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Comment Re:I just can't... (Score 1, Flamebait) 164

Nope, it is not. Not by any stretch. Gamergate is based around made up 'issues' as an excuse to attack people who point out the rampant sexism.
Ganmergate is a bunch of people who realize the industry is changing and they don't like change.
They use propaganda, lies, and threats to push an ideological agenda.
They are a hate group.

Comment Re:not a repost (Score 1) 366

We did do the least expensive o first. What? you think changing society would be cheap?
First, you need to get people to realize that no, they don't actually instinctively know whats best for their child, and yes we all should pool are knowledge about children together.
Right now we live in a 'She is my child, therefor I know everything that's best for her' mentality that is hurts children and society.

Comment Re:I hate to say it... (Score 1) 366

"we pretty much switched natural selection off.."
no. We just changes the pressure.

" seeing as look are very much dependent on the current fashion"
there are several things that are timeless, and the ones that aren't are social.
about 6 feet, strong and athletic is pretty much always in style.
People are now attracted to fat people? eat more doughnuts. Thin? don't eat doughnuts
Muscular? Lift more doughnuts.(not to your mouth) Party and skinny? eat doughnuts made with heroine.

Man I'm craving doughnuts.

Comment Re:What a terrible, terrible idea. (Score 1) 366

Welcome to reality.
Also: Compared nest to the rest of the universe, you are so small as to statistically not even exist.
Also: You are very likely to die someday.

Maybe you should focus on other things then the fact we are just a sack of chemicals walking around for a bit. Like climbing, or building, or killing spys in TF2*

*The most noble and worthy cause. F'n OP spys.

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