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Comment Re:Respect yourself (Score 1) 376

I'm glad you live in a world without fear where all people can stand up and make a stand for what's right and doing so makes all the evil that humans do go away. I do not live in that world. I live in the real world.

In the real world, if you make a stand, you better be ready to get knocked on your ass. Not everyone wants that. In fact, some people have learned not to stand up, because every time they did, they got knocked on their ass. We call these people victims of abuse.

So, we all came together and said "These things are wrong, so we'll punish people who do them." Now not everyone has to take a stand themselves, alone, we can all stand together (or at least enough of us).

So you've blamed the victim and the victim's parents/upbringing. Strangely, an abuse victim had trouble dealing assertively with a new abusive situation.

Thankfully and correctly, you also blamed the perpetrator, and are raising a daughter that will hopefully never find herself in her own personal Kobayashi Maru.

Comment Re:Fuck Me (Score 1) 553

I did not say "All you have to do is." I said "That sounds easy to fix", and it is. Reparenting a process to init is a common idiom (fork + setsid, see `man 2 setsid`). (x)inetd is therefore capable of doing it, it just did not because of the constraints at the time.

I am well aware of modern design patterns, but thank you. Dependency resolution during startup is a great idea, but it is also something that could be saved statically (which is _exactly_ what the management people built around init did) because the startup resolution order only changes when something is added or removed from init. So, somehow, for decades, we got by with the "worse" approach.

I don't see how one would need to install X and ghostscript to get a tty, shell, and ls, unless one was using a distribution build by incompetents.

Comment Re:Fuck Me (Score 1) 553

That sounds like an easily-surmountable technical problem that would leave init simple and delegate this bit to a network-specific thing.

Also, at that point it's not really called a daemon anymore, it's just a program. It's like a CGI script, but for any incoming network connection.

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