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Submission + - Net Neutrality struck down by Court ( 1

Bobfrankly1 writes: An appeals court stuck down the FCC's net neutrality rules basing their decision on the FCC's choice of classification of broadband carriers stating: "Because the Commission has failed to establish that the anti-discrimination and anti-blocking rules do not impose per se common carrier obligations, we vacate those portions of the Open Internet Order."

Comment Re:Uh... (Score 4, Informative) 362

systemd service files are quite straightforward---I'm not sure what kind of monumental effort you are referring to when creating service files. For a simple service, starting/stopping/restarting the service is handled automatically, leaving a very minimal service file.

For example:




Comment Re:Always a niche (Score 3, Insightful) 317

I agree that teacher-student interaction and personal relationships should be more encouraged in higher education through smaller class sizes. Nevertheless, I don't think that this is currently limited to liberal arts colleges—I attend a university with a small yet excellent engineering department, in which relationships with professors have proved invaluable to my education.

Large lectures on the other hand are minimally interactive, and could be migrated to online video. The benefit of this migration is that professors who held large lectures in the past would be available to teach smaller classes, providing more opportunities for one-on-one interaction. The hard decision is which classes to offer as online lectures and which to offer with small class sizes, as different courses seem to lend themselves to different teaching styles.

Comment Saves on app tabs (Score 1) 132

This is actually a useful idea--I keep at least 6 "app tabs" open in firefox at all times just to see when I get notifications from Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Google Calendar, Google Voice, etc. A push notification system could give nice in-browser notifications without keeping entire pages loaded into memory.

Comment Hand-soldering BGA packages is hard (Score 1) 240

Correctly soldering BGA packages requires a reflow oven or a good heat gun with some solder paste. This is intimidating not only for customers with basic soldering skills, but even those who have extensive experience soldering other small SMT packages. Nevertheless, releasing the PCB as open hardware would allow people to fabricate and assemble their own boards, without placing an additional burden on the company.

Submission + - Thousands Take to the Streets to Protest ACTA (

An anonymous reader writes: The protests against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement continue to spread in cities across Europe. The protests began in Poland, where thousands have taken to the streets and opposition politicians have worn Guy Fawkes masks in protest against the country signing the agreement last week. The scenes from Poland and France are remarkable, demonstrating the widespread anger over the decision to join ACTA. A full rundown of protest plans can be found here.

Submission + - German study finds data retention ineffective to f (

An anonymous reader writes: A study by the Max Planck Institute in Germany ( in German) finds that data retention is ineffective to fight crime (translation of story here

Submission + - Copyright Industry Calls For Broad Search Engine C (

suraj.sun writes: At a behind-closed-doors meeting facilitated by the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport, copyright holders have handed out a list of demands to Google, Bing and Yahoo. To curb the growing piracy problem, Hollywood and the major music labels want the search engines to de-list popular filesharing sites such as The Pirate Bay, and give higher ranking to authorized sites.

If the copyright industry had their way, Google and other search engines would no longer link to sites such as The Pirate Bay and isoHunt. In a detailed proposal handed out during a meeting with Google, Yahoo and Bing, various copyright holders made their demands clear.

The document, which describes a government-overlooked “Voluntary Code of Practice” for search engines, was not intended for public consumption but the Open Rights Group obtained it through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.


Researchers Discover Irresistible Dance Moves Screenshot-sm 215

sciencehabit writes "To find out if certain dance moves are more attractive to women than others, researchers recruited a bunch of college guys and used motion-capture to create avatars of them dancing. When women watched the avatars (2 videos included in story), the men they found most attractive were those who kept their heads and torsos moving without flailing their arms and legs. The researchers say dancing is thus an honest signal to women of the man's strength and health, just as it is in crabs and hummingbirds, who also move in special ways to attract mates."

Submission + - DARPA Network Challenge lasts all of 9 hours (

stillnotelf writes: A team based at MIT has won the DARPA Network Challenge. DARPA notes:

“The Challenge has captured the imagination of people around the world, is rich with scientific intrigue, and, we hope, is part of a growing 'renaissance of wonder' throughout the nation," said DARPA director, Dr. Regina E. Dugan. “DARPA salutes the MIT team for successfully completing this complex task less than 9 hours after balloon launch.”

PDF with (scant) details at Hit the subject link for a map with the locations. How many did your team find?

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