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Comment Re:Prove your worth (Score 1) 479

It's for this reason that I love this industry. I have no college education and I am well beyond the mean salary for developers in my area. I at least double the average salary for high-school graduates.

Because I can hack it (and got some lucky opportunities to prove it), I get a job. Almost fools me into believing there's a meritocracy.

Comment Re:So wear a Guy Fawkes mask (Score 3, Insightful) 129

Comment Re:Never been a fan of multiplayer. (Score 5, Interesting) 292

My first online multiplayer game was Diablo. I have avoided every online multiplayer RPG since, and generally avoid multiplayer "experiences".

Multiplayer video games are a cesspool of the worst elements of society. You have to be relatively well-off to afford everything you need to play. In fact, the more well-off you are, the more time you have to spend in the game, the more likely you're going to be an asshole.

You're anonymous. You're being competitive. You are (mostly) rewarded for being a complete asshole (loot, loot, precious loot! loot the newb corpse!)

At least before voice chat you could close the text box or put it out of your mind. Now, if I decided to partake, I'd have to deal with 8-year-olds telling me how they fucked my mother in the ass and how she moaned (when they don't have to tell me, I could hear it just fine).

Fuck multiplayer. Other people are too shitty to play with.

Comment Re:Perl (Score 1) 729

Perl::Critic, the link you mentioned, doesn't disable things for you (but you're right in that you can get modules that disable core language things, like "no indirect"). Perl::Critic is a linter.

Devel::Declare and now hooks into Perl's parser allow you to define your own parsing contexts! You can declare a keyword and say that inside here, I control the parsing, not perl. So many wild things one can do with that...

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