to court in a vain and failed effort to stop the FTTH initiative. In 100% of those cases the local provider lost the law suits and the community got their FTTH infrastructure. Economic activity with businesses locating to the area thanks to the FTTH followed. In at least two states, one of them being North Carolina, the incumbents passed legislation to prevent other cities from getting FTTH. (ie. Like Wilson N.C. did.) Shame on the Republican NC state legislators kow-towing to anti-free market businesses. It is small wonder that so much of North Carolina's drinking water is being tragically polluted by Duke Industries and not just by one location, but three separate locations in NC.

Japan's government had to de-regulate NTT before they got successful FTTH. Their FTTH links allowed for consumer to receive 100Mb/100Mb for $52 per month by the year 2000. A couple of years later, those same customers could get 1Gb/1Gb thanks to that same fiber. Thanks to Fiber To The Home, a provider can increase the bandwidth by simply replacing the hardware routers on each end of the fiber link to that home. Years ago, 2006 I believe, they proved that a single laser on a single strand of fiber could be multiplexed to provide for a 1024 X increase in bandwidth. Think about that, multiply your bandwidth over the same fiber link by 1024.

What few Americans remember is that Questions the press should ask; Where's that broadband fiber-optic access?”>the telcos were given over 900 million dollars for fiber in outright grants, taxes and fees in 1990, yet never produced the fiber.

Where's the Fiber?

Some of those telcos continued charging these for fiber taxes and fees years later, they just called them something else. In 1996 the industry put so many holes through the Telecommunications Act of 1996, making it all but useless as an enforcement tool. (It was designed to foster competition, however was so badly written that it was used to limit competition.)

Its clear that here in America, just as with NTT in Japan, to get symmetrical FTTH, will require consumer friendly legislation. At least this type of legislation is not anti-free market, anti-competition as the legislation the local duopolies push through the states. If the telcos were willing to provide this on their own as they promised, they would have already done so. That was 1990, its 2014, 24 years after their promise, 14 years after Japan did it in 2000.

Now with the courts allowing providers to shun net neutrality, it can only get worse. Sure some have not used net neutrality against consumers yet, but give them time. Its what they always do, get the business and legislate to limit the free market and competition. This is why broadband should be treated like water, electricity, roads, trash and other community services as companies are not interested in doing what is best for the community in which they profit, they are only interested in the money, most of which no longer stays local to that community. Most large companies simply redistribute the community wealth to other locations, sad really.

The best option, the smart option is to not wait for your providers (or local politicians to do the right thing) in your area to wake up (they do NOT want too) and provide FTTH, but to move to a community that has already fought that good fight and has symmetrical Fiber To The Home in place today. Its where the smart money, jobs and businesses are headed. So why waste your time and money by investing in a business or real estate in a less economically viable (non FTTH) community?

Comment Re:What would happen if they just let it meltdown? (Score 1) 157

Fires can of course spread it. Significantly high radiation measurements were made in Tokyo (well over 150 miles away from Fukushima). Imagine what happens in the spring when the pollens get released from the grasses, shrubs and trees. All the pine cones are Cesium-137 laden, probably from the excessively high (more than Chernobyl) levels in the ground water.

Wind, evaporation, percipitation make this a world event.

No Technology to stop the leaks now or for the next 10 years means that every spring will bring more of the radiation out of the ground.

Comment Article is a joke, people don't want to wake up... (Score 1) 157

There is so much bad info here its ironic. I will comment on a couple of points for those that are seriously interested, please ignore the trolls

Some facts worth noting first:

  • ~ Cesium-137 has a half life of 30 years, it takes over 10 half lifes for the levels to approach not equal levels before the event. (30 years (1 half life) X 10 = 300 years or 3 centuries, approx 4 generations)
  • ~ Cesium-137 impacts the heart tissue. There was an up-tick of heart problems in infants and children after the event in the Ohio Valley through Pennsylvania. Most likely because the jet stream reaches us in 24 - 48 hours from that part of the world.
  • ~ A regular Geiger counter does not detect Cesium-137 specifically. Those detect isotopes with much lower half lifes. (It makes the industry look better to talk about isotopes like Iodine that has a much shorter half life of only hours.)
  • ~ Approx 29 years (or was it 25 years) after Chernobyl, the levels of Cesium-137 in the environment had not dropped to 1/2 the levels reported after the event. Indicating one of three things factually:
    • ~ ~ The powers that be lied about the levels of Cesium-137 released in their reports. (If they lied than, why would you believe them now?)
    • ~ ~ Cesium-137 breaks down in the environment at a different rate than in the laboratory (this one would not be my choice, but is interesting to ponder in a horrifying way as this would imply a much longer half life than 30 years)
    • ~ ~ Much more Cesium-137 was released than was reported. (my bet would be on this one.)
    • ~ ~ More Cesium-137 was released, and continues to be released at Fukushima, than at Chernobyl.
  • ~ Massive amounts of Cesium-137 is in the ground water, being soaked up by grasses, bushes and trees. The levels in the pollen of pine trees (pollen to be release every spring over the next 300 years will spread this to areas now considered somewhat safe, as if there are any) has been measured and is massive. Because of the uplifts around the mountains containing these Cesium-137 pollen laden foliage, some of this will be in the jet stream, no explosion required to get it there. Not to mention what happens with evaporation into storm clouds to precipitate down on the world.
  • ~ This is not just a local Japan event, as the radiation spread to the USA, after the explosions and the many steam ventings that were reported on. The entity in charge of the US radiation detectors started changing the filters more quickly (to report lower levels than reality), when even that failed them, they simply turned those detectors off, stating they were down for maintenance. (As soon as the event happened many of us started monitoring both the US detectors and the jet stream radiation maps as we expected to see this data manipulated, we were sadly not disappointed, the data was manipulated.) While the data related to radiation filter monitoring happened within 10 days to a week, it took them approx 30 days to tamper with the jet stream data, in a 24 hour period, the colors indicating concentrates faded noticeably for the same jet stream, it was laughable, very sad and predicatable.
  • ~ There are many other radioactive isotopes that have a much longer half life than only 30 years. It is beyond reasoning that any one other than a very unformed naïve person could ever believe that Nuclear Power is safe. Can you say 250,000 half lifes * 10 and explain to me how that will ever be safe? Who is going to re-cask it every 50/100 years to keep it safe?
    • ~ ~ Concrete Casks (almost every Nuclear Power plant in the USA has well over 30 of these, some have hundreds of concrete casks) are rated to last only 100 years. In reality they start developing cracks around year 50. Meaning you must re-cask to keep safe every 100 years minimum, however in reality it should happen every 50 years. At what cost per casking? (No wonder they want to use a spot like Yucca Mtn to put it out of site, out of mind as they never planned to re-cask as necessary. Any news organization that misses this is beyond poor due diligence, they are misleading...the reasons why are as obvious as they are un-important. Stop trusting those news sources for honest reporting.)
    • ~ ~ For Cesium-137, 30 year half life, you would need to re-cask every 50/100 years for a minimum of 300 years. At what cost per casking?
    • ~ ~ For Plutonium, 250,000 year half life, Who is going to be around for 10 of those half lifes to do it and at what cost? (10 X 250,000 years = too long a period of time to consider this stuff either safe or cheap)
  • ~ About Fukushima, No one on the planet has the technology to make the core safe and stop the Fukushima radiation leaks. This was reported in the first two weeks of the accident just not by any US news sources. You don't have to like it, but its still a simple fact.
  • ~ All radiation leaves a signature, like a finger print, can be detected and measured against know signatures in a radiation database, so that the world Nuclear powers can determine which processing facility created that radiation signature.
  • ~ a single shell with a uranium enriched tip can cost millions of dollars per shell. Big money, big business.
  • ~ Nuclear Power is not safe, its not cheap, its only viable use is weapons, ie. Depleted Uranium shells and worse. While I have not seen a video of this yet, I have heard reports of a shoulder held weapon that literally disintegrates a tank when hit. The person that reported on this had to fly in radiation equipment to the middle east where all he could report is that a radiation signature was found that is unknown, to him and his database, at this time. It should be noted that its use on the battle field is illegal in the world per the United Nations. Which all the Nuclear powers belong to.

About this article. . .

"The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi plant has been developing countermeasures to deal with repeated leaks from tanks of contaminated water.

As I mentioned above, the Experts have reported that no one in the world has the technology to stop the leak, nor do they expect that technology to be created in the next 10 years.

But despite the measures, 100 tons of radioactive water leaked on Wednesday and Thursday. 'The leaked water was among the most severely contaminated that Tepco has reported ...

Like I said, they can not stop it, nor will the technology exist in the next 10 years. So any reports that does mention how they failed is a bald faced lie. Thus all the other information in the article should be seriously questioned. the aftermath of the March 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, when damage caused by an earthquake and a tsunami led to meltdowns in three of the plant’s reactors.

While it was a disaster, it was also an event, earthquake equipment detected two events, one of which was offshore and one which was on main land Japan. This is a fact, I will leave the interpretation up to others as I only have unproven hypothesis-es.

Each liter of the water contained, on average, 230 million Becquerel of particles giving off beta radiation, the company said. About half of the particles were likely to be strontium 90, which is readily taken up by the human body in the same way that calcium is, and can cause bone cancer and leukemia.'

They just don't want to bring up Cesium-137, especially after radiation measurements in Chernoybl, 25 – 30 years after that event/disaster. They probably do not focus on the Cesium-137, because of its 30 year half life. Massive amounts were released, as with Chernobyl. A 30 year half life at 10 years per half life, means it will take 300 years to approach normal. In reality, its more like 20 half lifes (600 years) not just 10 half lifes (300 years). Even after 600 years the measurement will NOT be zero, nor only background levels. Another lie pushed by the industry. Remember with Cesium-137, a very small amount can have a significant impact on the human heart, heart tissue and the body.

The estimated volume of the leaked radioactive materials caused Japan's nuclear regulator to rank the leak a level-3 serious accident. The international scale of nuclear and radiological events ranges from zero to 7."

This is a joke. To not measure an event, that they still can not stop, at the highest level is naïve, stupid and insane.

Since they went back to Chernobyl, measured for Cesium-137 and have reported that it has not reduced in the environment as expected. Since more Cesium-137 was released at Fukushima, on a scale of 0 to 10, this event should be a 20.

Its amazing how many Americans, especially those that rely on Fox news, do not understand that this event can NOT be stopped for the next 8 plus years because the technology to stop it simply does not exist and is not expected to exist in that time frame. I use to watch fox news, but only rarely now after comparing its reporting against other news sources. In America, the news sources are almost all bought and paid for. Told what to and what not to report on. If you are serious about being prepared and keeping your family safe, you should not rely on sources that you already know to be less than honest based on past facts in their own reporting.

Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

And the industry, seriously does not want to shut down a single nuclear power plant even when it has reached its end of life as most in the USA have. Insane.

Its what Americans have come to expect from private enterprise.

People follow the money, the money is in weapons and keeping the wars going. If you think this is about anything else, you are naive.

As a capitalist, I want the labor force to have healthy food, a roof over their heads, clean un-radiated un-chemically polluted water and single payer health care. They need to be healthy to be good employees. For this reason among others, we must be against Nuclear Power. Its not safe. Its not cheap. Its insane.

Comment Re:Lamar Smith and the EPA (Score 1) 113

And now folks you see why Lamar Smith wants to hobble the EPA.

Meanwhile in North Carolina you have 30 year Duke Energy vetran Governor Pat McCrory who has been using the power of the govt in NC to sheild Duke Energy from lawsuits as a result of massive pollution. Spilling things like arsenic, lead, mercury and other things into NC waterways. In every single lawsuit the McCrory administration intervened and shut the lawsuits down. Now you have the lastest massive spill

Was covered on Rachel Maddow's show last night (Tuesday, 2/11/14, A disastrous toxic spill broke NC interference for governor’s former firm) and was shocking.

In N.C. for state residents (citizens) to sue, they have to give a 60 days written notice.

  • ~ On day 58 of the 60 day notice, for the first spill, the DENR, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, stepped in and said we will handle it.
  • ~ The group discovered a second Duke Energy plant was polluting and gave their 60 day notice that they intended to sue, on day 60 the DENR stepped in and said we will handle it.
  • ~ The same NC Citizens group discovered a 3rd Duke site polluting and put in their 60 day notice to sue, you guessed it, on day 60 the DENR stepped in and said we will handle it (basically voiding the lawsuit).
  • ~ All three sites continue to pollute the ground water (NC. citizen's drinking water) today with no attempts to clean anything up.
  • ~ They Duke Energy were fined less than $100,000.00. I wonder how much the clean up will be and as with the oil companies if they will be paid twice. Usually these companies have another shell company to do the clean up and hide the extent of the damage. For the oil companies in the gulf research 'corexit', 'oil' and 'dispersants', you will see the similarity.

You see the new head of the DENR use to work for Duke Energy, when he took over the organization, he changed their charter to one of protecting corporate industry and changing regulations so that the industries would not run afoul of the legislation. And yes he is a Republican. And N.C. Governor is a Republican.

Amy Adams, resigned in November 2013, saying she was dissuaded from levying sanctions against companies like Duke since McCrory took office in 2010. Amy was interviewed by Rachel and it was extremely informative.

I would be very concerned for my health, the health of my children due to the state of my drinking water if I lived in North Carolina. Another fail of the Tea Party / Republican Governor/Legislature in North Carolina was the passing of anti-FTTH legislation after two cities (Wilson and Raleigh) in N.C., in spite of lawsuits from the incumbent providers, put in FTTH to their towns peoples homes. We see this in every state controlled by a Republican Governor and Republican legislature, they uniformly pass Alec legislation that prevents free market competition and re-distribute citizens wealth to the wealthy 9%. In a true free market, responsible politicians (all parties), state legislatures, governors and the US Court system up to and including the Supreme Court, would NOT allow themselves to be used by the 9% in this manner to throw up road blocks to freedom, the free market, competition and the ability of an average American to start a business and create wealth for his family and community.

Had some friends that were going to retire in N.C. one day, after sharing this with them, they were very discouraged and not sure where would be safe in the future for simply clean drinking water. With enough scarcity, perhaps one day the price of potable water will rival that of oil, only time will tell.

Someone in another comment above tried to say its non partisan, are you kidding, of course it is partisan, simply because a couple of parties are consistently creating legislation that allows these Oil companies to keep polluting. Being Republican is important because 100% of republicans protect business at all costs, ALL COSTs and approx 60% of Democrats do likewise. Do the wealthiest 9% honestly need any protection? Seriously, are you kidding me! BTW, the Tea Party candidates are worse than the Republicans as 99.99% of their funding comes from these industries polluting ground water (drinking water) around the world. The Funders of the Tea Party are exceptionally successful at re-distributing wealth to themselves, can't call this socialism, but its true. If they put the police and/or army in play to defend them, by definition they have become Fascists.

Whenever a company pollutes as the one in this article did, Duke Energy in the comment above and some of the others I mentioned in my comment, look at the laws. Look at the regulating agencies? Can they enforce their mandate to protect our air, water and soil? Do they have the budget? Are the laws on the books being enforced? Why not? if the pollution happens with only a slap on the wrist, a small fine (based on the profit earned by polluting) or no one is put in jail and you will see corrupted politicians making it so. These industries can never be relied on to police themselves...are you kidding us? That too is insane. Until its so painful they don't dare do it, it will not stop. And if they can not do their business without the problems, than they should not be in business, period. Don't give us crap about how hard it will be or how expensive it will be, most of these corporations today, don't even pay any taxes and get US Citizen tax dollars as well, its pathetic.

Full Disclosure, I am no longer a Republican (approx 9% of US population are truly conservative) nor no longer a Democrat (19% are liberal) as neither organization takes the high road and does it right in my opinion. Nor am I a Libertarian any longer and after a month of its existence, as the bus loads were driven in, it was obvious that the Tea Party had been totally co-opted by the 9% that control almost everything. Who is not sick of these pathetic people redistributing wealth to themselves, while wrongly using terms like socialism, communism and other isms. The rest of us, you reading this, yes you are probably in this bucket as well whether you realize it or not, are somewhere in the middle and we need to form a third party to take our country back via the voting box.

I consider myself a Capitalist, to be successful, I need workers who are healthy (single payer plan that does not force them into insolvency with use, even my father Navy Flight Surgeon and MD agreed with that before he passed last year, though he hated Obamacare), have a roof over their heads, food on their tables, a livable wage that allows for investments after purchases of businesses goods and services and most importantly (though many seem to be unaware of it) is a source of clean drinking water...also for health reasons.

I am not insane, thus would not continue the failed trickle down economic policies that have devastated the middle class and left us capitalist with fewer customers. If it worked we would be awash in jobs. Nor would I lie and say that we are better off when we are not. My parents could live on 1 income, my wife and I need two incomes to have a lessor lifestyle, our children will need three or more incomes to approach our much for the nuclear family. How many so-called religious people seem not to understand this. Look what your politicians are doing to all of us economically.

I would not try to remove anything (ie. Obamacare), without a concrete plan in writing, made into a bill and passed into law before removing something that is successful. Just saying. Its not as good as what I would like in a single payer system, but its a far cry better than anything that has been put forth in the last 40 years. I was taught that if you could not recommend a better solution, perhaps you should not complain...hint, hint.

Insanity says to do what was done in the past, proven a failure, that it will magically be better in the I am not insane, though those against Obamacare seem to be. Since I used that example, even Obamacare, with all the warts put in by the group (equal number of Republicans and Democrats in committee, behind closed doors before the vote, you reading this need to understand that both parties are responsible for this farce that is Obamacare, that does not approach great single payer IMO). Both political parties put holes in the law in committee that a semi-truck could drive through into the act before it passed into to their 9% donors. To remove Obamacare without passing a better law is the definition of insanity. (The Tea Party, Libertarians and Republicans are on a double fail here as thanks to Obamacare, Insurance rates will be cheaper over the next decade than they would have been, in spite of the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals baking in fees increases before Obamacare see the Republicans and Tea Party candidates still have never put forth a viable plan.) The one or two alternative plans, I have seen are insane as they want to continue the past and expect a different outcome...insanity. Those that lost their doctors, would have lost them eventually anyway as fees increased and doctor reimbursements has been happening for over 30 years.

So for those who say, its wrong, to put a political slant on the news of Oil companies getting paid twice and Duke Energy, I say WAKE UP. Get real, I simply respond with a few of the many historical examples where politics most certainly played a negative, anti-freedom, anti-American role and ask you to research and learn which political party was behind it...the truth will set you free. I simply respond with history, Exxon Valdez, Deepwater spill lies, The Business Plot, Major General Smedley Butler. I could go on, but that is more than enough to wake up anyone naive not to see the political connections to these spills and travesties.

Exxon still has not paid out the majority of the claims from the Valdez spill, that was well over 20 years ago.

As for Deepwater spill in the Gulf, there was an identical spill just like it off the Norwegian coast, similar or deeper depths that all the oil companies knew about. Yet in the news they said that nothing like this had every happened before...that was a bald faced lie. Again you will never hear about this on Fox or most US network news outlets as they are almost fully controlled by the 9%. Hey it started with the Newspapers in the early 1900s, continued with radio stations, broadcast networks and now Television News Networks like Fox, learn our (American / US) history.

As to the little gas station tanks referred to in the article, just look at the chemical spill (3 so far) polluting drinking waters of multiple states (its flowing into the Ohio River with the chemical mCHM and another toxic, ground water polluting chemical that will destroy a person's health....what did that Coal company do, why it declared bankruptcy and opened a shell company (probably all ready had it set up and ready to go, only way it could have happened so fast, to pre-pare the shell company) and transferred the assets (land, and polluting tanks) to the new company and fully expect this to protect them from any and all lawsuits. Thanks to the wealthy 9% protecting their interests, most government policing agencies can not and in the few cases where they might, the agency's budget has been devastated to make it impossible to enforce their mandate. Again, learn our history. (US news outlets will not teach you history that forces polluting corporations to stop polluting.)

It, bankruptcy, should not work, the liability should flow with 1) the people in the company and 2) the new company. But as history teaches us, it will not. Research Major General Smedley Butler and how we scoffed at Al Capone, stating he did what Capone did no no less than 3 continents protecting US Corporate this BS is a very old story. Perhaps if the multiple families treason, those wealthy industrialists and their Business Plot, had resulted in the patriarchs going to jail instead of Roosevelt (considered a traitor by the 9% of his day as he came from wealth also) getting his new Deal passed, things might be different.

As others have stated, paying a fine is not punishment, they really need to be put in jail for life. For the lives of all the families that their pollution has either killed or made ill. If that were the way the courts ruled, we would have none of our drinking water polluted. And as a Capitalist I would have healthy workers and healthy consumers, meaning more profit!

Comment Re:BlackBerry Q10 (Score 1) 303

Can someone tell me why BlackBerry is so disregarded? I see a few posters saying that they love their Q10 (I love mine) - and people immediately jump on them saying that it's a sinking ship. Aside from their financial trouble, what exactly is wrong with the phones? The new OS is amazing, based on nerd-friendly QNX, and the keyboard is the best hardware keyboard you can get. The software keyboard on the all-touch devices is pretty damn good too. The only reason I keep hearing that people don't want a BlackBerry is because they're not doing well. Shouldn't quality of a product dictate what phone you get more than their status on the stock market?

Its not rootable.

Its not open.

I can not install the software of my choosing on it.

Does it have a microSD card slot for sharing data between the handheld, your laptop and your desktop PC? (Granted many larger corporations irrationally lock the USB slots down, which would be the same for SD card slots. Those same irrational large corporations are either no longer funding staff to perform the Windows automated updates or are planning too. Thus they lock out use of USB, but stop providing security updates to Windows machines, the most afflicted infection vector in the IT world! I call this mentality insanity. Stop expecting a different result!)

Can I connect via WiFi with a BlackBerry?

I don't need Microsoft Office, love LibreOffice, so any advantage with MS Office is a non-issue for many of us.

I can run LibreOffice on my tablet / Linux handheld and love to not have to worry about the mindless data format upgrades by Microsoft that served no purpose and cost organizations significant dollars to convert their proprietary documents to the new format, only because Microsoft told them, they had too to run the latest version of MS Office.

I don't need Adobe anything (including Flash) on my device, though occasionally I have to update the .so file, thanks to Adobe no longer supporting Linux but putting out a new security update for Windows. Never mind that when you drill down into the security exploits, 98% of the time they require local access. Meaning its a non issue if you do not hand over you device to another or give a cracker the keys to your home/apt!

I could go on, but enough.

BTW, Blackberry is a sinking ship! Its just a fact. Been watching the stock (marketwatch), BBRY (Google Finance), not sure they will survive, such is life for any company stupid enough to get in bed with Microsoft and Microsoft only applications and development tool chains.

Almost every company that gets in bed with Microsoft is acquired or put out of business in 4 - 5 years from the start of that relationship.

If a company's vertical market is lucrative, Microsoft will take it away from them or purchase the company within 4 to 5 years of the arrangement. There are many examples of this happening over the last 30 years. I wonder how many went out of business or saw their market share significantly eroded as Blackberry has? Had Blackberry catered to both Linux and Windows, they might still have a market and a business.

Only Hyper FEARful corporate/government entities are bothering with Blackberry today.

Yes FEAR is a motivator, however when a company acts out of fear primarily, without growing their company through new product offerings, its only a matter of time until they are diminished or gone.

We are finally getting to the point, economically, where companies that have cut their way to stock increases are up against walls created primarily due to their letting so many employees knowledable about their market and business go, they are discovering it very difficult to change their mindsets from one of offshoring/layoffs to one of growth. This too is a normal part of the business cycle. Their loss.

Comment Focus on HARDWARE (Linux) not Android or Cellular (Score 1) 303

I'd like to avoid supporting Google/Android, but there don't seem to be many options.

I loved my N800 when I bought it years ago. Loved using Skype and WiFi to make all my calls.

Than came the N880, the N900 and finally a Microsoft bonehead exec to Nokia that killed the toolset all those depended on. Even if Nokia were to apolgize and make amends for trashing that product line after realizing their Windows phone offerings are crapola, the same thing would probably just happen again in a year or two with the next bonehead executive that mistakenly thinks only Apple or Microsoft can make a good handheld. This was not true when I purchased my N800 in 2006/2007. So we must stop wasting time looking at anything other than a Linux root-able handheld. Even if they come with Android, if its root-able, you can put other Linux distros on it, just do your homework.

Cellular must have ~ non root-able device that will NOT run the Linux distro of your choice!

Google's Android is the ONLY root-able open source option in the cellular world. Sadly the cellular companies prefer to keep their product offerings locked down with no root access. Why they only offer Android in a restricted limited version. A non-rootable Android would most likely prevent you from adding what you want (a Linux distro other than Android) to add to your device.

Rather than focus on the software that is "Android", focus on the hardware. Is it root-able? Can you install a Linux with a very small footprint on it (there are plenty of options)? If you focus on the hardware, it will run Linux, as all other options (MS Windows or Apple primarily) will be closed to you. Closed as in you can not install Linux on them. Android would be preferrable to these non-rootable, non-admin options!

If it will run Linux, chances are it will run many small foot print distros in addition to Android. The hardware is the KEY!

Only one question to ask, "Will the hardware run Linux?

Linux + root access = a device you can install what you want on, without limitations.

To make sure the hardware does, only purchase from a Linux vendor, my favorite is ZaReason, however there is System76 and probably many others. Even if the device runs Android when you purchase it, and its rootable, it will run Linux. See what hardware others are installing Linux distros on and buy that hardware.

Small foot print Linux distros will run in either 128KB or 256KB, they will run very fast in 512KB or more of RAM. My tablet has 2GB of RAM, yea!

Your biggest headache will be if you want the device to have cellular service, then you will have to do more research as anything you purchase from the Cellular companies is going to include proprietary chipsets on the hardware to prevent you from loading any Linux on it.

Verify the cellular provider of your choice will let you run their software on your device. Most probably will not and Skype is not supporting Linux as well as it use to now that Microsoft bought it up. Shame, loved only paying $9 per month for my phone service that connected via WiFi. Saved a ton of money for way more than 7 years with Skype + WiFi

Even if they say its(hardware) rootable, find someone who has installed another Linux distro on that hardware before you purchase it. One of the biggest headaches with the N800, N880 and N900 is they did not make it easy to install and update the operating system. The last thing you want to have to do is have special hardware, cables and/or software to perform an update. You should be able to update via either WiFi and/or the microSD slot.

Most important MUST HAVE after root access is WiFi and a microSD card slot! I put a 32GB card in mine. Many websites will show you how to make a bootable SD card which you can use to boot and install the Linux software via WiFi.

The ZaReason ZaTab not only offers a 10.1" 1280 X 800 HD Display, it offers a micro SD card slot. I put a 32Gb in mine, no problem adding apps and data. (many websites posted problems with the SD card inserted when you update the device, so you might want to build a bootable Linux distro SD card on a smaller 8GB card to avoid that problem, should it occur.) It is my plan get a CGI PHP running with HTML 5, on my ZA Tab ZT2, so that I can run web apps standalone without being connected to the Internet and syncing the next time I am connected.

Just look at all the PHP apps available once you get it running on your device (handheld or tablet). Hundreds, perhaps thousands of software applications. If you do not like PHP, perhaps your favorite programming language can be configured to run standalone on the device like PHP can!

Google is less evil than say Microsoft, Facebook or Apple in my opinion, so I do not have a problem with Android, as long as its rootable!

Full Disclosure, the Za Tab ZT2 tablet from Zareason does run Android 4.2 Jelly Bean (which the poster said they wanted to avoid). I did not check to see if it would run any of those small foot print Linux distros when I bought it as I wanted to run Android initially. Based on what I know about Linux, I can't imagine that it (Za Tab ZT2) will not. Of course many distros do not allow for Swipe commands as Android does and I have not verified how much RAM Unify requires. So that is something you would want to check as well. Hey at $299.00, the Za Tab ZT2 was not too much for me to take a chance with.

The ZaReason ZaTab also sports the following:

  • ~ 4 core CPU / 8-core GPU (Allwinner A31 SoC) Yes a Quad core CPU and respectable GPU, don't settle for less!
  • ~ IPS touchscreen that is very readable from all angles, even outdoors. I sometimes had trouble reading my N800 outdoors in bright sun light.
  • ~ 8 GB internal storage in addition to the micro SD slot for additional storage. I loved that the N800 had two of these slots, one internal and one external!
  • ~ 2 GB RAM I will never run Windows only or Apple only software on this device and Linux can run very fast with much less RAM memory, the Linux distros with small footprints typically run in either 128Kb or 256Kb and most devices have at least 512KB RAM memory these days. Only Apple only or Windows only software creates a problem, not web enabled software, so this is a non issue for Linux distros, or at least should be.
  • ~ Wifi (802.11 b/g/n) should go without saying, make sure the device's wifi has n or do not buy it. This is a MUST HAVE!
  • ~ Front (.3 megapixels) and Back (5 megapixel) cameras Wish it allowed for a 30 Megapixel camera like the Raspberry Pi
  • ~ Stereo speakers
  • ~ Headphone jack They should all have this
  • ~ mini-HDMI video out I think this is a MUST HAVE as I hate watching videos on the small screens, granted the 10.1" is better than most tablets and all hand held phones, however with this I can connect it to an external source, usually my 22" or 24" LG LED HD quality monitor, but I have plans to get either a 55" or 60" LED LG TV (recently saw a 60" for less than $700, 300 hz, 1080p) and use the Linux software that will turn a dumb LED into a smart TV wall. At that point the HDMI video out port will come in handy.
  • ~ microUSB port ~ As much of a MUST HAVE as the microSD card slot, Wifi N, HD Display and HDMI port in my opinion My assumption is a powered USB hub could be connected to the tablet and work, however I have not verified this. Seems there are issues with some Linux versions and some USB hub combinations which goes way beyond the scope of this post to bother with here. I verified the microSD card worked both in my Za Tab ZT2 tablet and my Verix 530 laptop, which is all I need now.

Avoid big box stores or vendors that focus on either Windows or Apple for your hardware! Find a Linux vendor and avoid the proprietary chip-set crapola!

Stick with hardware designed from the ground up with Linux in mind (from a Linux vendor) and it will not matter that the device comes to you running Android. You have WiFi, you have a microSD slot, you can install on it what you want!

Comment ZaReason's Breeze Server 5880 or MediaBox 5440, or (Score 1) 420

If you have the money to spend and do not want to build your own Linux media server (plan to do this with my older ZaReason Breeze 4220 PC), you could checkout ZaReason's product offerings. They build Linux boxes, you tell them what Linux distro you want on them.

ZaReason's small footprint media server, MediaBox 5440 (quad core power in a little bitty living space) or if you have room for a bigger box and are interested in 4 hot swappable sata bays, the Breeze Server 5880 looks like a very nice server.

Of course any Linux server can be made into a media server and any Linux PC can be turned into your personal DVR and a Linux server. Once you start using a Linux box this way, you will not want to 'stream' content over the internet, especially if you are a cable internet subscriber. Especially with a new LG 60 inch LED TV 1080p 300hz (Monitor wall anyone?) costing under $800! Just plug into your Linux PC and enjoy watching what you download!

Remember that 100% of Cable Internet providers throttle their bandwidth, meaning DSL is usually faster than their throttled cable bandwidth promises. DSL is usually cheaper too! The cable company's marketing bandwidth claims are lies based on this throttling!

(Run DD-WRT on a supported device to see your actual bandwidth in real time after the speed test ends, cable users will be shocked and disgusted!

A promise of 20MB/4MB gets throttled to less than 101Kb/20Kb in my experience and I guestimate you need at least 230Kb upstream for the stuttering to stop and they throttle the upstream to less than 20Kbs if you have the means to see it, granted other factors apply) This is why most of us download something before we watch it, forget about streaming over the Internet!

And with the recent net neutrality loss in the DC courts (January 14, 2014), this is going to become more of a problem for those of us wishing to download and stream content. It's going to get ugly folks!

I highly recommend Firefox with the DownloadHelper Plugin in order to download content from the Internet. Don't worry about the proprietary Windows formatted content, there are always other options, usually on the same download site. My friends and I refuse to purchase music that can not be played on any of our Linux devices (mp3, handheld, tablet, laptop, PC, server). If everyone did this, proprietary formats would be useless. And I pay for some content, just not proprietary formatted content. Even in the days of VCRs, I did not want to own every movie that I watched, only the few that I really loved, thus using a PC like a VCR, as in DVR, simply is the way we have always been doing things. If a TV/Cable Series or Movie is that good, I go buy it, usually after multiple seasons our out. Got all 10 Seasons of Stargate for under $300 at Fry's Electronics in CA, think I paid under $199, but its been awhile. Bought DVR version of "Dave" too, wish all our presidents were like Dave! Love that movie.

You can pretty much download anything down to a Linux PC and then stream it from there 'locally' on your network. This basically uses your harddrive like your own personal DVR box, no bandwidth throttling by cable companies to cause your streaming to stutter or stop. And you simply erase it after you watch it, just like we did with VCR tape recorders back in the day.

Full Disclosure, I do not work for ZaReason, just met the owners at SCaLE in Los Angeles a few years back (SCaLE 7x in 2008 I believe) and was very impressed with them, their company and their products. Became a customer in 2010 and even more impressed. Just recently purchased my third and fourth (Verix 530 laptop running Debian and ZaTab ZT2 fully rootable Android tablet) opensource Linux products from them. I plan to re-purpose my old ZaReason Breeze 4220 into a Media/File Server, cabled to one of those LG 55 or 60 inch LED TVs too! My wife's ZaReason Mint box (2011) is going strong, though I see her eyeing my new Verix 530 laptop, not going to get it.... Being not as computer literate as you all reading this, it was important for her to have a Linux distro that made things simple, she loves Mint and thinks I made a mistake getting Debian on my new laptop.

If you have not been to SCaLE, 12x this year, you are missing a fantastic 3 day conference, for usually less than $99 for the three days. Many of us have attended conferences of this scale for well over $1,500.00 for a week! You meet the owners of many open source companies at the event, not to mention 3 days of conferences, most of which are excellent! You should check it out! If you are an open source business, buy a booth and support the event, you will be glad you did!

Also, say Hi to the LAPHP (they will have a booth) folks for me if you go, tell them CB said hello! They are great bunch of techies!

ZaReason ~ "They build Linux hardware so you don't have to" and everything (sound, video, wifi, bluetooth, etc...) just works out of the box.

Comment Re:This needs to be moderated to +5 (Score 1) 65

..Guess what ... We've been doing it with freaking a airplanes since at least the 80s where they used it to fly a jumbo jet into a wall to study the crash, might have even been the 70s. It had many cameras feeding all sorts of view points off the unmanned jet...

How did this spot on comment get moderated down. No wonder Slashdot is dying.

Because of the reference to remote controlling airplanes. Yes its been done. Yes it is possible. Yes this reminds people of something that some would prefer not be thought of.

There is a patent on a box that is mounted on the bottom of a jet airliner (airplane, helicopter, etc..) that can 100% control it. I have seen it and if you dig through the conspiracy junk, get the patent number, you can search for it like I did.

Remote controlling airplanes causes anyone with a brain to question the official brain-dead story that was put forth by all American news outlets. Granted there is much better evidence for those willing to keep an open mind and search for themselves.

Any comment that hints at remote controlling airplanes will get modded down so that few if any will read it, heaven help us if people start using their brain to think and see the obvious.

Personally with all the conspiracy facts out there that were once thought to be conspiracy theories, you would think people would be more reasonable, give the benefit of the doubt and research for themselves.

To not use your brain, think, research and reason is insane. The truth always sets one free.

Of course the fearful and haters will continue to mod references like the one you commented on down. Its sad.

Comment Re: Who would believe it? (Score 1) 457

I'm required, although it's not checked, to tweet and retweet stuff at least 10 minutes everyday related to the company while at work and I'm a logic designer. It's funny seeing the marketing speak come out.

Surprised that they think this type of twitter marketing actually works. Most people unfollow accounts that do this.

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