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Comment Re:She's Wrong. (Score 1) 156

Exactly. "Bill and Melinda Gates answer to no electorate, board, or shareholders; they are accountable mainly to themselves." first she has to establish that this is a problem and why. Possibly she did and the reviewer missed that, but it doesn't seem that way.

Hey Linsey McGoey: Sad day for you!

Comment Re:He's got his talking points (Score 3, Insightful) 478

Really? I guess Windows 10 really will be the last Windows. See, I have this strange idea that I own my computers and my Internet connection.

I can't remember when I opened an Office app with intent.
W10 won't run my old favorite games.
That flat monochrome UI is a regression to Windows 2.1, and makes long-existing apps look like poop.
My LAN took a vote and they're split down the middle on processors and terabytes between Windows and Linux, and I know who the Androids will support.
My last Windows anchor was Delphi, and I've switched to Lazarus.

Apple? An Apple Pi would have no I/O ports.

Comment Re:Awesome (Score 1) 582

I prefer a hostsfile myself.

Blocking at the router means that I don't have to tweak several hosts files, plus it covers my Android devices that don't have easily accessible hosts files, but do have pre-installed Facebook apps that call home every night with huge permissions that send who-knows-what, and can't be uninstalled. (When I finally rooted the tablet, I did some cleaning.)

Comment Re:Awesome (Score 1) 582

I blocked at the router. I'm sure that they have other methods, but all the pages I access that make little tracking fetches from Facebook are sucking mud. (It's the same with doubleclick: Is it the end of time yet? No? Stay blocked! I don't care who owns them now.) It does mean that I can use Facebook or see the fascinating pages of other people. Oh noes!

Even the simplest home router can do that. They usually have a parental site blocking feature.

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